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Probe of Trump's charity could crash 'like a Mack Truck' into his real estate empire (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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"There seems to be entanglements in terms of people and probably in terms of money," said Mimi Rocah, a former federal prosecutor and NBC News/MSNBC legal analyst.

The Trump Foundation and the Trump Organization shared much more than President Donald Trump's last name.

And that's why, experts said, the New York state investigations into the charity could envelop the president's namesake business.
NY State investigators are starting to look at the intimate overlap between the Trump Organization & the Trump Foundation, everything being tightly held by Trump & his family members.

Investigators predict that the foundation investigation will "crash through (the Trump Organization) like a Mack Truck."

'While the AG has brought a civil lawsuit, the state tax investigators have the ability to issue a criminal referral.' This referral would go into Trump's taxes, an investigation that could expose his financial connections to Deutsche Bank & ultimately the Russians.

I don't know how this man sleeps at night with this gathering s**t storm looming around him, getting worse by the day in its implications of a failed presidency ruined by incompetence & corruption.
I don't know how this man sleeps at night with this gathering s**t storm looming around him, getting worse by the day in its implications of a failed presidency ruined by incompetence & corruption.
fwiw, his pronouncements have often struck me as the ramblings of an old man who doesn't get enough sleep.

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