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Pres Biden, Vice Pres Harris, Rep Pelosi and Sen Schumer what kind of information did Trump and his admin funnel to Putin? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Political Leaning
We know he was too dangerous to be in the White House with a top security clearance .....of course he would not bring in/appoint anyone unlike him....

And he tried to over throw the USA government while in office........
Hope Pres Biden did not keep any Trump people on staff and our tax dollar payroll.
We know he was too dangerous to be in the White House with a top security clearance .....of course he would not bring in/appoint anyone unlike him....

And he tried to over throw the USA government while in office........
None, any other stupid questions?
We know he was too dangerous to be in the White House with a top security clearance .....of course he would not bring in/appoint anyone unlike him....

And he tried to over throw the USA government while in office........
More hysterical nonsense .
It's funny, talk about purging trump people and Republicans go nuts, but trump had a full-time person over federal employees whose only job was to fire anyone not totally loyal to trump personally, and that was fine.
We know he was too dangerous to be in the White House with a top security clearance .....of course he would not bring in/appoint anyone unlike him....

And he tried to over throw the USA government while in office........
Still trying to push a lie that still has not backing evidence?
You do realize that this does not help you in the very least, correct?
We know he was too dangerous to be in the White House with a top security clearance .....of course he would not bring in/appoint anyone unlike him....

And he tried to over throw the USA government while in office........

We now know this is merely an attempt to keep the Russia propaganda going in the minds of the gullible, because they need it......most others know the attention needs to be now turned to Clinton, the DNC, and the Biden administration who are deep in the pockets of Russia and China.....in essence they have been accusing others of the very things they were doing all along.....sick twisted individuals.
We now know this is merely an attempt to keep the Russia propaganda going in the minds of the gullible, because they need it......most others know the attention needs to be now turned to Clinton, the DNC, and the Biden administration who are deep in the pockets of Russia and China.....in essence they have been accusing others of the very things they were doing all along.....sick twisted individuals.
Hasn't that always been an issue with the far-left?
Claim that the other is guilty of that, which you're already doing.
Hasn't that always been an issue with the far-left?
Claim that the other is guilty of that, which you're already doing.

We know it was in fact Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded with Russia, not Trump......hence the investigation needs to be turned in the right direction towards the true traitors. Many investigations are forthcoming and the left is extremely worried, lol.....justice is coming.
We know it was in fact Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded with Russia, not Trump......hence the investigation needs to be turned in the right direction towards the true traitors. Many investigations are forthcoming and the left is extremely worried, lol.....justice is coming.
Shaking in our boots. NOT
We know it was in fact Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded with Russia, not Trump......hence the investigation needs to be turned in the right direction towards the true traitors. Many investigations are forthcoming and the left is extremely worried, lol.....justice is coming.
Fraudit - federal edition!
We know it was in fact Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded with Russia, not Trump......hence the investigation needs to be turned in the right direction towards the true traitors. Many investigations are forthcoming and the left is extremely worried, lol.....justice is coming.

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