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Proof of Bob Ney Illegal Quid Quo Pro with Abramoff (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Bob Ney was paid $10,000.00 to insert comments into the Congressional Record favorable to Jack Abramoff. Not only that, but the comments themselves were dictated to Ney through Abramoff's partner, Michael Scanlon. The hard evidence was found in e-mails which Abramoff turned over to prosecutors as part of his plea bargain.

Buh bye, Ney.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Bob Ney was paid $10,000.00 to insert comments into the Congressional Record favorable to Jack Abramoff. Not only that, but the comments themselves were dictated to Ney through Abramoff's partner, Michael Scanlon. The hard evidence was found in e-mails which Abramoff turned over to prosecutors as part of his plea bargain.

Buh bye, Ney.

Article is here.

Isn't that kinda petty? OH WOW a mention in the Congressional Record. Hey if it's illegal off with his head, but are we going to look at every mention of some group in the Congressional Record and whether a donation ended up somewhere? What if Planned Parenthood ask a congressman to mention their aniversary in the Congressional Record and then a donation is made to the Democrat National Committee (not even in the particular politicans hand in either case). We really gonna start going after such mundane things?
danarhea said:
Bob Ney was paid $10,000.00 to insert comments into the Congressional Record favorable to Jack Abramoff. Not only that, but the comments themselves were dictated to Ney through Abramoff's partner, Michael Scanlon. The hard evidence was found in e-mails which Abramoff turned over to prosecutors as part of his plea bargain.

Buh bye, Ney.

Article is here.

What's a Quid Quo Pro? (sic) :mrgreen:
This looks like a smoking gun to me.
The circumstances surrounding the purchase of SunCruz Casinos by Abramoff and friends make for a very interesting read.

Abramoff and Kidan are accused of faking a wire transfer of $23 million, the equity they had agreed to put into the $147.5 million purchase of SunCruz from Konstantinos "Gus" Boulis, the multimillionaire founder of the popular Miami Subs chain of sandwich shops.

To help land the deal, an Abramoff associate, Michael Scanlon, persuaded Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) to officially criticize Boulis in the Congressional Record; later, Ney praised Kidan in the official publication of Congress.

"Mr. Speaker, how SunCruz Casinos and Gus Boulis conduct themselves with regard to Florida laws is very unnerving," Ney said in the March 30 Congressional Record. "I don't want to see the actions of one bad apple in Florida, or anywhere else . . . affect the business aspect of this industry or hurt any innocent casino patron in our country."

Ney has said he was duped by Abramoff and Scanlon.

On Feb. 6, 2001, Boulis was killed as he drove home from a business meeting by someone in a Mustang who fired three hollow-point bullets into his chest.


I'm not proclaiming any guilt or innocence. Just that this SunCruz Casino deal is all very intriguing.
BWG said:
To help land the deal, an Abramoff associate, Michael Scanlon, persuaded Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) to officially criticize Boulis in the Congressional Record; later, Ney praised Kidan in the official publication of Congress.

"Mr. Speaker, how SunCruz Casinos and Gus Boulis conduct themselves with regard to Florida laws is very unnerving," Ney said in the March 30 Congressional Record. "I don't want to see the actions of one bad apple in Florida, or anywhere else . . . affect the business aspect of this industry or hurt any innocent casino patron in our country."

And why on earth would that "land the deal"? Who even reads it? People have thier birthdays entered in the Congressional Record, you ever listen to the speeches they give late at night when no one is there? That's what getting something entered into the congressional record is.

So as I said are we going to go back and investigate every time someone mentions a person or a company or someones pet project "into the congressional record"?

Ney has said he was duped by Abramoff and Scanlon.

He may have been who knows, who cares if that's all it is.

Don't re-elect him.
Stinger said:
And why on earth would that "land the deal"? Who even reads it? People have thier birthdays entered in the Congressional Record, you ever listen to the speeches they give late at night when no one is there? That's what getting something entered into the congressional record is.

So as I said are we going to go back and investigate every time someone mentions a person or a company or someones pet project "into the congressional record"?

He may have been who knows, who cares if that's all it is.

Don't re-elect him.

Ney was paid to insert his statements in the Congressional Record. According to government sources, Bob Ney IS "Representative 1", referred to in the Jack Abramoff indictments.

danarhea said:
Ney was paid to insert his statements in the Congressional Record. According to government sources, Bob Ney IS "Representative 1", referred to in the Jack Abramoff indictments.

Was Ney the "man" paid or was a donation made to his campaign? Did he personally gain or did his campaign gain from a donation? Again if we are going to start going after any mention of the group or business or pet project and seeing if that person, group or business later gave a donation (I don't guess they are going to donate to people who don't support theie causes) we'll have a lot of investigating to do and the halls of congress will be pretty much emptied out. A quid pro quo is very hard to prove and if we are going to say that once someone votes the way you want something to go or helps you out as a representative is suppose to do that you can no longer donate to their campaign...............how are we going to run campaigns and have our representatives represent us?
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Originally posted by Stinger:
Was Ney the "man" paid or was a donation made to his campaign? Did he personally gain or did his campaign gain from a donation? Again if we are going to start going after any mention of the group or business or pet project and seeing if that person, group or business later gave a donation (I don't guess they are going to donate to people who don't support theie causes) we'll have a lot of investigating to do and the halls of congress will be pretty much emptied out. A quid pro quo is very hard to prove and if we are going to say that once someone votes the way you want something to go or helps you out as a representative is suppose to do that you can no longer donate to their campaign...............how are we going to run campaigns and have our representatives represent us?
Campaign reform.
I believe Ney will be going down, as he should.

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