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Poles Apart (1 Viewer)


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Apr 3, 2022
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Why is this not talked about more? A persons mores and motivations will always align them with an identifiable affiliation. But what if we took the party distinctions away. Transition to something resembling a democratic meritocracy. In order to teach, I must be vetted, interviewed and must demonstrate my ability to teach. If I cannot do this or am unsafe due to character flaws I must not be allowed to the children. What if there were people who could bribe me to teach what they want? Ill call them lobbyists. People are elected with no merit to do the job they convinced their constituency could do! Thats a scam. I have an important historical figure who would side with me here. George Washington wanted "No Party No Lobbyism". Americas 2 party system is the worse case scenerio. Poles apart
Why is this not talked about more? A persons mores and motivations will always align them with an identifiable affiliation. But what if we took the party distinctions away. Transition to something resembling a democratic meritocracy. In order to teach, I must be vetted, interviewed and must demonstrate my ability to teach. If I cannot do this or am unsafe due to character flaws I must not be a danger to the children. . What if there were people who could bribe me to teach what they want? Ill call them lobbyists. People are elected with no merit to do the job they convinced their constituency could do! Thats a scam. I have an important historical figure who would side with me here. George Washington wanted "No Party No Lobbyism"
GW warned us about the power of political factions in his farewell address. I wish there were not two political parties, but an amorphic group of coalitions. There is no reason why CA and FL should have different interests in areas that they have similar interests, like ocean and coastline issues. Issues for agriculture should be pretty similar, even if you are referring to CA and IA.
GW warned us about the power of political factions in his farewell address. I wish there were not two political parties, but an amorphic group of coalitions. There is no reason why CA and FL should have different interests in areas that they have similar interests, like ocean and coastline issues. Issues for agriculture should be pretty similar, even if you are referring to CA and IA.
Same with clean water and erosion…
GW warned us about the power of political factions in his farewell address. I wish there were not two political parties, but an amorphic group of coalitions. There is no reason why CA and FL should have different interests in areas that they have similar interests, like ocean and coastline issues. Issues for agriculture should be pretty similar, even if you are referring to CA and IA.
GW warned us about the power of political factions in his farewell address. I wish there were not two political parties, but an amorphic group of coalitions. There is no reason why CA and FL should have different interests in areas that they have similar interests, like ocean and coastline issues. Issues for agriculture should be pretty similar, even if you are referring to CA and IA.
We'll figure it out someday. Plus were working with an antiquated system of government. Lets face it, our founding fathers meant for this country to be made and governend by wealthy landowning Englishmen...who only they carried arms, not Africans or Germans...none of that. So now we have a sea of firearms in divisive and charged domestic situation. I work with a guy who is, like my grandfather said of every Democratic president "This so and so is gonna ruin the country...Just ruin it!" In 2 1/2 months this guy is gonna be going on about a different democrat being the anti-christ thats "Gonna ruin this country" I think heavily armed English decended landowners ruined this country. Personally
We'll figure it out someday. Plus were working with an antiquated system of government. Lets face it, our founding fathers meant for this country to be made and governend by wealthy landowning Englishmen...who only they carried arms, not Africans or Germans...none of that. So now we have a sea of firearms in divisive and charged domestic situation. I work with a guy who is, like my grandfather said of every Democratic president "This so and so is gonna ruin the country...Just ruin it!" In 2 1/2 months this guy is gonna be going on about a different democrat being the anti-christ thats "Gonna ruin this country" I think heavily armed English decended landowners ruined this country. Personally
We'll figure it out someday. Plus were working with an antiquated system of government. Lets face it, our founding fathers meant for this country to be made and governend by wealthy landowning Englishmen...who only they carried arms, not Africans or Germans...none of that. So now we have a sea of firearms in divisive and charged domestic situation. I work with a guy who is, like my grandfather said of every Democratic president "This so and so is gonna ruin the country...Just ruin it!" In 2 1/2 months this guy is gonna be going on about a different democrat being the anti-christ thats "Gonna ruin this country" I think heavily armed English decended landowners ruined this country. Personally
I do really like John Adams tho.
Why is this not talked about more? A persons mores and motivations will always align them with an identifiable affiliation. But what if we took the party distinctions away. Transition to something resembling a democratic meritocracy.
That would be nice.

In order to teach, I must be vetted, interviewed and must demonstrate my ability to teach. If I cannot do this or am unsafe due to character flaws I must not be allowed to the children.
I think teachers have to have some sort of college degree. I presume that establishes ability to teach. I also presume schools do some sort of vetting such as background checks and interviews.

What if there were people who could bribe me to teach what they want? Ill call them lobbyists.
I call them the teacher's unions.

People are elected with no merit to do the job they convinced their constituency could do! Thats a scam. I have an important historical figure who would side with me here. George Washington wanted "No Party No Lobbyism". Americas 2 party system is the worse case scenerio. Poles apart
As I said, it would be nice if the teaching profession wasn't influenced by political ideology. Unfortunately...it is.

In any case, the solution will have to come from the State...not the Feds.

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