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Private sales at gun show on hold after three hurt in accidental shooting (1 Viewer)

So in your opinion a majority of those Americans who voted for Obama should be put away - well it would be one way of taking care of your paranoia I suppose

Obama voters are too stupid to be "put away."

They deserve mercy not punishment... But I suppose if we have to lock them up on charges of treason so-be-it.

Progressives want to re-write the Bill of Rights - factoring in that why should a progressive be granted civil liberties? It seems the only time progressives give a damn about civil liberties is when they apply to them...

You either take them all or you get none....
the ones I go to they are pretty thorough checking bags and all weapons-can someone smuggle in a loaded weapon-yes. can someone buy a box of ammo or bring one in and covertly load a displayed gun-yes

another show they rope every gun coming in-you know put a piece of rope through the muzzle and out the action

If guns are perfectly safe in a responsible gun owner's hands, why even go through this? I always thought that the right wing's answer to gun violence was more guns and concealed carry of loaded weapons... Why do these people feel that you need to be able to carry a loaded weapon everywhere except for a gun show?

Just curious. From hearing you guys talk you would think that you guys would all the loaded guns you could squeeze in to those places, and they'd be the safest places on earth.
The real paranoia comes from the anti gunners who are terrified that their law abiding neighbors cannot be trusted to own the same guns we have owned for 50+ years

We aren't the ones that make you string a rope through your gun in order to go into a gun show. Seems like liberals aren't the only ones that don't trust you with your guns.
If guns are perfectly safe in a responsible gun owner's hands, why even go through this? I always thought that the right wing's answer to gun violence was more guns and concealed carry of loaded weapons... Why do these people feel that you need to be able to carry a loaded weapon everywhere except for a gun show?

Just curious. From hearing you guys talk you would think that you guys would all the loaded guns you could squeeze in to those places, and they'd be the safest places on earth.

Like all walks of life, there are some from any "grouping" that act stupidly. Sometimes they are just stupid, other times they have momentary lapses of judgment. Heck, some gun owners are no smarter than a Liberal, some are even Liberals.
Obama voters are too stupid to be "put away."

They deserve mercy not punishment... But I suppose if we have to lock them up on charges of treason so-be-it.

Progressives want to re-write the Bill of Rights - factoring in that why should a progressive be granted civil liberties? It seems the only time progressives give a damn about civil liberties is when they apply to them...

You either take them all or you get none....

This is not a reply of a "libertarian" but rather one from an authoritarian - a rather common failing I find among many who claim the title of "Libertarian"

Not unexpected from someone who claims to be a fictional character from a really poorly written novel, a fantasy tale written by one of those "moochers and takers"

“There are two novels that can transform a bookish 14-year-old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish daydream that can lead to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood in which large chunks of the day are spent inventing ways to make real life more like a fantasy novel. The other is a book about orcs.”

Raj Patel
Like all walks of life, there are some from any "grouping" that act stupidly. Sometimes they are just stupid, other times they have momentary lapses of judgment. Heck, some gun owners are no smarter than a Liberal, some are even Liberals.

And? So what you're arguing is that because there are some stupid people in every group, you just can't trust people with their own guns?

Do you realize that's what you're arguing? Or did you not even think before responding?

And to think, you're insulting liberals, lol.
This is not a reply of a "libertarian" but rather one from an authoritarian - a rather common failing I find among many who claim the title of "Libertarian"

Not unexpected from someone who claims to be a fictional character from a really poorly written novel, a fantasy tale written by one of those "moochers and takers"

Yeah right, I have absolutely no desire to live your life , nor do I believe the government should play a role in it - I could care less about you and I believe it is up to you to take care of you - not the flipping government.

You apparently don't know a damn thing about libertarianism.....

You have a lot of learning to do.
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Yeah right, I have absolutely no desire to live your life - I could care less about you.

You apparently don't know a damn thing about libertarianism.....

You have a lot of learning to do.

Ooooh, snap! I have yet to meet a libertarian, online or in reality, who can accept or understand real history, the tale of things past that helps us deal with the modern world. Every time someone notes the fallacy of their philosophy, their only rejoinder is "You apparently don't know a damn thing about libertarianism..."
Ooooh, snap! I have yet to meet a libertarian, online or in reality, who can accept or understand real history, the tale of things past that helps us deal with the modern world. Every time someone notes the fallacy of their philosophy, their only rejoinder is "You apparently don't know a damn thing about libertarianism..."

What the **** does that mean?

I'm extremely educated in history. I've been a history buff my entire life - since I was like 5.

I don't even understand how you concocted such a mess of an argument...

Don't even pretend to act like your little immature butt knows my belief structure... Age a little more and maybe you will have some sort of an understanding.

Besides, I wouldn't expect a wanna be socialist to understand collectivism from individualism.
And? So what you're arguing is that because there are some stupid people in every group, you just can't trust people with their own guns?

