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Probably the biggest reason Trump is running again: to stay out of prison!!! (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
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He knows it, so does everybody else. The only way he is once again shielded is to run and win.
The walls are closing in around him however.

With a grand jury in Atlanta convening next month to focus on Trump’s attempted coercion of Georgia officials and federal prosecutors in Washington appearing to build a conspiracy case around the attempt to block the election certification on Jan. 6, 2021, Trump may have more reason than ever to seek the protection against prosecution enjoyed by an incumbent president.

George Conway knows:

He views the office as a shield to protect himself,” said George Conway, an expert on the laws governing presidential exposure to legal challenges. He said that seeking the presidency to avoid jail, while brazen for most, for Trump would be the next logical step. “It’s sort of like a Ponzi scheme. You’ve got to keep going, otherwise it will collapse.”
Which means that a man who made history by openly soliciting and accepting help from a foreign adversary to win power, then a second time by trying to overthrow the American republic in order retain that power, could do so yet again by running for the presidency while under an active criminal prosecution.

Norm Eisen, an ethics lawyer in the Obama White House who two years ago worked for the House committee overseeing Trump’s first impeachment, said there is a huge difference between a president who comes under investigation during his term in office and one who has ongoing prosecutions when he comes into office. Courts would certainly step in to block delays in any existing cases, he said. Failure to do so would create perverse incentives for seeking the White House.

We must not allow the bum to win. Maybe we will get lucky and 2024 he will finally get nailed for the many criminal allegations he faces.

I get the feeling his fans would vote for him even if he's in prison.
No matter what he's convicted on or if the judge is a lifelong Republican it'll all be called a witchhunt and they'll refuse to admit he's guilty of anything.
I get the feeling his fans would vote for him even if he's in prison.
No matter what he's convicted on or if the judge is a lifelong Republican it'll all be called a witchhunt and they'll refuse to admit he's guilty of anything.
Who gives a shit what his fans would think and do? His fans are not a majority. Once independents finally realize what a buffoon, criminal and grifter he is, they won't vote for him again.

Democrats, including those in law enforcement need to stop worrying what the other side will do if Trump is finally brought to account. We all need to remember that not demanding justice is inviting more of the same criminal activity. It will never stop unless we stop it now.
Who gives a shit what his fans would think and do? His fans are not a majority. Once independents finally realize what a buffoon, criminal and grifter he is, they won't vote for him again.

Democrats, including those in law enforcement need to stop worrying what the other side will do if Trump is finally brought to account. We all need to remember that not demanding justice is inviting more of the same criminal activity. It will never stop unless we stop it now.

Oh, I'm in complete agreement with you.
Once those not in the cult see Trump for all his faults he's toast.
Trump has felt he's above the law for his entire life and it would be nice to see that justice can sometimes affect even the super-rich.

I was simply pointing out that his fans are a lost cause.

Probably the biggest reason Trump is running again: to stay out of prison!!!​

Who says he's going to run again?

Probably the biggest reason Trump is running again: to stay out of prison!!!​

Who says he's going to run again?

For someone who isn't going to run he's doing a whole lot of campaign-style events.
The guy can't help himself and needs to be the centre of attention.
If he isn't planning to run again he could just sod-off and then we can all forget about him but that would literally crush him.

Probably the biggest reason Trump is running again: to stay out of prison!!!​

Who says he's going to run again?
Sure, your right. He's only having rallies every two weeks so he can grift his supporters dry. No doubt in my mind he's doing that, but because of his narcissistic malignancy, he probably believes he can win again.
For someone who isn't going to run he's doing a whole lot of campaign-style events.
Oh...so the OP is creating an entire narrative based on something that hasn't happened...just because Trump is holding rallies.

Yeah...that's pretty much all we've seen from the Trump haters for the past six years or so.
Sure, your right. He's only having rallies every two weeks so he can grift his supporters dry. No doubt in my mind he's doing that, but because of his narcissistic malignancy, he probably believes he can win again.
Perhaps you should get someone to ask him why he's holding rallies. Then you wouldn't have to make shit up.
Exactly....... a point I been dropping for awhile. And using campaign donations toward his legal fees.
Exactly....... a point I been dropping for awhile. And using campaign donations toward his legal fees.
bingo!! He needs more money for his PAC or should I say, "slush fund." LOL.
Trump may run in 2024 but I doubt it.
And even if he does it is hard to believe that the RNC would back a twice impeached candidate who is a proven liar and who is still facing multiple criminal and civil investigations.
Trump may run in 2024 but I doubt it.
And even if he does it is hard to believe that the RNC would back a twice impeached candidate who is a proven liar and who is still facing multiple criminal and civil investigations.
This GOP is not GOP and certainly not old school GOP.

This is Right Wing Anti American Libertarian ALEC Fascism Party
Oh...so the OP is creating an entire narrative based on something that hasn't happened...just because Trump is holding rallies.

Yeah...that's pretty much all we've seen from the Trump haters for the past six years or so.

You've posted hundreds of posts about what liberals may do at some point in the future with absolute certainty and hatred so you have zero standing to complain.

You've become an absolute joke doing so.

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