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Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose it (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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For the first time in YouGov’s polling, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose it.Analyzing the results from a survey earlier this month, Peter Moore wrote:

YouGov's latest research shows that most Americans still support legalization of marijuana, and that support for legalization has increased slightly, from 52 percentin December 2015 to 55 percent today. Most of this change is a result of changing attitudes among Republicans. In fact, for the first time, Republicans narrowly tend to support legalization, 45 percent to 42 percent.
Still, Democrats and independents vastly outweigh Republicans in their support for legalization: Democrats back legalization 63-25, Independents 55-33, and Republicans 45-42, according to the survey of nearly 1,000 US adults.

Read more @: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose it

Its happening :mrgreen:
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

It's not happening here in Arizona. All indication point to the ballot measure for recreational marijuana failing in November.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

It's not happening here in Arizona. All indication point to the ballot measure for recreational marijuana failing in November.

The marijuana dispensaries in California will be glad to sell to the smokers in Arizona. I bet Arizona changes it's mind eventually.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

Not surprising, texas is majority pro pot, yet the politicians are majority anti pot. Of the non decriminalized states, texas is very lenient compared to others but too strict.

Thing is even here in texas, no one will vote based on pot, if republican xyz agrees with them on 20 issues and opposes them on just pot, they will not elect a democrat just over pot, they will vote what they back. If a democrat wanted to win texas in the state govt, their best bet would be to be pro gun, pro constitution, anti abortion, and pro weed. basically they would need to be the stereotypical conservative on everything but weed.

Even governor perry wanted to decriminalize weed, even though he never got to before leaving office, while abbot is strictly anti weed.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

The marijuana dispensaries in California will be glad to sell to the smokers in Arizona. I bet Arizona changes it's mind eventually.

What is bad is that even though arizona allows medical mj, regular possession in arizona is a serious offense, with arizona being one of the most anti weed states in the country. Texas is one of the most lenient who still has it criminalized, while arizona and the deep south will lock people up for years for just mere possession.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

What is bad is that even though arizona allows medical mj, regular possession in arizona is a serious offense, with arizona being one of the most anti weed states in the country. Texas is one of the most lenient who still has it criminalized, while arizona and the deep south will lock people up for years for just mere possession.

Wow! I didn't realize that. Times, they are a changin'.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

It's probably not a stretch to say that in 50 years, the republican party will become the party of freedom
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

Great, now I can't even call Libertarians "Pothead Republicans." The GOP steals all the cool insults for themselves!
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

"Legalization of marijuana to save people from joblessness", goverment said, you kidding me? Goverment only cares about the money, i personally don't like about this policy, It's really will effect the society especially teens people, Marijuana has some effect that will slowly destroy our brain and soon the future it self, but looks like goverment only care about the present, yeah the nation will have much money, less unemployment people, but as the time goes on, negative effects of marijuana will come and what goverment can do? nothing because soon the occupied parliament now will change,leave us and eat the all positive effect without efford to save the nation.I don't really believe when goverment says this policy is to save the nation whatever the reason are.
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Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

"Legalization of marijuana to save people from joblessness", goverment said, you kidding me? Goverment only cares about the money, i personally don't like about this policy, It's really will effect the society especially teens people, Marijuana has some effect that will slowly destroy our brain and soon the future it self, but looks like goverment only care about the present, yeah the nation will have much money, less unemployment people, but as the time goes on, negative effects of marijuana will come and what goverment can do? nothing because soon the occupied parliament now will change,leave us and eat the all positive effect without efford to save the nation.I don't really believe when goverment says this policy is to save the nation whatever the reason are.

There is no regulation on the black market. Teens have a harder time getting alcohol than they do weed. At least that was my experience. And after you find a way to get weed on the black market you are introduced to harder more dangerous drugs. Please, correct me if I am wrong.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

And you think the legalization of marijuana makes thing better? No soon the marijuana will become like smoke, even when you don't need the thing you will end up to suck it every single day without care about your body. I know the goverment and all people have been trying to fix some health issues but this policy it's not the answer.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

There is no regulation on the black market. Teens have a harder time getting alcohol than they do weed. At least that was my experience. And after you find a way to get weed on the black market you are introduced to harder more dangerous drugs. Please, correct me if I am wrong.
And you think the legalization of marijuana makes thing better? No soon the marijuana will become like smoke, even when you don't need the thing you will end up to suck it every single day without care about how it will effect your body. I know the goverment and all people have been trying to fix some health issues, but this policy is not the answer.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

And you think the legalization of marijuana makes thing better? No soon the marijuana will become like smoke, even when you don't need the thing you will end up to suck it every single day without care about how it will effect your body. I know the goverment and all people have been trying to fix some health issues, but this policy is not the answer.