Do you realize that's what you're arguing? Or did you not even think before responding?

And to think, you're insulting liberals, lol.

I am arguing that there is a small percentage that cannot be trusted. You are misinterpreting it to mean the whole. Some, from your side, have argued that only a few abuse Welfare and that we shouldn't group all welfarist into the same category. The same holds true in all groupings. No one should punish the whole for the actions of a few. If we took that kind of attitude on everything, we would have to ban cars, bar-B-que grills and many other things. More people are killed each year through the misuse of cars than the misuse of guns.
Ooooh, snap! I have yet to meet a libertarian, online or in reality, who can accept or understand real history, the tale of things past that helps us deal with the modern world. Every time someone notes the fallacy of their philosophy, their only rejoinder is "You apparently don't know a damn thing about libertarianism..."

Oh yeah, also if we lived in your preferential society - your ass wouldn't even be posting right now considering there would be no internet.

10 Reasons Why Communism Sucks - Listverse
I am arguing that there is a small percentage that cannot be trusted. You are misinterpreting it to mean the whole.

No, I'm not at all. At no point did I force anyone to rope their guns because of a few stupid people. YOU are defending the actions of the people that run the gun shows in where they show that they do not trust the owners of the guns to act responsibly. I am not mistaking anything. You are giving the exact same excuse to defend the people that run the gun shows that some liberals give in order to defend the idea we can't trust people with assault weapons and 30 round clips.

Again, think before you insult all liberals as you have done in this thread. Because it makes you look silly to dismiss an entire group as stupid and then show that you actually believe in their reasoning.
All it means is that certain people need mental exams and possibly institutionalized if they are so brainwashed to believe that Obama or any democrat is a dictator in the making.

Pete, it's not about dictatorship... it's about removing the ability of the average American citizen to partake of a Right that many of us hold as dear, if not more dear than the Rights to Speech, Religion, the Press, and a fair Trial. It's about our ability to defend ourselves from enemies both foreign and domestic (whether they be governmental or individual).

These nutters are starting to scare me more than the career crackheads! Another testament as to why psychological evals would be a good thing for gun ownership. LOL!

You do realize that any sort of limitation related to psychological evaluations would simply ensure that fewer people went for permits and the like; and that it would not actually take firearms out of the hands of these individuals, correct?

So in your opinion a majority of those Americans who voted for Obama should be put away - well it would be one way of taking care of your paranoia I suppose

Yes they should be put away, in one way or another. I've got a couple of potential options, but I'll be polite enough not to go into them at this time.

We aren't the ones that make you string a rope through your gun in order to go into a gun show. Seems like liberals aren't the only ones that don't trust you with your guns.

Actually in a good number of cases you folks are; since in many places those rules are put in place by the States and other similar levels of Government.
The reactions of the anti's make me wonder how its possible we still build anything
in America. I mean since hammers kill more people than assault rifles you'd think
they'd have banned hammers by now - they don't even have a national hammer
association to protect them.
Oh yeah, also if we lived in your preferential society - your ass wouldn't even be posting right now considering there would be no internet.

10 Reasons Why Communism Sucks - Listverse

Yeah, that must be the reason why American internet services are falling behind those found in other nations - because government control of public utilities is so inefficient
America: Land of the Slow - NYTimes.com

from your same linked site - Listverse.com "Ultimate Top 10 Lists" Top 10 Reasons Why Capitalism Sucks - Listverse

Both lists offer hyperbole and some bad history as justification for their points
The reactions of the anti's make me wonder how its possible we still build anything in America. I mean since hammers kill more people than assault rifles you'd think they'd have banned hammers by now - they don't even have a national hammer association to protect them.

It's all about EMOTION over Common Sense, CalGun. People have an EMOTIONAL reaction to firearms. To a large degree the Liberals and the uninformed masses are scared of them. They are owned by people who distrust the government and who are more interested in their individual safety than the wellbeing of the thugs, muggers, and rapists they might use them against. They spend time, money, and energy learning to excell with these tools. Don't they understand that nobody is supposed to excell at anything in this country anymore? They use them to teach their children such horrific things as responsibility and self-control.

Isn't it OBVIOUS that we need to get every gun out of the hands of private citizens when there are horrific things like that going on because of them?
Actually in a good number of cases you folks are; since in many places those rules are put in place by the States and other similar levels of Government.

Exactly what state has a law that you have to rope your gun at a gun show? I've never heard of that at all.

Even then, apparently it's something that gun shows do regardless of the law, because they feel unsafe with responsible gun owners handling their own personal property. It's not all the evil liberals fault.
security guard at a dayton show told me that they busted a guy for doing that. They have all sorts of cameras set up at those shows-mainly to prevent theft. when I questioned him he noted it has been reported before. I will try to find more next time I see him

Ahhhh! all hearsay.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who heard it from a security guard at the show. :lamo
Exactly what state has a law that you have to rope your gun at a gun show? I've never heard of that at all.

