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Price of gasoline = How many times and ways do we consumers suffer each time the fossil fuel industry gets on a price gouging gig? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Cut your driving by 50%-75% and watch the fossil fuel industry come around then maybe grocery prices will decrease ?????

You think?
Sadly, with the political balance of the Federal government stacked against us (50 Republican Senators and one Democrat Senator blocking serious environmental policy in spite of 2/3rds of Americans strongly in favor of it), our only options are to elect more Progressive Senators and Representatives this year and to buy energy efficient vehicles.
Cut your driving by 50%-75% and watch the fossil fuel industry come around then maybe grocery prices will decrease ?????

You think?
And maybe stop buying vehicles that get 15-20mpg when you could be driving ones that get 30-40mpg. That alone would cut your price at the pump in half - literally!
Biden could start publicly talking about ending the oil export ban... He doesn't need congress to do that... That would certainly get some attention...
All of the responses thus far are can we say spot on!

And we as consumers should wage a campaign on the grocery industry to cut their prices each time gasoline prices are reduced. Consumers deserve some undivided attention.
this one is really cool ....
" our only options are to elect more Progressive Senators and Representatives"

and vote out the subverted GOP party across the board.
All of the responses thus far are can we say spot on!

He could also outline to the American people why the oil companies are bitching so much about drilling on federal lands... Federal lands have the lowest royalty between state, federal and private lands. The royalty on federal lands was set over 100 years ago and has not changed...

This report responds to Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, which directed the Department of the Interior (DOI) to conduct a review of Federal oil and gas leasing and permitting practices.1 This report considers both onshore and offshore oil and gas leasing programs in light of the Secretary of the Interior’s broad stewardship responsibilities over public lands and Federal offshore waters.

The review found a Federal oil and gas program that fails to provide a fair return to taxpayers, even before factoring in the resulting climate-related costs that must be borne by taxpayers; inadequately accounts for environmental harms to lands, waters, and other resources; fosters speculation by oil and gas companies to the detriment of competition and American consumers; extends leasing into low potential lands that may have competing higher value uses; and leaves communities out of important conversations about how they want their public lands and waters managed.

The fiscal components of the onshore Federal oil and gas program are particularly outdated, with royalty rates that have not been raised for 100 years. States with leading oil and gas production apply royalty rates on State lands that are significantly higher than those assessed on Federal lands. The Texas royalty rate, for example, can be double the Federal rate. Likewise, bonding levels have not been raised for 50 years. Federal minimum bids and rents have been the same for over 30 years. These antiquated approaches hurt not only the Federal taxpayer but also State budgets because States receive a significant share of Federal oil and gas revenues.

I laugh at all the poor morons who voted for Xiden and are now suffering horribly under his policies 🤣🤣

Your food stamps lost some purchasing power, ya say? 😂
Cut your driving by 50%-75% and watch the fossil fuel industry come around then maybe grocery prices will decrease ?????

You think?
BTW - the price of crude has dropped precipitously just over the past few days from a high of $129.02 per barrel to $97.19 per barrel. It may take a little while before that's reflected at the pumps, but it is an almost 25% drop in price. It may be a bright spot on the horizon.
BTW - the price of crude has dropped precipitously just over the past few days from a high of $129.02 per barrel to $97.19 per barrel. It may take a little while before that's reflected at the pumps, but it is an almost 25% drop in price. It may be a bright spot on the horizon.

The GQP's biggest fear is that gasoline prices will drop before November...
Hey folks we cannot keep using fossil fuels like there is no tomorrow or there will not be a tomorrow for our children, their children or everyone's grand children. Price is irrelevant on this issue.
BTW - the price of crude has dropped precipitously just over the past few days from a high of $129.02 per barrel to $97.19 per barrel. It may take a little while before that's reflected at the pumps, but it is an almost 25% drop in price. It may be a bright spot on the horizon.
Putin's gas drop!!1!
I laugh at all the poor morons who voted for Xiden and are now suffering horribly under his policies
You're wasting your time trying to cultivate buyer's remorse over Biden. We all still remember why we voted against Trump, and he has continued to remind us what a great idea that was, every day since he LOST the election. Come back and try again in 30-40 years when everyone is addlepated with Alzheimer's and we've forgotten what he was.
aabiPutin's gas drop!!1!
we live in america while u anti american bogus republicans should move to russia, china, iraq, iran, saudi arabia so you may live in your dream world. don't let the door hit you in the butt.
this one is really cool ....
" our only options are to elect more Progressive Senators and Representatives"

and vote out the subverted GOP party across the board.
the way our quality of life improves
And maybe stop buying vehicles that get 15-20mpg when you could be driving ones that get 30-40mpg. That alone would cut your price at the pump in half - literally!

Here we have a champagne socialist just telling people to simply go out and buy a new car. It's so easy for me to do it, why can't you!
Cut your driving by 50%-75% and watch the fossil fuel industry come around then maybe grocery prices will decrease ?????

You think?

Nobody gives a damn if YOU cut your driving. Try to get EVERYONE to do it. Good luck with that.
the way our quality of life improves

Progressivism is extremely harmful to ordinary Americans. The progressive regulatory state drastically decreases market competition and consumer choice, thus leading to sky-high prices - housing and healthcare are two salient examples.
You're wasting your time trying to cultivate buyer's remorse over Biden.
His 80% disapproval rating tells everyone you're having buyers remorse 😂
Cut your driving by 50%-75% and watch the fossil fuel industry come around then maybe grocery prices will decrease ?????

You think?

Last year I paid $370 for 200 gallons of home heating oil.

I called yesterday for the same 200 gallons and it cost $960.

This is some serious shit that has little to do with supply and demand.
Progressivism is extremely harmful to ordinary Americans.
This statement is so profoundly ignorant, completely backwards, that there are no words to describe the depth of the idiocy in this stated contention.

God Bless you Sir.
Here we have a champagne socialist just telling people to simply go out and buy a new car.
No surprise that you'd totally miss the point. If people hadn't been stupid enough to be driving gas guzzlers to begin with, their fuel costs might have been half what they are now. But like so many good lessons, this too will go unheeded.
It's so easy for me to do it, why can't you!
I can't because I gave up my car 12 years ago. I rely largely on mass transit to get around.
His 80% disapproval rating tells everyone you're having buyers remorse 😂
Bullshit. Unlike Trump, Biden's low approval ratings are expressions that come from both the right AND the left - which is as it should be - and have nothing to do with people forgetting why they voted against Trump, why their excellent decision was supported by his actions in the weeks and months after the election, and why he continues to buttress their good judgement every day he persists in opening his mouth. Make no mistake, Americans don't like election coup d'etats, or the anti-democratic assholes that attempt them. Biden would bury Trump in a reelection today by twice what he won last time.
Cut your driving by 50%-75% and watch the fossil fuel industry come around then maybe grocery prices will decrease ?????

You think?
Never gonna happen.

Nationalize the oil companies. The wealth of the nation's natural resources shouldn't be used to fuel an oligarchy.

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