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Pope says he’s worried about homosexuality in the priesthood today (1 Viewer)


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VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has been quoted in a soon-to-be published book as saying that having gays in the clergy “is something that worries me” and remarking that some societies are considering homosexuality a “fashionable” lifestyle.

Italian daily Corriere della Sera’s website Saturday ran excerpts of the book in the form of an interview that Francis gave about religious vocations. Francis was quoted as describing homosexuality within the walls of seminaries, convents and other religious places where clergy live as “a very serious question.”
I think Your Holiness is picking up on this a little late in the game. Maybe he's a decade or so behind in reading his mail.
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VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has been quoted in a soon-to-be published book as saying that having gays in the clergy “is something that worries me” and remarking that some societies are considering homosexuality a “fashionable” lifestyle.

Italian daily Corriere della Sera’s website Saturday ran excerpts of the book in the form of an interview that Francis gave about religious vocations. Francis was quoted as describing homosexuality within the walls of seminaries, convents and other religious places where clergy live as “a very serious question.”
I think Your Holiness is picking up on this a little late in the game. Maybe he's behind in reading his mail.

the current pope is a disgrace

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has been quoted in a soon-to-be published book as saying that having gays in the clergy “is something that worries me” and remarking that some societies are considering homosexuality a “fashionable” lifestyle.

Italian daily Corriere della Sera’s website Saturday ran excerpts of the book in the form of an interview that Francis gave about religious vocations. Francis was quoted as describing homosexuality within the walls of seminaries, convents and other religious places where clergy live as “a very serious question.”
I think Your Holiness is picking up on this a little late in the game. Maybe he's behind in reading his mail.

While I like this Pope more than most in the past, it is beyond ludicrous that the Pope would proclaim this as if it just dawned on him. When you intentionally and purposely restrict the priesthood to men who can refrain from women for their entire lives - just who in the heck do you think you are attracting?
While I like this Pope more than most in the past, it is beyond ludicrous that the Pope would proclaim this as if it just dawned on him. When you intentionally and purposely restrict the priesthood to men who can refrain from women for their entire lives - just who in the heck do you think you are attracting?

To their credit, I was never bothered during my years as an altar boy. And when you're in the rectory helping the priest get enrobed, you're pretty vulnerable as there is near total privacy behind the altar.
While I like this Pope more than most in the past, it is beyond ludicrous that the Pope would proclaim this as if it just dawned on him. When you intentionally and purposely restrict the priesthood to men who can refrain from women for their entire lives - just who in the heck do you think you are attracting?

What's beyond ludicrous is the idea that this Pope is responsible for a decision made about a thousand years ago and shouldn't acknowledge and try to correct it.
What's beyond ludicrous is the idea that this Pope is responsible for a decision made about a thousand years ago and shouldn't acknowledge and try to correct it.

Priestly celibacy was not on those stone tablets that Moses schlepped down Mt. Sinai.
the current pope is a disgrace

The current Pope is the best in generations, and the most likely to institute much-needed reforms.
Hell, Christ Himself could come down out of a cloud into the Vatican and lots of Catholics would complain. My aunts thought the Church went to hell in a handbasket when they stopped saying Mass in Latin.
Priestly celibacy was not on those stone tablets that Moses schlepped down Mt. Sinai.

No. I can't be arsed to look it up but it happened in the Middle Ages sometime.

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has been quoted in a soon-to-be published book as saying that having gays in the clergy “is something that worries me” and remarking that some societies are considering homosexuality a “fashionable” lifestyle.

Italian daily Corriere della Sera’s website Saturday ran excerpts of the book in the form of an interview that Francis gave about religious vocations. Francis was quoted as describing homosexuality within the walls of seminaries, convents and other religious places where clergy live as “a very serious question.”
I think Your Holiness is picking up on this a little late in the game. Maybe he's a decade or so behind in reading his mail.

The Pope should be worried about PEDOPHILES instead. The majority of pedophiles are heterosexual, married and have families.
The current Pope is the best in generations, and the most likely to institute much-needed reforms.
Hell, Christ Himself could come down out of a cloud into the Vatican and lots of Catholics would complain. My aunts thought the Church went to hell in a handbasket when they stopped saying Mass in Latin.

