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Political group tied to Kanye West campaign law firm sent misinformation on Biden (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2018
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[h=1]Political group tied to Kanye West campaign law firm sent misinformation on Biden with mail-in ballot applications to battleground state voters[/h]https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/04/politics/pennsylvania-minnesota-mailers-misinformation/index.html

CNN)An Ohio-based political advocacy group that shares a Republican-allied law firm with Kanye West's political campaign is sending unsolicited mail-in ballot applications containing misinformation on Democratic candidates to voters in Pennsylvania and Minnesota -- both key battleground states for the 2020 election.
Common Sense Voters of America LLC, which was registered in June by the same law firm representing West in his suit to get on the Ohio ballot, sent mailers in August containing images of fake headlines about Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

While the mail-in ballot applications sent to voters appear to be legitimate, the mailers also include misinformation about Democratic candidates including Biden, his running mate California Sen. Kamala Harris and Minnesota Sen. Tina Smith, while positively portraying positions taken by President Donald Trump and Republicans.

Trump and his supporters have railed against mail-in voting, particularly of mass mail ballots that are sent unsolicited, and falsely claim that it is plagued by widespread fraud. In reality, there is no evidence that mail-in voting leads to fraud.
CNN obtained pictures of the mailers from registered voters in both Pennsylvania and Minnesota. The Philadelphia Inquirer first reported on the Pennsylvania mailers.

Common Sense Voters for America LLC was registered on June 29 as a nonprofit in Ohio by Christopher Finney, a Cincinnati-based lawyer. Finney declined to comment to CNN, saying his client did not give him permission to speak to the press.
The Finney Law Firm is currently representing Kanye West in a lawsuit against the state of Ohio in West's effort to get on the November ballot as a presidential candidate.

Bizarre that the same republicans that are screeching about 'voter fraud' would so blatantly and willingly participate in it. I will start the chanting in Michael Flynn style; 'lock them up! lock them up!'
Kanye West is a GOP tactic to siphon African-American votes away from Joe Biden.

It's a sophisticated form of voter suppression.
Kanye West is a GOP tactic to siphon African-American votes away from Joe Biden.

It's a sophisticated form of voter suppression.

They're trying everything in their bag of dirty tricks. I hope someone gets prison time for this one. Actually, I'm hoping a lot of people will be getting prison time after January.

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