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Postmater DeJoy sued (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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The Urban League, Common Cause, and The League Of Women Voters has sued Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and the USPS in the US District Court of Maryland.

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I hate to be the one to say it, but should the election be delayed? How can there be a functional election at this point? This lawsuit isn't going to work itself out by election day, and none of the sorters are going to be reassembled and returned in time.
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! :coffeepap

The election will be over before the appeals can be heard even if they do win if he is so inclined to litigate the issues.
I hate to be the one to say it, but should the election be delayed? How can there be a functional election at this point? This lawsuit isn't going to work itself out by election day, and none of the sorters are going to be reassembled and returned in time.

No. That's exactly what the fascists want.

Stop the assault on the USPS and voting rights in general. We can repair all this if and when Biden moves into the White House.
No. That's exactly what the fascists want.

And sure, I get that. But that really doesn't undo the fact that the election infrastructure is in shambles.

Bear in mind that delaying an election doesn't mean that trump stays President past January 20.

Stop the assault on the USPS and voting rights in general. We can repair all this if and when Biden moves into the White House.
I hate to be the one to say it, but should the election be delayed? How can there be a functional election at this point? This lawsuit isn't going to work itself out by election day, and none of the sorters are going to be reassembled and returned in time.

Mail out ballots and set up secure drop boxes.
Mail out ballots and set up secure drop boxes.

Actually, all of these are under attack too. Not in the same way as the USPS is, but under attack just the same. This whole thing is turning into a hundred car pile-up.

75 days is a long time until election, but in court terms, 75 days is the blink of an eye.
Actually, all of these are under attack too. Not in the same way as the USPS is, but under attack just the same. This whole thing is turning into a hundred car pile-up.

75 days is a long time until election, but in court terms, 75 days is the blink of an eye.

Yeah, well Trump is trying to design the pile-up because the only way for him to win is to interfere with the election.
I hate to be the one to say it, but should the election be delayed? How can there be a functional election at this point? This lawsuit isn't going to work itself out by election day, and none of the sorters are going to be reassembled and returned in time.

No...that will play into Trump's hands. We are just going to have to bear up. Those intending mail in need to get their ballots and fill them out promptly. Those of us intending to vote in person need to buck up, mask up and take the risk and VOTE in person.
And sure, I get that. But that really doesn't undo the fact that the election infrastructure is in shambles.

Bear in mind that delaying an election doesn't mean that trump stays President past January 20.
Why do you say the election infrastructure is in shambles? There’s damage to be undone, but “shambles” is a bit extreme IMO.
Why do you say the election infrastructure is in shambles? There’s damage to be undone, but “shambles” is a bit extreme IMO.

Voter confidence in their vote being counted is a gigantic component of election infrastructure. I live in a solid blue state and even I'm not sure if a mail-in ballot would be received. In order for the infrastructure to not be in shambles, voters have to have the strongest level of confidence that their ballots will be counted. Without that, there will be a number of voters who simply won't bother. That end result is a version of voter suppression.
Voter confidence in their vote being counted is a gigantic component of election infrastructure. I live in a solid blue state and even I'm not sure if a mail-in ballot would be received. In order for the infrastructure to not be in shambles, voters have to have the strongest level of confidence that their ballots will be counted. Without that, there will be a number of voters who simply won't bother. That end result is a version of voter suppression.

Are you kidding me? Do you think the guys got off those Higgins boats at Normandy has the strongest level of confidence that they would even survive the day. God we have turned into such whiny pansies almost regardless of where we sit on the political spectrum.
Are you kidding me? Do you think the guys got off those Higgins boats at Normandy has the strongest level of confidence that they would even survive the day. God we have turned into such whiny pansies almost regardless of where we sit on the political spectrum.

Obviously those of us who give a crap are going to do everything in our power to make sure we vote and have our ballots counted. If you think I'm just going to stay home then you don't know me.
I hate to be the one to say it, but should the election be delayed? How can there be a functional election at this point? This lawsuit isn't going to work itself out by election day, and none of the sorters are going to be reassembled and returned in time.

yeah, the Mob Boss (Trump) won this time.

and there will be many more dirty tricks (as there have been for almost 4 years). the only way the US fixes itself is to vote his corrupt ass out of Washington.
Obviously those of us who give a crap are going to do everything in our power to make sure we vote and have our ballots counted. If you think I'm just going to stay home then you don't know me.

If there are too many Americans that don't know the score and the game even if some of us do....well then I don't know what to say. If it were just you and me on one Higgins boat I don't think Rommel would have had much trouble with us. Heck Sgt Schultz would not have had much trouble with us.
It's getting pretty scary watching you guys.
Voter confidence in their vote being counted is a gigantic component of election infrastructure. I live in a solid blue state and even I'm not sure if a mail-in ballot would be received. In order for the infrastructure to not be in shambles, voters have to have the strongest level of confidence that their ballots will be counted. Without that, there will be a number of voters who simply won't bother. That end result is a version of voter suppression.
Your concern is not in voting infrastructure, it is in whether or not that infrastructure will function properly. Trump’s efforts have worked on you.

Although not absolutely perfect, the existing voting infrastructure is sound and worthy of our confidence. Numerous studies, along with prior election results confirm that truth. There is no logical reason to believe otherwise.
Your concern is not in voting infrastructure, it is in whether or not that infrastructure will function properly. Trump’s efforts have worked on you.

Although not absolutely perfect, the existing voting infrastructure is sound and worthy of our confidence. Numerous studies, along with prior election results confirm that truth. There is no logical reason to believe otherwise.

Cardinal is right. DeJoy has dealt the USPS a severe blow in sorting machines destroyed. Not merely unplugged mind you, but totally destroyed. Going to scrap yards.


You'll notice most have been removed from "blue" cities and counties.
Cardinal is right. DeJoy has dealt the USPS a severe blow in sorting machines destroyed. Not merely unplugged mind you, but totally destroyed. Going to scrap yards.

You'll notice most have been removed from "blue" cities and counties.
Cardinal didn’t address the mechanized part of the election process, he addressed the confidence in his vote being counted because he has been influenced by the bs propaganda the right wing is pushing.

Just a reminder, USPS currently handles 500,000,000+ pieces of mail each day. Even with the machines that have been taken offline (I’ve seen no reports of any being sent to scrap yards) at this point, there is no reason to believe that USPS won’t be able to process 200,000,000 mail in ballots over the next 2 months.

Even if all 671 machines had been removed (they weren’t), it would only amount to a 13% reduction in processing ability. That isn’t nearly enough to hamper the handling of 200,000,000 ballots received over the next two months.

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