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President Barack Obama Formally Backs Hillary Clinton (1 Viewer)


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Jun 4, 2015
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President Barack Obama Formally Backs Hillary Clinton

"I know how hard this job can be. That's why I know Hillary will be so good at it. In fact, I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office," he says in the video, which was tweeted by Clinton's official Twitter account.

"I have seen her judgment, I have seen her toughness, I have seen her commitment to our values up close," he said of his former Democratic rival and first secretary of state.

Obama and Clinton will appear together in their first joint campaign trip together next Wednesday in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Clinton's campaign said.

This endorsement, which was expected, comes just an hour or so after Obama met with Bernie Sanders. Sanders, during his press conference after the meeting, vowed to keep campaigning, but thanked Obama and Biden for remaining neutral during the Democratic Primary and said that he looked forward to working with Hillary to ensure that Donald Trump is defeated in the fall.

This is the video of the endorsement from Obama.

It should be noted that the site of their first official campaign visit together, Wisconsin, is a pretty interesting location because that is place where Trump was defeated and it also would hit at the heart of Trump's campaign strategy of trying to flip states in the upper midwest.
I guess you could read the tea leaves and say that means no indictment for #sleazebag#Lying#Hillary CLinton
President Barack Obama Formally Backs Hillary Clinton

This endorsement, which was expected, comes just an hour or so after Obama met with Bernie Sanders. Sanders, during his press conference after the meeting, vowed to keep campaigning, but thanked Obama and Biden for remaining neutral during the Democratic Primary and said that he looked forward to working with Hillary to ensure that Donald Trump is defeated in the fall.

This is the video of the endorsement from Obama.

Of course he endorsed her. Every word out of her mouth is "President Obama and I think...." lol
I guess you could read the tea leaves and say that means no indictment for #sleazebag#Lying#Hillary CLinton

One can hope that Obama would have made some inquiries behind the scenes into the likelihood of that indictment before putting his own name on the line by endorsing her. On the same note, I don't suppose it really matters very much to his image if she is ultimately indicted.
Of course he endorsed her. Every word out of her mouth is "President Obama and I think...." lol

A solid campaign strategy given Obama's job approval ratings and the way that it projects in the immediate future.
So... The man in charge of investigating Hilary is now indorsing her. What could go wrong?
One can hope that Obama would have made some inquiries behind the scenes into the likelihood of that indictment before putting his own name on the line by endorsing her. On the same note, I don't suppose it really matters very much to his image if she is ultimately indicted.

Except conservatives would spend 20 years reminding us all that Obama backed Hillary who was indited. You think penis envy of Clinton is bad?
"Yes Barry, you are going to endorse Hillary and you are going smile and act as sincere as it's humanly possible to do. You are going to bless her candidacy with a smile and never let on how much you dislike her. Now go out there and give the speech we prepared for you."
~Dem. Party Machine
A solid campaign strategy given Obama's job approval ratings and the way that it projects in the immediate future.

It's a non-story. She was going to inherit his blind sheep no matter what. She could shoot a puppy in the face on the White House lawn on TV and the Obama sheep would say "Not enough evidence".

They don't care that she's a horrible candidate! They must get a woman President!

Lol at least be honest. Not naïve.
So... The man in charge of investigating Hilary is now indorsing her. What could go wrong?

Obama doesn't have anything to do with the FBI or the DOJ investigation. If he did interfere with either, those are almost certain grounds for impeachment.
It's a non-story. She was going to inherit his blind sheep no matter what. She could shoot a puppy in the face on the White House lawn on TV and the Obama sheep would say "Not enough evidence".

They don't care that she's a horrible candidate! They must get a woman President!

Lol at least be honest. Not naïve.

Be rational, not hyperbolic.
President Barack Obama Formally Backs Hillary Clinton

This endorsement, which was expected, comes just an hour or so after Obama met with Bernie Sanders. Sanders, during his press conference after the meeting, vowed to keep campaigning, but thanked Obama and Biden for remaining neutral during the Democratic Primary and said that he looked forward to working with Hillary to ensure that Donald Trump is defeated in the fall.

This is the video of the endorsement from Obama.

