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Portland protests move to City Hall on 3-month anniversary of George Floyd’s death (1 Viewer)


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Oct 22, 2017
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Portland protests move to City Hall on 3-month anniversary of George Floyd’s death - oregonlive.com

Demonstrators assembled downtown at Shemanski Park, at the north end of the South Park Blocks. After 9 p.m., the group of a couple hundred people marched to City Hall, where they chanted slogans and some spoke to the crowd. Within about 15 minutes of arriving, some in the crowd had graffitied the rotunda, smashed a door switch and broken at least three glass doors. Police quickly declared the protest an unlawful assembly. Shortly after, a line of police approached and pushed the crowd away from City Hall. Officers stood guard, keeping demonstrators away from the building and making numerous arrests.

For the next hour, demonstrators marched through streets in the area, gathering back at City Hall. Some in the crowd broke windows at City Hall, and police declared the event a riot. The crowd again marched throughout the area, and police at midnight again converged on City Hall, moving protesters away and again declaring a riot. They warned that those in the area could be subjected to arrest, force and tear gas or other crowd-control tactics. Police ultimately arrested 23 adults and detained two youths.

MONDAY’S DEMONSTRATION: A march on the Portland police union headquarters drew a rapid police response Monday night after someone set a fire next to the building. Officers arrived at the Portland Police Association building minutes after protesters and declared the gathering an unlawful assembly as some in the crowd spray-painted the building and someone climbed on the roof to unfurl a banner. About 60 seconds later, police declared a riot as the fire outside the building became visible. Police later said a second fire had been lighted at the rear of the building. Both were quickly extinguished.

Also targeted was a youth detention center and residential facility, although, this was moved following pleading from the county head “There are 38 young people inside the building who have experienced trauma and difficulty in their lives that they are working through. There are also youth who are not in custody at all, but living in a residential shelter within the building. Please consider the kids and their parents.”

Will this lead the city to put a stop to the violence?
Reforming the police would help.
Sorry......maybe minor, but **** man, if you are going to be a reporter/journalist, basic English should be a prerequisite. " Police later said a second fire had been lighted at the rear of the building. " Lighted? I mean what the ****....do better.
Sorry......maybe minor, but **** man, if you are going to be a reporter/journalist, basic English should be a prerequisite. " Police later said a second fire had been lighted at the rear of the building. " Lighted? I mean what the ****....do better.

I agree - someone should have edited it. In the reporter's defense, he's been essentially following these nightly riots for three straight months, documenting the nightly events, with Oregon live pushing it out as quickly as possible. There are bound to be some mistakes.
I agree - someone should have edited it. In the reporter's defense, he's been essentially following these nightly riots for three straight months, documenting the nightly events, with Oregon live pushing it out as quickly as possible. There are bound to be some mistakes.

I suppose, but to me, it's such an obvious mistake, it's not a grammatical error in the sense of a wrong comma or used the word wrong, just read the thing out loud to someone, you can hear how awkward it is...it's just...that's the state we are in these days...rush rush rush, don't care if it's wrong.
Gee, I wonder why people are still protesting and rioting?

- Choke holds still not banned.
- Knee restraints still not banned.
- No-knock raids still not banned.
- Body cams and dash cams still not mandatory.
- Qualified Immunity still not overhauled.
- Independent misconduct review board still not implemented.
- Civil Asset Forfeiture still not repealed.

Nope, couldn't possibly have anything to do with any of that. It must be because they're all communist anarchist godless Libruls who just want to burn, loot, and kill for fun!
Gee, I wonder why people are still protesting and rioting?

- Choke holds still not banned.
- Knee restraints still not banned.
- No-knock raids still not banned.
- Body cams and dash cams still not mandatory.
- Qualified Immunity still not overhauled.
- Independent misconduct review board still not implemented.
- Civil Asset Forfeiture still not repealed.

Nope, couldn't possibly have anything to do with any of that. It must be because they're all communist anarchist godless Libruls who just want to burn, loot, and kill for fun!

We're not talking about protesting here.

And while you are throwing in a kitchen sink list of demands there, much of that actually is in place in Portland. So why are they trying to destroy property and injure police there?
We're not talking about protesting here.
Well your OP describes yet another protest that devolved into yet another riot in Portland. It sure looks to me like I'm right on topic...

And while you are throwing in a kitchen sink list of demands there, much of that actually is in place in Portland. So why are they trying to destroy property and injure police there?
Specifically which ones? Most have not been implemented. So there shouldn't be any wonder why protests and riots are still going on nearly 3 months later. You ask why they are trying to destroy property and injure the police there? I answered that with a list of reasons that you seemingly ignored out of context. That's why they're still out there. Riots make people stop listening. I refuse to stop listening. People are out there because of police misconduct. Not because they want to burn, loot, and kill for fun or try to install communist anarchy in America like some fools insist.
Well your OP describes yet another protest that devolved into yet another riot in Portland. It sure looks to me like I'm right on topic...

The issue is the rioting, damage, and personal injuries caused by these groups, not the protests. Both are certainly occurring in Portland. I'm saying that it's the people showing up to cause damage that need to be stopped.

Specifically which ones? Most have not been implemented. So there shouldn't be any wonder why protests and riots are still going on nearly 3 months later. You ask why they are trying to destroy property and injure the police there? I answered that with a list of reasons that you seemingly ignored out of context. That's why they're still out there. Riots make people stop listening. I refuse to stop listening. People are out there because of police misconduct. Not because they want to burn, loot, and kill for fun or try to install communist anarchy in America like some fools insist.

Again, you are throwing in a whole wish list of things - some of which have nothing to do with the current situation. But Portland does have an independent panel that reviews allegations of police misconduct. Portland banned chokeholds in the 1980's and use of one is considered deadly force that immediately triggers a review of the officer. The department bans no knock warrants except in an emergency, where the reason must be clearly documented.
Sorry......maybe minor, but **** man, if you are going to be a reporter/journalist, basic English should be a prerequisite. " Police later said a second fire had been lighted at the rear of the building. " Lighted? I mean what the ****....do better.

Lighted is perfectly acceptable English. In fact, until just a few decades ago "he lighted a cigar" but "the fire was lit."
Lighted is perfectly acceptable English. In fact, until just a few decades ago "he lighted a cigar" but "the fire was lit."

Not in the way he was used.

The area was lighted, sure, a second fire had been lighted, is just shoddy work.
Not in the way he was used.

The area was lighted, sure, a second fire had been lighted, is just shoddy work.

Yeah, as a passive verb it's a failure and the writer should feel bad.

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