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Proof that black racism towards whites is a growing problem in America (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
Political Leaning
A Howard University Law Professor, Kamau Kambon, has recently stated that he wants to eliminate white people. You can read all about it here:


One of the things he said was,

"We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem."

The nerve of this hateful, piece of ****, pathetic excuse for a professor is outstanding. Now if a white person said something like that, he would be crucified for that.

A friend of his and fellow Howard University Lawyer, Opio Sokoni, actually attempted to defend this man's comments by citing bullshit about how it's not the black race's nature to kill and that white people are more violent.

I say enough is enough.

It is time to end this insidious rise of black racism that has affected our country for so long now. Hip hop, black racist channels like BET, the NAACP, and other racist groups are trying to undermine the white community and strip us of our rights!

I urge all proud white people to write Howard Law University, boycott them, and explain how they are just as racist and perverted themselves for allowing this nutjob to speak.

White people have been oppressed for far too long now by media organizations such as this. The majority of so called, "African American" movies and sitcoms are brutally racist and I say that we as white people should no longer stand for this nonsense. For example, "Soul Plane" was one of the most racist films ever made. How much longer are we going to tolerate this?

Be proud of who you are and of your European heritage and let's all get together and stand up to idiots like this.
George_Washington said:
A Howard University Law Professor, Kamau Kambon, has recently stated that he wants to eliminate white people. You can read all about it here:


One of the things he said was,

"We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem."

The nerve of this hateful, piece of ****, pathetic excuse for a professor is outstanding. Now if a white person said something like that, he would be crucified for that.

A friend of his and fellow Howard University Lawyer, Opio Sokoni, actually attempted to defend this man's comments by citing bullshit about how it's not the black race's nature to kill and that white people are more violent.

I say enough is enough.

It is time to end this insidious rise of black racism that has affected our country for so long now. Hip hop, black racist channels like BET, the NAACP, and other racist groups are trying to undermine the white community and strip us of our rights!

I urge all proud white people to write Howard Law University, boycott them, and explain how they are just as racist and perverted themselves for allowing this nutjob to speak.

White people have been oppressed for far too long now by media organizations such as this. The majority of so called, "African American" movies and sitcoms are brutally racist and I say that we as white people should no longer stand for this nonsense. For example, "Soul Plane" was one of the most racist films ever made. How much longer are we going to tolerate this?

Be proud of who you are and of your European heritage and let's all get together and stand up to idiots like this.

this professor is a turd and to claim he represents normal black people is like saying Jeffrey Dahmer represented most gays or meat eaters. The real issue would be some white guy doing this whack job and then defending on the grounds that he was merely wasting the mope before the mope tried to waste him

this professor is probably what someone was thinking when they coined this droll bumper sticker


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