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Portland shooting suspect followed right-wing activists after spotting them downtown (1 Viewer)


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This removes any doubt that the interview Reinoehl gave the day before LE caught up to him, where he claimed self defense and said he had no choice but to execute... I mean shoot the man with the Patriot Prayer hat on, was absolute BS.

If you take a look at the warrant, it shows that Reinoehl stalked his pray for a block before coming around behind him, gun drawn, and executing him in cold blood. At least his "100% ANTIFA" claim was the truth.

Portland shooting suspect followed right-wing activists after spotting them downtown, unsealed arrest warrant says
Sep. 4, 2020 at 8:02 pm Updated Sep. 5, 2020 at 12:39 am

Prosecutors in Oregon released recently unsealed court documents Friday alleging that self-described anti-fascist Michael Forest Reinoehl hid in a parking garage before following two supporters of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group after spotting them during street protests last weekend.

Moments later, the records allege, Reinhoel shot and killed one of the men, Aaron “Jay” Danielson.

The records were made public a day after a fugitive task force fatally shot Reinoehl near Lacey, Thurston County.

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I thought there would've been more shootings than there have been.

Thanks to everyone for their restraint.
This removes any doubt that the interview Reinoehl gave the day before LE caught up to him, where he claimed self defense and said he had no choice but to execute... I mean shoot the man with the Patriot Prayer hat on, was absolute BS.

If you take a look at the warrant, it shows that Reinoehl stalked his pray for a block before coming around behind him, gun drawn, and executing him in cold blood. At least his "100% ANTIFA" claim was the truth.

One Trump gets killed and all of a sudden it is an epidemic.

Meanwhile, the police have been killing blacks since 1704. Over 300 years yet Trump supporters claim it is not the police's fault.

One Trump gets killed and all of a sudden it is an epidemic.

Meanwhile, the police have been killing blacks since 1704. Over 300 years yet Trump supporters claim it is not the police's fault.


Not in the numbers the press has you believe. Blacks killing other blacks is an epidemic of murder.
One Trump gets killed and all of a sudden it is an epidemic.

Meanwhile, the police have been killing blacks since 1704. Over 300 years yet Trump supporters claim it is not the police's fault.


... and miraculously, in 2019, less than 15 unarmed black people were killed by law enforcement. Unarmed doesn't mean not dangerous, but it highlights the epidemic of black killings by law enforcement is overly-exaggerated. Are you as equally concerned with black on black violence?

Is a Trump supporter's life less significant?
This removes any doubt that the interview Reinoehl gave the day before LE caught up to him, where he claimed self defense and said he had no choice but to execute... I mean shoot the man with the Patriot Prayer hat on, was absolute BS.

If you take a look at the warrant, it shows that Reinoehl stalked his pray for a block before coming around behind him, gun drawn, and executing him in cold blood. At least his "100% ANTIFA" claim was the truth.

Premeditated murder.
Blacks killing other blacks is an epidemic of murder.

Stuff like what goes down in Chicago every weekend isn't playable politically, so it's conveniently forgotten.
This removes any doubt that the interview Reinoehl gave the day before LE caught up to him, where he claimed self defense and said he had no choice but to execute... I mean shoot the man with the Patriot Prayer hat on, was absolute BS.

If you take a look at the warrant, it shows that Reinoehl stalked his pray for a block before coming around behind him, gun drawn, and executing him in cold blood. At least his "100% ANTIFA" claim was the truth.

This is just another example of how people falsely assert ANTIFAS either doesn't exist, or are the victims in these continual acts of violence during otherwise "peaceful protests."

For years we've seen ANTIFAS engaging in violence, whether it is during "spontaneous" street "protests," or trying to stop free expression on campuses when presented by speakers they don't approve of.

In just about every case, it is always started by ANTIFAS elements. They are the ones who come to events armed for bear. This includes, but is not limited to: water bottles (sometimes frozen), often filled with urine; staffs and clubs disguised as "signs;" bike locks, pepper spray, lasers to blind with, industrial grade "fireworks," not to mention armor, shields, helmets, gas-masks, all the accoutrements for street-lethal combat. They almost always gang up on anyone they "fight" much like any regular street gang.