Now there is a surprise! !
Yep, typical blind followers.

"We don't stick up for her that much".

There is only one candidate who has joked about supporters maintaining their support despite the individual committing murder in broad daylight.

And Trump was talking about his own supporters. That's what I was referencing when I told you to stop being hyperbolic.

As to defending Hillary, I would note that she is one of the most experienced presidential candidates in US history given her time in the Congress, the Senate, the Executive, and the Domestic/International realm, that she has proven her ability to maintain her composure under severe stress when she stood in front of 11 hours of grilling by the House Select committee on Benghazi, and she has proven to be an adept political fighter both during this campaign and during her entire political tenure.
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There is only one candidate who has joked about supporters maintaining their support despite the individual committing murder in broad daylight.

And Trump was talking about his own supporters.

Ah we moved on to Trump? It's like the "But but but..BUSH MUST HAVE DONE IT!"

Except trump isn't even in the white house yet lol
Ah we moved on to Trump? It's like the "But but but..BUSH MUST HAVE DONE IT!"

Except trump isn't even in the white house yet lol

Nor is Hillary Clinton.

You're the one who brought up the notion of supporting someone despite them committing Murder in broad daylight. I merely assumed that you were aware of the other instance when that concept was discussed in public by a political figure.

I also edited my post to reflect on my defense for Hillary Clinton if you'd like to review that and comment.
Obama doesn't have anything to do with the FBI or the DOJ investigation. If he did interfere with either, those are almost certain grounds for impeachment.


Mr T. You are NOT going to believe this deal I have for you. For a down payment of 100 bucks and a small monthly payment, I can offer you 10 % ownership in an asset I happen to own. It's a bridge in Brooklyn NY.
Obama doesn't have anything to do with the FBI or the DOJ investigation. If he did interfere with either, those are almost certain grounds for impeachment.

Doesn't have anything to do with?????? The FBI and DOJ report directly to the President. He is their boss. Can Obama be impeached for telling ICE not to prosecute illegal aliens? Of course not. He has the shield of prosecutorial discretion. He can, and dare I say will, apply that shield to Hillary's investigation.

Obama has basically just given instruction to the FBI that their boss sees nothing wrong with any of Clinton's actions. Now lets guess what all those FBI folks that are just a few years from pension are going to do.
eight years of patting themselves on the back for voting the first black guy in, now ALREADY pre-patting themselves on the back for Hillary.

can't we just hire a competent LEADER who has held, you know, A REAL JOB in his life. you know, actually LEFT school and accomplished something in the private sector, not conning people to vote them into cushy government positions? wouldn't THAT be a breath of fresh air? come on, lets give a go. please. pretty please.
eight years of patting themselves on the back for voting the first black guy in, now already pre-patting themselves on the back for hillary.

Can't we just hire a competent leader who has held, you know, a real job in his life. You know, actually left school and accomplished something in the private sector, not conning people to vote them into cushy government positions? Wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air? Come on, lets give a go. Please. Pretty please.

**** no.
Turned to CNN to see if anything interesting going on, and heard today was a historic day. Why? Well because President Obama endorsed Hillary.

...I must have the wrong definition of historic if that is the case.
eight years of patting themselves on the back for voting the first black guy in, now ALREADY pre-patting themselves on the back for Hillary.

can't we just hire a competent LEADER who has held, you know, A REAL JOB in his life. you know, actually LEFT school and accomplished something in the private sector, not conning people to vote them into cushy government positions? wouldn't THAT be a breath of fresh air? come on, lets give a go. please. pretty please.

Since you are very worried about working in the "private sector" so much.
Hillary Clinton worked for the non-profit Children's Defense Fund, and was on the board of directors of TCBY, Walmart, and Lafarge. Does that count?

Also why is working in private industry a qualifier? Government does not operate like a for-profit business....
It's a non-story. She was going to inherit his blind sheep no matter what. She could shoot a puppy in the face on the White House lawn on TV and the Obama sheep would say "Not enough evidence".

They don't care that she's a horrible candidate! They must get a woman President!

Lol at least be honest. Not naïve.

Old man.jpg

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