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President Creates New Cabinet-Level Position (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 29, 2005
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South Coast
Political Leaning
President Creates Cabinet-Level Position To Coordinate Scandals

February 1, 2006 |

"Tonight, by executive order, I am creating a permanent department with a vital mission: to ensure that the political scandals, underhanded dealings, and outright criminal activities of this administration are handled in a professional and orderly fashion," Bush said.

The Whole Story Here

You know the irony of this is that I remarked to a buddy the other day that D.C. is going to have to build a new Mass Transit System to transport the cons to all their upcoming hearings, (note to self-I gotta start writing these things down..LOL) but never fear our leader has everything under control. :lol:
You're aware that The Onion is a joke newspaper, right?
Kandahar said:
You're aware that The Onion is a joke newspaper, right?


I just peed myself.

Hey, BWG, keep chomping on that hook. We'll reel you in.
KCConservative said:

I just peed myself.

Hey, BWG, keep chomping on that hook. We'll reel you in.

Look at my post a little closer and you just might find this little icon: :joke:

Then there might be the little fact that it was posted in 'Conspiracy Theories' rather than 'Today's News'.

...and you continue to show your a**, but that seems to come natural to you. :2wave:

P.S. I still think they might need that Mass Transit System. :lol:
P.S.S. Don't forget that diaper change...LOL
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BWG said:
Look at my post a little closer and you just might find this little icon: :joke:
Nice save. :smile: :2wave:

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