They seek to initiate violence and anarchy, then claim they were peaceful and it was the "other guy" who was violent and started it.
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This removes any doubt that the interview Reinoehl gave the day before LE caught up to him, where he claimed self defense and said he had no choice but to execute... I mean shoot the man with the Patriot Prayer hat on, was absolute BS.

If you take a look at the warrant, it shows that Reinoehl stalked his pray for a block before coming around behind him, gun drawn, and executing him in cold blood. At least his "100% ANTIFA" claim was the truth.
But...but...Reinoelh was a trained peacenik! Highly-skilled de-escalator!

Seriously, yeah, saw the recorded photos of ReinHOLE hiding from his victim, waiting for him to pass so he could follow and execute him.
This removes any doubt that the interview Reinoehl gave the day before LE caught up to him, where he claimed self defense and said he had no choice but to execute... I mean shoot the man with the Patriot Prayer hat on, was absolute BS.

If you take a look at the warrant, it shows that Reinoehl stalked his pray for a block before coming around behind him, gun drawn, and executing him in cold blood. At least his "100% ANTIFA" claim was the truth.

Interesting - Looks like his friend lied during his interviews when he said they did not bring firearms (or maybe he didn't know his friend brought one).

However, the arrest warrant affidavit paints a lovely picture of the shooter -- lying in wait and stalking them with an illegally-acquired handgun possibly purchased through an illegal sale of drugs....tsk tsk. I can't believe they weren't charging him with 1st degree murder.
... and miraculously, in 2019, less than 15 unarmed black people were killed by law enforcement. Unarmed doesn't mean not dangerous, but it highlights the epidemic of black killings by law enforcement is overly-exaggerated. Are you as equally concerned with black on black violence?

Is a Trump supporter's life less significant?

That is not in question, but you clearly think one protestor's life is less significant.
This is just another example of how people falsely assert ANTIFAS either doesn't exist, or are the victims in these continual acts of violence during otherwise "peaceful protests."

For years we've seen ANTIFAS engaging in violence, whether it is during "spontaneous" street "protests," or trying to stop free expression on campuses when presented by speakers that don't approve of.

In just about every case, it is always started by ANTIFAS elements. They are the ones who come to events armed for bear. This includes, but is not limited to: water bottles (sometimes frozen), often filled with urine; staffs and clubs disguised as "signs;" pepper spray, lasers to blind with, industrial grade "fireworks," not to mention armor, shields, helmets, gas-masks, all the accoutrements for street-lethal combat. The almost always gang up on anyone they "fight" much like any regular street gang.

They seek to initiate violence and anarchy, then claim they were peaceful and it was the "other guy" who was violent and started it.
Um...Jerry Nadler said Antifa is a myth, like, unicorns. ;)

But seriously, I hope like hell that Democrats pay dearly in November for denying the very existence of Anitifa, ignoring their escalating violence and tacitly condoning the harm they've been doing to our society over the past 4 years.
Democrats gambled that Antifa would help overthrow Trump. Instead, they've made Frankenstein's monster even more destructive and out of control.
America has been watching the whole time.
Stuff like what goes down in Chicago every weekend isn't playable politically, so it's conveniently forgotten.

It's gotten a bit more difficult to ignore as BLM is trying to tell us that BLM.
Difficult to reconcile when we see them killing each other by the thousands.
Interesting - Looks like his friend lied during his interviews when he said they did not bring firearms (or maybe he didn't know his friend brought one).

However, the arrest warrant affidavit paints a lovely picture of the shooter -- lying in wait and stalking them with an illegally-acquired handgun possibly purchased through an illegal sale of drugs....tsk tsk. I can't believe they weren't charging him with 1st degree murder.

Yet police in Wisconsin charge 1st degree murder on a kid who was defending himself... Go figure.

I got two minutes into that. The guy is talking about riding his bike and trying to tell a rider he's coming up on from behind that he's on her left. She doesn't hear him so he runs into her. See, that's part of the problem. He could have slowed down or gone around but he didn't. He ran right into her. Whether she was being an idiot or not it ended up being his choice to get in a wreck. The accident was his fault, not hers, and the reason it was his fault is because his expectation was that everyone except him had a responsibility to avoid conflict.
There's no more milk in that cow.

Right wing extremism is the biggest terror threat by far in America. You found one dude you say is on the left.

There's no more milk in that cow.

Right wing extremism is the biggest terror threat by far in America. You found one dude you say is on the left.


