What insight! President Stable Genius, who has little real life experience in the world outside of limos, hotels, offices, mansions and golf clubs damn sure knows a lot about the world. I guess that's because he is such and avid reader. Oh, and maybe also because no one knows more about history than Trump. And geography? Talk about a student of geography. Donald Trump loves geography.
If anyone knows the truth about "the world" it is Donald J. Trump.
The rest of us on the other hand fly coach, stay in B&Bs or inexpensive hotels, walk when feasible, take trains, trams, ferries, light rail and such. We travel without interpreters, drink and eat with the locals and experience real life as much as possible when we travel in "the world". Personally, I haven't found "the world" in general to be a vicious place.
What do I know? I guess it looks different. The world must be vicious when taking a private jet, a private helicopter, a private limo to a hotel or resort suite.