Cannabis has less severe side effects than tobacco and alcohol according to most studies I have seen. Maybe even every drug study I have seen that compares all 3. It should not be not up to you to decide what I, or anyone else, should ingest if it has been repeatedly founded to have safer side effects than already legal substances.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

Cannabis has less severe side effects than tobacco and alcohol according to most studies I have seen. Maybe even every drug study I have seen that compares all 3. It should not be not up to you to decide what I, or anyone else, should ingest if it has been repeatedly founded to have safer side effects than already legal substances.

It's all about the Benjamins.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

It's not happening here in Arizona. All indication point to the ballot measure for recreational marijuana failing in November.

50% support it while 50% either oppose it or are unsure. So unless everyone unsure of it decides to vote against it, it's gonna pass
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

Great, now I can't even call Libertarians "Pothead Republicans." The GOP steals all the cool insults for themselves!

yeah but it looks like you can still call the democrats a "pederast heroin cartel."

hillbillary and obama supporters are a pederast heroin cartel media network
•heroin overdoses have increased from 3k/y in 2008 to 13k/y in 2016
•obama wont legalize weed(Illegal weed is a basic mainstay in any drug dealers tool box. It grows everywhere, You can always find it and you can sell it anywhere to almost anyone. Whenever a dealer is out of anything else, they can always sell some weed. Dealers are who keep it illegal.)
•obama wont guard the southern border or search illegals.
•obama arms mexican drug cartels(fast and furious debacle)
•obama threatens our greatest ww2 pacific allies for cleaning up their heroin syndicate problems(philippines)
•We're still in afghanistan and this article is as much as you've ever been told about bacha bazis or his 'free to go' poppy farming.
•Left wing extremists keep us in afghanistan for the heroin and honey trapped bacha bazi videos. The timetable to leave expired ages ago. ever heard, "everyone who made the music you listen to was really fkn high?" the whole media is heroin addict. it's not even a secret.
•Those sleazy uncle fkers have the gall to call us deplorable? tell them to just stop their projection.

vice, this is what winning looks like

Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

yeah but it looks like you can still call the democrats a "pederast heroin cartel."

hillbillary and obama supporters are a pederast heroin cartel media network
•heroin overdoses have increased from 3k/y in 2008 to 13k/y in 2016
•obama wont legalize weed(Illegal weed is a basic mainstay in any drug dealers tool box. It grows everywhere, You can always find it and you can sell it anywhere to almost anyone. Whenever a dealer is out of anything else, they can always sell some weed. Dealers are who keep it illegal.)
•obama wont guard the southern border or search illegals.
•obama arms mexican drug cartels(fast and furious debacle)
•obama threatens our greatest ww2 pacific allies for cleaning up their heroin syndicate problems(philippines)
•We're still in afghanistan and this article is as much as you've ever been told about bacha bazis or his 'free to go' poppy farming.
•Left wing extremists keep us in afghanistan for the heroin and honey trapped bacha bazi videos. The timetable to leave expired ages ago. ever heard, "everyone who made the music you listen to was really fkn high?" the whole media is heroin addict. it's not even a secret.
•Those sleazy uncle fkers have the gall to call us deplorable? tell them to just stop their projection.

vice, this is what winning looks like

...Well that sure came out of ****ing nowhere. What on earth did my short little joke have to do with your response?
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

...Well that sure came out of ****ing nowhere. What on earth did my short little joke have to do with your response?

from the enormity of how oblivious your joke was.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

from the enormity of how oblivious your joke was.

You see, it's not that my joke was oblivious - it's that it had nothing to do with ****ing pedophilia, heroine trafficking, the Democrats, or whatever the hell your first link to a 1 & 2/3-hours long documentary was about. My joke was not a grim, stoic commentary on the nature of the human condition, chock-full of self-awareness and the reforming spirit - it was a clever little quip about the topic at hand. The topic at hand, of course, being the fact that many Republicans now support marijuana legalization.

If you want to start a discussion about... well, everything you posted dumped into this thread, you should START A NEW THREAD. Alternatively, you could look through every other old post on this site and get your panties in a knot about how "enormously oblivious" the occasional jokes are. If MY joke can't be about the topic, then nobody's joke can be (never mind that it's actually unrelated, rage-induced garbage that the site prohibits, not on-topic comments).
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

It's not happening here in Arizona. All indication point to the ballot measure for recreational marijuana failing in November.
The indication is that it was even on a ballet, meaning it will keep coming back until it is done.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

Well, I think we can safely say those who oppose legalizing cannabis are officially a minority in this country.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

Just voted yes in MA...
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

All drug smokers should be put to death on their 3rd offence. I'm so sick and tired of paying to support you in prison for 50 years. Qby should I have to pay for your addiction that makes you go out and rape and kill for your precious drug money?

No rehab, no prison, no counseling, just a final confession to a priest, then the electric chair.

Imagine how much money this government would save!!!!!!! And drug users aren't actual people anyway, so its not really killing.
Re: Poll: for first time, more Republicans support marijuana legalization than oppose

excellent, now all we have to do is convince them to legalize all drugs and abolish any welfare or government healthcare. if i don't have to give my resources to others than i don't have to care what choices they make.

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