By far the biggest threat to people of color is other people of color. That's why there are more police around their neighborhoods risking their lives to protect them. And for what? A crappy salary and complete disrespect.
That is not in question, but you clearly think one protestor's life is less significant.

I have no pity for anyone when they become aggressive, violent, threatening, attack individuals and act irrationally.
There's no more milk in that cow.

Right wing extremism is the biggest terror threat by far in America. You found one dude you say is on the left.


Since the end of May, riots have produced in excess of hundreds of millions of dollars in destruction, violence and death, and it is clearly not right wing extremism. It's Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
... and miraculously, in 2019, less than 15 unarmed black people were killed by law enforcement. Unarmed doesn't mean not dangerous, but it highlights the epidemic of black killings by law enforcement is overly-exaggerated. Are you as equally concerned with black on black violence?

Is a Trump supporter's life less significant?

That's false. The Washington Post police shooting data does not represent the total number of all people killed by the police. The Post's data consists only of "shootings in which a police officer, in the line of duty, shoots and kills a civilian,". It doesn't include shootings by off duty officers or other potentially lethal uses of force such as tasers and physical restraint holds. George Floyd's death for instance would not appear in the Post's data. Plus what is considered "armed" or "unarmed", can be somewhat murky and subjective. Are people in possession of toy guns, air-soft or BB guns or rocks to considered 'armed'? There are plenty of cases where the victim's armed status remained unknown or was considered armed with a motor vehicle. Police officers have also been known to misrepresent the danger the subject posed to them. So the number of "unarmed" shootings, or more accurately deaths at the hands of the police, is in all likelihood higher than number cited. Which the Post currently has being 15 unarmed and 25 unarmed whites. How much higher no one really knows. But in any event 40 unarmed people being shot dead by police is far too high of a number in of itself. And clearly even in that statistic black people are being over represented since they only account for 13% of the US population but make up nearly half of the total shootings of unarmed civilians by on duty police officers in that Washington Post study.

PolitiFact | Larry Elder mislabels statistics on fatal shootings by police
This is just another example of how people falsely assert ANTIFAS either doesn't exist, or are the victims in these continual acts of violence during otherwise "peaceful protests."

For years we've seen ANTIFAS engaging in violence, whether it is during "spontaneous" street "protests," or trying to stop free expression on campuses when presented by speakers they don't approve of.

In just about every case, it is always started by ANTIFAS elements. They are the ones who come to events armed for bear. This includes, but is not limited to: water bottles (sometimes frozen), often filled with urine; staffs and clubs disguised as "signs;" bike locks, pepper spray, lasers to blind with, industrial grade "fireworks," not to mention armor, shields, helmets, gas-masks, all the accoutrements for street-lethal combat. They almost always gang up on anyone they "fight" much like any regular street gang.

They seek to initiate violence and anarchy, then claim they were peaceful and it was the "other guy" who was violent and started it.

BS! Reinoehl was not an ANTIFA member. He only said that he was a supporter. The overwhelming majority of the arrests in Portland have been for misdemeanors. In other cities that have seen protests the arrests have been mostly all local people with no known association with any radical political movement or organization. This anarchist, ANTIFA thing is a myth. A red herring constructed by Trump and Barr to take your eyes off the real problem. Which is Trump's divisive and fiery rhetoric is stoking this violent confrontation and unrest. Armed groups or people wading into protests do nothing to de-escalate the potential for political/social justice confrontation. The presence of these armed groups or people really only exponentially increase the likelihood for escalation and violence.
This anarchist, ANTIFA thing is a myth...


IMO this only shows that your view is either blind or skewed by willful bias. :naughty

I know ANTIFA exists. I don't need media stories pointing it out/or assertions it does not.

I know they do for two reasons:

1. Because I've known of "members" from as far back as the Seattle riots during the WTO talks. They called themselves "anarchists" back then, but they are the same today.

2. We can see them self-identified and well-organized via video evidence.

They are organized into local cells. There is no "National Organization." Just different group leaders in different areas who recruit "disaffected" individuals to give them a sense of purpose.

They exist for one reason only, and it's not to fight "fascism." It is to change the current social order into (for some) Anarchy, or (for others) Communism.

You can argue they are a myth all you wish. The fact that people can SEE they exist over and over with their own eyes via video evidence argues otherwise. :coffeepap:
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