Even then, apparently it's something that gun shows do regardless of the law, because they feel unsafe with responsible gun owners handling their own personal property. It's not all the evil liberals fault.

Yeah funny that. The gun owners for some reason feel that it is their right to carry weapons everywhere they wish except when they get together at a place where there really are a lot of guns.

Why doesn't their belief in the Second Amendment's granting unlimited rights on not only gun ownership but gun carrying extend into gun shows? Why should a 'trained and responsible' gun owner have to give up his rights in a place that is supposedly all about extending said rights? If those gun owners are willing to give up their rights in order to attend a gun show, why can't they understand that other Americans have the right to ask the same of the gun owners as the gun show operators ask? - give up your Second Amendment rights to enter a place where people demand it of you.
Ahhhh! all hearsay.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who heard it from a security guard at the show. :lamo

And you better not dare question it or ask for verifiable evidence either. :roll::mrgreen:
Exactly what state has a law that you have to rope your gun at a gun show? I've never heard of that at all.

Even then, apparently it's something that gun shows do regardless of the law, because they feel unsafe with responsible gun owners handling their own personal property. It's not all the evil liberals fault.

I believe that Massachusetts may have a statute on having loaded firearms at a show.

In my experience it's more a matter of separating the fireams from the ammunition in general; which is a big thing at all of the shows I've been at here in the Northeast. There is NO ammunition allowed inside the hall at all. Not for sale or carry. All ammunition sales are required to take place outside of the main hall, generally in a tent in the parking lot.

Unfortunately, since nobody is required to have a permit to attend a show, or even have taken a safety class, this separation of firearms and ammunition makes a lot of sense. Whether it's for sale or carry. The potential for stupid people to do stupid things is high enough that it warrants this sort of measure. I do think it's overkill to some degree, but I'd rather err a little on the side of safety than to see some sort of accident occur. Hell, I get muzzle-swept by idiots looking at guns so often at these events, I have to keep myself from verbally abusing half the morons there.
Why doesn't their belief in the Second Amendment's granting unlimited rights on not only gun ownership but gun carrying extend into gun shows? Why should a 'trained and responsible' gun owner have to give up his rights in a place that is supposedly all about extending said rights? If those gun owners are willing to give up their rights in order to attend a gun show, why can't they understand that other Americans have the right to ask the same of the gun owners as the gun show operators ask? - give up your Second Amendment rights to enter a place where people demand it of you.

For a very simple reason, as I just pointed out in my previous post.... Because we are not the only people who will be at the show. There will be members of the public who have never touched a gun before at these events. People who have no clue as to firearms safety or safe gun handling practices. Therefore, as a general safety precaution no ammunition is allowed inside the exhibition hall. All ammunition displays and sales are required to occur outside of the exhibition hall. It's not about limiting our rights as much as it is about ensuring the safety of the morons who really don't belong there in the first place.
No, I'm not at all. At no point did I force anyone to rope their guns because of a few stupid people. YOU are defending the actions of the people that run the gun shows in where they show that they do not trust the owners of the guns to act responsibly. I am not mistaking anything. You are giving the exact same excuse to defend the people that run the gun shows that some liberals give in order to defend the idea we can't trust people with assault weapons and 30 round clips.

Again, think before you insult all liberals as you have done in this thread. Because it makes you look silly to dismiss an entire group as stupid and then show that you actually believe in their reasoning.

I was not intending to defend them, I was responding to a generalization that I saw in your first comment that I commented on. Personally, I think open carry with loaded should be allowed at gun shows. Then, it would encourage everyone there to properly practice safety techniques instead of making assumptions based upon the "safety" of the checks when entering.

I don't know why they require such procedures in some areas. Whether it is some sort of law or liability requirement.
I was not intending to defend them, I was responding to a generalization that I saw in your first comment that I commented on. Personally, I think open carry with loaded should be allowed at gun shows. Then, it would encourage everyone there to properly practice safety techniques instead of making assumptions based upon the "safety" of the checks when entering.

I don't know why they require such procedures in some areas. Whether it is some sort of law or liability requirement.

Sorry, it sure seemed like you comment about how there's always a few stupid people was you defending the safety precautions. Maybe I just misread what you said.
Yeah, that must be the reason why American internet services are falling behind those found in other nations - because government control of public utilities is so inefficient
America: Land of the Slow - NYTimes.com

from your same linked site - Listverse.com "Ultimate Top 10 Lists" Top 10 Reasons Why Capitalism Sucks - Listverse

Both lists offer hyperbole and some bad history as justification for their points

Dictated outcomes has always been the problem.....

Thats certainly what you want.....

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