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Pregnancy after rape 'an opportunity'? Ohio GOP lawmaker sparks outrage in abortion debate (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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"If it's a legitimate rape..."
"She should just lie back and enjoy it."

It just keeps happening from right-wing politicians. It's like they don't understand how horrible rape is.
State Rep. Schmidt.
In the Bill you favor do you provide funding for mental health treatment for the raped women?
Are you providing funding for the young girls medical while she carries the baby to term?
Are you providing funding for the new born care till adopted?
Are you providing funding for the new born if the now mother wants to keep the child but cannot afford to take care of the child?

I suspect the answer is no. You have no intentions of proving the funding.

You do not understand the impact of "rape" on a women (age does not matter).
Tell us the GOP plan to fund and care for all the new born children that are not wanted if Roe v Wade is overturned.
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It never ceases to amaze me just how ignorant some on he right can be…

WOW just ****ing WOW!!!
This is SOP for the Republican Party.

Make abhorrent statements to garner attention and see how many lemmings agree….
Wait, can't she just put an aspirin between her knees?
Some just can't empathize with anyone's plight - but their own!

That's not it. It's about denial. Self serving intentional ignorance. It's not careless, it's preservationist.

I'm sure his wife made the most out of her "opportunity".

Scum is self serving and we should stop writing it off to random dumbassery.
I can see her crying and him explaining to her that what happened is really an opportunity. Everyone can see that, right?
"If it's a legitimate rape..."
"She should just lie back and enjoy it."

It just keeps happening from right-wing politicians. It's like they don't understand how horrible rape is.

I can name a few posters who totally agree with this crap. The fact that anyone fails to see rape as an evil crime is utterly disgusting.

I think Republicans should skip "the foreplay"....the POLITICAL foreplay, and just go direct to:

White Christian conservatives should be given the inalienable right to forcibly rape and impregnate
ANY and all women judged to be "wicked" and/or "unbelievers" or "disobedient" in the name of increasing the number of available white Christians in the world, so as to further the goal of "The Seven Mountains".


Welcome to the American Taliban... err, Republican Party.
It's the standard Republican/GOP/Conservative selfishness, lack of understanding, and lack empathy.

Some just can't empathize with anyone's plight - but their own!
Yup, I think it would be great to do a study to find the genes involved in empathy, since most republican people have none. And they may be great to people like them, but that's not real empathy. REal empathy is comprehending what people different from you is going through, and they are incapable of it. THey show it with their constant projection, they just cant comprehend that liberals aren't assholes like they are

That's an interesting statement, in the bolded.

As individuals, often fear that which we are capable ourselves of doing. No one is more concerned about burglar-proofing their place, than a thief! Now, we're seeing the vast majority of voter fraud is committed by Republicans.
Republicans really are trying to get me to absolutely hate ‘murica.
Just like outlawing Christianity would present an opportunity to learn about other religions. It's win-win folks!
Wonder if Ms. Schmidt had a gun and an assailant tried to rape her if she would kill the assailant or go ahead and allow herself to be raped because, right to life and all, and living with the trauma of being raped I would venture would not be as hard as living with killing life?

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