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Political Elite Called Naive and Out of Touch, Hollande Takes Heat (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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Of the 12 terrorist attacks in the European Union in the past four years, seven took place in France, killing almost 250 people. That's five times more than the death toll in all the other 27 EU countries combined.

Sobering figures for Hollande. His anti-terrorist policy is failing, and with it, his presidency.

Gilles Kepel joined the debate. He's one of France's leading experts on Islamists, and he agreed that the political elite is naive and out of touch.

Hollande was forced to announce that the state of emergency would be extended, that the 10,000 soldiers patrolling the country's streets would continue to patrol indefinitely and that France's 28,000 reservists would be called up as well.

38,000 French soldiers will now be patrolling the streets of France. I ask you; is this progress?

All the while Francois Hollande pays his hairdresser the equivalent of $11,000 USD per month to trim his hair. He is out of touch, his elitest stupidity has cost more lives.

We are inundated with people who are just like Hollande unfortunately; too financially spoiled to really care what happens to the common people, all the while considering themselves to be wonderful humanitarians for blindly supporting mass migration that only effects others negatively, never them.

François Hollande takes heat for anti-terrorist strategy after Nice attack - World - CBC News
38,000 French soldiers will now be patrolling the streets of France. I ask you; is this progress?

All the while Francois Hollande pays his hairdresser the equivalent of $11,000 USD per month to trim his hair. He is out of touch, his elitest stupidity has cost more lives.

We are inundated with people who are just like Hollande unfortunately; too financially spoiled to really care what happens to the common people, all the while considering themselves to be wonderful humanitarians for blindly supporting mass migration that only effects others negatively, never them.

François Hollande takes heat for anti-terrorist strategy after Nice attack - World - CBC News

It is important that he doesn't care about the common man. The problem is the impunity.
It is important that he doesn't care about the common man. The problem is the impunity.

Check this out man:
From November, 2015.

“There are, in our territory, people who pass from delinquency to crime, then to jihadism.”
"France’s president François Hollande pledged on Monday to aggressively tackle the problem of homegrown terrorism, including by making it easier to revoke people’s citizenship, with a set of far-reaching proposals."

This is why he's in hot water, he knew the risks perfectly, and failed to prevent them.
Check this out man:
From November, 2015.

“There are, in our territory, people who pass from delinquency to crime, then to jihadism.”
"France’s president François Hollande pledged on Monday to aggressively tackle the problem of homegrown terrorism, including by making it easier to revoke people’s citizenship, with a set of far-reaching proposals."

This is why he's in hot water, he knew the risks perfectly, and failed to prevent them.

As far as I can see, Hollande could not do the things that would be necessary to guarantee security. The situation is the consequence of 60 years of policies combined with the international situation. To fix this the whole policy mix needs to be recalibrated and possibly replaced by societal measures that the social democratic beliefs of the population will not tolerate. The same is even more true of the robustness of instruments that short term security would require. Hollande might be ineffectual and without charisma. He did not start the fire.
This entire dynamic is what produced BREXIT and Donald Trump as a nominee.

Deal with it.

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