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Poll: Pelosi's principle (1 Viewer)

Do you think her statement is a good one?

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Green Party progressive
DP Veteran
Nov 4, 2020
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I heard this on the radio the other day. "Do not be bullied by bullies. If they are making threats, do not back down." She's talking about Russia and Ukraine.

I heard this on the radio the other day. "Do not be bullied by bullies. If they are making threats, do not back down." She's talking about Russia and Ukraine.

is she?
The statement in the context of Russia/Ukraine is overly simplistic.

You can say it, but you can’t actually do it when the bully has nuclear weapons.

Does it hurt for her to say it? No probably not because no one is going to pay any attention to her. She’s not the decider.

Does it help? Not really. It has no meaningful application. Whatever the response will be made will not be decided based on this principle. It will be decided on a balancing of the cost vs effectiveness of the specific response.

At least I would hope.
I like pretty much everything she says. I'm a big fan.

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