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Probably not a new idea but (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
Reaction score
Prospect park, PA
Political Leaning
Now, I am not even remotely computer savvy so I can't imagine how this would work, or what kind of problems you would run into trying to make it work. Also, this not a problem just a minor inconvenience. The DP team does an excellent job at running the site! A lot of times people will reply to a post of mine before I finish editing it, and I notice it also happens to other people. I was thinking it would be cool if the DP team figured out a way to make it where if someone tries to respond to me while I'm editing my post it would tell them "please wait while the user finishes editing their post" or something like that. So can anyone on here who is computer/webpage savvy tell me whether or not this is possible?
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Now, I am not even remotely computer savvy so I can't imagine how this would work, or what kind of problems you would run into trying to make it work. Also, this not a problem just a minor inconvenience. The DP team does an excellent job at running the site! A lot of times people will reply to a post of mine before I finish editing it, and I notice it also happens to other people. I was thinking it would be cool if the DP team figured out a way to make it where if someone tries to respond to me while I'm editing my post it would tell them "please wait while the user finishes editing their post" or something like that. So can anyone on here who is computer/webpage savvy tell me whether or not this is possible?
Maybe hide the "reply with quote" button until the editing timer has elapsed.

I know it would be nice if you had to wate until the poll was made before posting. It seems in just about every poll thread there's always at least one knucklehead wondering where the poll is.

Such a timer may lead people to copy your words and toss them into a quote box which doesn't have the trackback button, further confusing the issue.

Maybe liberal use of the "preview post" feature is the best option.
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Maybe hide the "reply with quote" button until the editing timer has elapsed.

IMO That would be ideal as long as the editing timer isn't so long to where it drastically slows down a debate. I'm not sure how long it is, if I had to guess, I would say 20 mins? Would it be possible to set it up where it doesn't coincide with the editing timer but it has it's own timer? I think 5 or 6 mins is just enough so people can't reply to you almost immediately after you post something.
IMO That would be ideal as long as the editing timer isn't so long to where it drastically slows down a debate. I'm not sure how long it is, if I had to guess, I would say 20 mins? Would it be possible to set it up where it doesn't coincide with the editing timer but it has it's own timer? I think 5 or 6 mins is just enough so people can't reply to you almost immediately after you post something.
I have to point out that you just did the thing you're complaining about. You quoted me while I was editing.

Maybe instead of blocking quotes, the software could toss up a message indicating the post is or may still be edited.

I think this is something worth moderator attention because its a pet-peeve shared by many. Sometimes your debate opponant will reply to you while you're editing, you won't see it because you're editing, and then they will accuse you of editing in responce to their reply and refuse to adress your final draft.
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Now, I am not even remotely computer savvy so I can't imagine how this would work, or what kind of problems you would run into trying to make it work. Also, this not a problem just a minor inconvenience. The DP team does an excellent job at running the site! A lot of times people will reply to a post of mine before I finish editing it, and I notice it also happens to other people. I was thinking it would be cool if the DP team figured out a way to make it where if someone tries to respond to me while I'm editing my post it would tell them "please wait while the user finishes editing their post" or something like that. So can anyone on here who is computer/webpage savvy tell me whether or not this is possible?

Others need to answer your specific question. But I'll tell you what I do when I quickly edit a post. Since the software doesn't show an edit unless a certain amount of time passes, I generally add "Edit:" and then go on and say what else I have to say. I just figure that's fair warning to the poster who picks up my quote before I'm finished, and shows that he's right in what he pulled. (I have no idea if this makes any sense. Two Bloody Mary's and I'm loopied. Ha!)
Others need to answer your specific question. But I'll tell you what I do when I quickly edit a post. Since the software doesn't show an edit unless a certain amount of time passes, I generally add "Edit:" and then go on and say what else I have to say. I just figure that's fair warning to the poster who picks up my quote before I'm finished, and shows that he's right in what he pulled. (I have no idea if this makes any sense. Two Bloody Mary's and I'm loopied. Ha!)
That works when you want to add content, but not for spelling, removing redundancy, wording a statement in a better way or changing a link to a more credable source.
I have to point out that you just did the thing you're complaining about. You quoted me while I was editing.

Maybe instead of blocking quotes, the software could toss up a message indicating the post is or may still be edited.

I think this is something worth moderator attention because its a pet-peeve shared by many. Sometimes your debate opponant will reply to you while you're editing, you won't see it because you're editing, and then they will accuse you of editing in responce to their reply and refuse to adress your final draft.
LOL my bad man. :lol: I pretty much don't know anything about how this stuff works, but your ideas all seem like they would fix it to me. Yes to the section I made bold! That is the single most annoying thing to me that people do.
The best way to prevent this problem is to not hit the submit button until your thought is complete...:cool:
The best way to prevent this problem is to not hit the submit button until your thought is complete...:cool:

That is true. My mistake is that I tend to wait until after I post something to start looking for errors, but the reason I do that is because for me it's easier to look for errors when comments posted because then it's nice n neat.
That is true. My mistake is that I tend to wait until after I post something to start looking for errors, but the reason I do that is because for me it's easier to look for errors when comments posted because then it's nice n neat.

Try composing your posts in Word and then copy/paste if it's a detailed response...
Hahaha my computer is wayyy too slow to run that many tasks at once.

I might suggest a new computer if it cannot have Word and a browser open at the same time...
I might suggest a new computer if it cannot have Word and a browser open at the same time...

Are you trying to foreshadow something? What's the three periods in your posts. :lol: LOL thanks for the suggestion. It can have them both open, it just causes it run ever more slow. I'm planning on picking one up during the holiday season this year. I'm going to shoot for Black Friday. :]
Try composing your posts in Word and then copy/paste if it's a detailed response...
I used to do that due to my poor spelling. I was using IE which had no spell check. I later switched to FireFox and then to Chrome. It's because of writing drafts in Word that I learned a bunch of slash commands for quotes, spoilers, fonts, etc sinse DP didn't recegnise any change Word made.
LOL thanks for the suggestion. It can have them both open, it just causes it run ever more slow. I'm planning on picking one up during the holiday season this year. I'm going to shoot for Black Friday. :]

You'll find the big box office stores will be the best bet. I got a Core I7 laptop at Staples last December for $450...
Best Buy is my go to for electronics especially during Black Friday.

Every computer, except one, I have purchased from BestBuy has died within two years...
Well there's your problem imo.

I'm of the belief that a computer product should stand on its own merits and last longer than I would choose to use it...

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