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Poll: Who is the biggest asskisser on this board? (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
I cant put a real poll here, because I dont know what choices everyone here will make. So I will conduct this informal poll.

My choice is KCConservative for obvious reasons, not to mention the considerable amount of brown stuff on his nose. :)
I thought I'd respond since it's been nearly 24 hours and no one has joined in your little hate-fest. I feel so sorry for your little thread, dana. :( Would this be an example of what cnredd speaks of here http://www.debatepolitics.com/showthread.php?t=8158 ? :lol:
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KCConservative said:
I thought I'd respond since it's been nearly 24 hours and no one has joined in your little hate-fest. I feel so sorry for your little thread, dana. :( Would this be an example of what cnredd speaks of here http://www.debatepolitics.com/showthread.php?t=8158 ? :lol:
Can dish it out but cant take it, huh? And of course, nobody is responding, because there is nothing to argue about. The charge is true, asskisser. LOL.

Interesting that you once again bring up cnredd, but predictable, since the vacuum that exists between your lips and his rectum is so great that not even the jaws of life can pry your head from his butt. :rofl

I thought I'd respond since it's been nearly 24 hours
Leave it to you to take the bait. Damn, you are way too easy. LMAO.
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danarhea said:
.....your lips and his rectum.....
You're a classy guy, dana. Your mother must be proud. Still nobody joing in your hate thread, I see. :2wave:
George_Washington said:
Hey don't worry KC-you're pretty darn cool in my book ;)
Thanks, GW. Almost three days and still nobody joining dana in his hate. I kind of feel sorry for him. :lol:
Six days now, dana, and only GW has responded to the thread - disagreeing with your viewpoint. The topic fell off the front page, so I thought I'd bring back to the front. Where are all the haters, dana?
KCConservative said:
Where are all the haters, dana?

Right here, KC....right here. ;)

Just kidding. For some odd reason, I like you. :2wave:

The biggest a$$kisser? I have no idea--maybe George Washington? ;) :lol:
aps said:
Right here, KC....right here. ;)

Just kidding. For some odd reason, I like you. :2wave:

The biggest a$$kisser? I have no idea--maybe George Washington? ;) :lol:

LOL Thanks, aps. I'm trying to give dana every chance here. I have resurrected his dead thread, but still no one has jumped on his hate wagon.
Back in the day we all pretty much enjoyed watching Skillmatic follow GySgt around like a puppy. Haven't seen any one comparable since.

I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that vague is as handsome as he is smart. And he can really fill out a thong. And he puts up with me.
teacher said:
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that vague is as handsome as he is smart. And he can really fill out a thong. And he puts up with me.

Anyone else hear a loud sucking noise?.......:roll:
Something tells me this isn't how dana wanted this thread to turn out. :lol:
teacher said:
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that vague is as handsome as he is smart. And he can really fill out a thong. And he puts up with me.

Does he fill out the thong in the front or the back, or both? :lol:

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