Those Vatican Councils were equal to the equivalent of rearranging the deck furniture. The Church at its roots remains frozen in the Middle Ages.
The current Pope is the best in generations, and the most likely to institute much-needed reforms.
Hell, Christ Himself could come down out of a cloud into the Vatican and lots of Catholics would complain. My aunts thought the Church went to hell in a handbasket when they stopped saying Mass in Latin.

yea hes a great guy! he just helps cover up pedophiles crimes
To their credit, I was never bothered during my years as an altar boy. And when you're in the rectory helping the priest get enrobed, you're pretty vulnerable as there is near total privacy behind the altar.

Nor was my father, but that's another subject. That's pedophilia. Far as I know, gay men aren't any more likely to molest children than straight men.

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has been quoted in a soon-to-be published book as saying that having gays in the clergy “is something that worries me” and remarking that some societies are considering homosexuality a “fashionable” lifestyle.

Italian daily Corriere della Sera’s website Saturday ran excerpts of the book in the form of an interview that Francis gave about religious vocations. Francis was quoted as describing homosexuality within the walls of seminaries, convents and other religious places where clergy live as “a very serious question.”
I think Your Holiness is picking up on this a little late in the game. Maybe he's a decade or so behind in reading his mail.

:( More likely he's finally responding to the pressure he's coming under from within the Church. He sort-of-pretty-much-knowingly was cool promoting predators and homosexuals to high positions in order to try to push the Church leftward. Then it came out, and so now, he has to rhetorically tack back a bit.
To their credit, I was never bothered during my years as an altar boy. And when you're in the rectory helping the priest get enrobed, you're pretty vulnerable as there is near total privacy behind the altar.

My experience was the same as yours. I started as an altar boy in the third or fourth grade and did it all the way through high school graduation. I used to just love being part of the production and special ceremonies like benedictions or devotions were really enjoyed by me. Never once did I see or experience anything unseemly.
Those Vatican Councils were equal to the equivalent of rearranging the deck furniture. The Church at its roots remains frozen in the Middle Ages.

Okay, but this acknowledgment sounds like the first step in the right direction. Given the extreme conservatism of the Catholic Church it's gonna be a long journey but like all journeys...
So if the 'current Pope is a disgrace', which one do you prefer?

Perhaps Pope Alexander VI? His miniseries on cable was the bomb where Jeremy Irons played him.
No. I can't be arsed to look it up but it happened in the Middle Ages sometime.

The First (1123) and Second (1139) Lateran Councils are generally recognized as the "official" mandate of priestly celibacy. However, the concept can be traced back at least to the second century.
The majority of abuse (I think around 80% iirc) wasn't pedophilia. It was homosexual men abusing 12-17 yo.

The Pope should be worried about PEDOPHILES instead. The majority of pedophiles are heterosexual, married and have families.
Remember: being a liberal pope doesn't mean you're all that liberal at all.

Join the Unitarians. They don't give a ****, which is quite a reasonable position. (One uncle is a gay unitarian .....I think unitarian.....minister or priest or whatever they call them).

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has been quoted in a soon-to-be published book as saying that having gays in the clergy “is something that worries me” and remarking that some societies are considering homosexuality a “fashionable” lifestyle.

Italian daily Corriere della Sera’s website Saturday ran excerpts of the book in the form of an interview that Francis gave about religious vocations. Francis was quoted as describing homosexuality within the walls of seminaries, convents and other religious places where clergy live as “a very serious question.”
I think Your Holiness is picking up on this a little late in the game. Maybe he's a decade or so behind in reading his mail.

The Europeans with whom I've had conversations about gay priests (and gay nuns, for that matter) have long said that folks have long largely yet quietly presumed that most men in the priesthood are gay. That said, their status as such isn't what concerns them; whether any given priest is a pedophile is what they feel it important to know. In other words, they don't see homosexuality as a problem; they do see pedophelia as a problem....A gay pedophile is neither better or worse than a straight one. I'm of like mind.
The current Pope is the best in generations, and the most likely to institute much-needed reforms.
Hell, Christ Himself could come down out of a cloud into the Vatican and lots of Catholics would complain. My aunts thought the Church went to hell in a handbasket when they stopped saying Mass in Latin.

I grew up under Pius XII, the Nazi-loving, Jew-hating pope. He didn't care what happened to the Christ killers while he could hear goose-stepping hobnailed boots just outside the Vatican during WWII. And I believe he was complicit in helping set up & run the ODESSA network where former SS officers escaped Europe through monasteries in Italy. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Pius_XII
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The Pope should be worried about PEDOPHILES instead. The majority of pedophiles are heterosexual, married and have families.

Actually, being the pope, he has to worry about all that **** and bunch of other **** at the same time.

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