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Pompeo Lies as does Trump of course (think how quiet it would be if the GOP stopped lying) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Fact check: Pompeo claims Trump 'ended ridiculously unfair trade deals with China.' Did he?

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday in his RNC speech that Trump “ended ridiculously unfair trade deals with China that punched a hole in our economy.”

This claim is exaggerated.

Trump and China signed phase one of a hard-fought trade deal only months ago in January, and questions have remained among U.S. officials and policy watchers since over whether China has held up its end of the deal so far.

The deal, however, didn’t include arrangements about other substantial disputes between the nations, including enforcement of forced technology transfer and China's subsidies of competitive industries. Those thornier issues were relegated to the second phase of the trade deal, which is not likely to be resolved until after the U.S. presidential election....... = hmmmmmmmmm we will never hear of this again.
Fact check: Pompeo claims Trump 'ended ridiculously unfair trade deals with China.' Did he?

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday in his RNC speech that Trump “ended ridiculously unfair trade deals with China that punched a hole in our economy.”

This claim is exaggerated.

AP FACT CHECK: Pence presses a distorted case on economy

Trump and China signed phase one of a hard-fought trade deal only months ago in January, and questions have remained among U.S. officials and policy watchers since over whether China has held up its end of the deal so far.

The deal, however, didn’t include arrangements about other substantial disputes between the nations, including enforcement of forced technology transfer and China's subsidies of competitive industries. Those thornier issues were relegated to the second phase of the trade deal, which is not likely to be resolved until after the U.S. presidential election....... = hmmmmmmmmm we will never hear of this again.

AP FACT CHECK: Pence presses a distorted case on economy
WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence and fellow Republicans pressed a distorted case Wednesday that President Donald Trump took over a moribund economy from Barack Obama and supercharged it. That’s not what happened.

Speakers at the Republican National Convention also hailed Trump for protecting the health insurance of people with preexisting illness, flipping reality on its head as his administration tries to overturn the law that guarantees those protections.

A look at how some of the the rhetoric from the convention’s third night compares with the facts:


PENCE: “Four years ago we inherited ... an economy struggling to break out of the slowest recovery since the Great Depression. ... In our first three years we built the greatest economy in the world.”

THE FACTS: That’s a highly misleading portrait. Obama started the longest expansion in U.S. history and prevailed over most of it.

The expansion was indeed slow, but growth under Trump has basically been the same: 2.3% in the final four years of Obama compared with 2.5% in the first three years of Trump. Trump took office with unemployment at a low 4.7%, steady job growth and a falling federal budget deficit.

And Trump’s record on economic growth is about to get crushed by the current recession brought on by the pandemic, a public-health crisis that the White House said early on would not hurt the economy.
AP FACT CHECK: Pence presses a distorted case on economy

– AP FACT CHECK: Biden's stance on suburbs twisted at RNC

AP FACT CHECK: Pence presses a distorted case on economy
WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence and fellow Republicans pressed a distorted case Wednesday that President Donald Trump took over a moribund economy from Barack Obama and supercharged it. That’s not what happened.

Speakers at the Republican National Convention also hailed Trump for protecting the health insurance of people with preexisting illness, flipping reality on its head as his administration tries to overturn the law that guarantees those protections.

A look at how some of the the rhetoric from the convention’s third night compares with the facts:


PENCE: “Four years ago we inherited ... an economy struggling to break out of the slowest recovery since the Great Depression. ... In our first three years we built the greatest economy in the world.”

THE FACTS: That’s a highly misleading portrait. Obama started the longest expansion in U.S. history and prevailed over most of it.

The expansion was indeed slow, but growth under Trump has basically been the same: 2.3% in the final four years of Obama compared with 2.5% in the first three years of Trump. Trump took office with unemployment at a low 4.7%, steady job growth and a falling federal budget deficit.

And Trump’s record on economic growth is about to get crushed by the current recession brought on by the pandemic, a public-health crisis that the White House said early on would not hurt the economy.
AP FACT CHECK: Pence presses a distorted case on economy

– AP FACT CHECK: Biden's stance on suburbs twisted at RNC

AP FACT CHECK: Pence presses a distorted case on economy

This fact check source is interesting .....

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