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President Obama & the Press conference 10/8 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 3, 2011
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Kingdom of Nigh
Political Leaning
Did any of you happen to catch the Press conference yesterday afternoon? Unfortunately he broke in during my wife's General Hospital...came across it when she was watching the DVR last night.

Those of you that caught it, did you listen to him? What an ass-hat.

Pass a clean CR, raise the debt ceiling and then after thats all done and signed we will then negotiate on those things. HUH?

Do you negotiate on the price of the car after you bought it?
Do you decide which toppings to put on a pizza after it is baked?

I think it is sad and troublesome that his first threat if he doesnt get his way is Social Security checks might not go out.

And the classic, which I thought funny as hell....borrowing more money doesnt put you further in debt, its only to pay for things we already approved....Is this guy practicing to be a stand up comic?

If my wife and I decided this year that come January (next year) we would purchase a new car, then come January we borrowed the money to buy the new car...we would be further in debt no matter how you looked at it.

People with any inkling of common sense realize that if you borrow more you owe more, but apparently this President is lacking even the slightest inkling of common sense.
What's really sad is the Left trying their best to support his misplaced views.

All they have is inane insults for their critics.
You know...it used to be the Democrat's trick to promise spending cuts in return for tax increases. Two of our Presidents got burned when they believed the promise the Democrats made...got their tax increases...and never came through with the spending cuts. Obama isn't even going that far now. All he's doing is saying he will...maybe...talk about spending cuts if the Republicans will allow him to borrow more money.

Does anyone truly believe he will follow through? I don't and I don't think the Republicans do either.
Did any of you happen to catch the Press conference yesterday afternoon? Unfortunately he broke in during my wife's General Hospital...came across it when she was watching the DVR last night.

Those of you that caught it, did you listen to him? What an ass-hat.

Pass a clean CR, raise the debt ceiling and then after thats all done and signed we will then negotiate on those things. HUH?

Do you negotiate on the price of the car after you bought it?
Do you decide which toppings to put on a pizza after it is baked?

I think it is sad and troublesome that his first threat if he doesnt get his way is Social Security checks might not go out.

And the classic, which I thought funny as hell....borrowing more money doesnt put you further in debt, its only to pay for things we already approved....Is this guy practicing to be a stand up comic?

If my wife and I decided this year that come January (next year) we would purchase a new car, then come January we borrowed the money to buy the new car...we would be further in debt no matter how you looked at it.

People with any inkling of common sense realize that if you borrow more you owe more, but apparently this President is lacking even the slightest inkling of common sense.

The Social Security checks might not go out. Absurd. But then the Republicans should've seen this coming: Double Down on Scorched Earth. Throw all the bums out.
The Social Security checks might not go out. Absurd. But then the Republicans should've seen this coming: Double Down on Scorched Earth. Throw all the bums out.

I have been touting that very same sentiment on this board seemingly as long as I have been here.

The more the stark differences between them the more the amazing resemblances.
You know...it used to be the Democrat's trick to promise spending cuts in return for tax increases. Two of our Presidents got burned when they believed the promise the Democrats made...got their tax increases...and never came through with the spending cuts. Obama isn't even going that far now. All he's doing is saying he will...maybe...talk about spending cuts if the Republicans will allow him to borrow more money.

Does anyone truly believe he will follow through? I don't and I don't think the Republicans do either.

The sad part is the low-informed public will believe him.

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