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polarization of politics (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 22, 2005
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Does anyone feel the way that I do that today the polarization of politics is at a critical level. The nation is divided while the country is at war and people's hate for each other is growing. It's the left versus the right. What happened to voting for who you thought was best not by who was on your political ticket. I think it's best to be independent and look equally at both sides and then make a choice than rather just vote party ticket. I feel that we are the greatest country on earth not because we are perfect but because we have such high standards. WE have all the problems that other countries have but we seek to fix our problems. When we make a mistake we look into why that happened and try to make sure it never happens again. We accept people from any walk of life not matter if you like them or not. Our society is a double eged sword. We are the great since we encorporate all the greatness of the world. Yet at the same time we shall be divided because of these reasons. I wish American's would quit playing this game of politics and would pick whats best for our country regardless of which side of the fence the idea or person comes from.
Some good points here but it's far too late. Our mass media is no longer reporting the news but now thrives on making the news. They like nothing better than to do what is done on a forum like this but on the small screen in your home. Disrespect is at the bottom of both sides. It is a simple fact that neither side can utter one positive thing about the other because they want election victories. It's fools who think their side is totally right and the other side is totally wrong. They'll be along in a little bit so just stand by.

I like being Non-Partisan because when I look at Republicans and Democrats I immediately see what's wrong with our country. They don't but I do.
:duel :cool:
I think it would be better if the US government became a multi party system instead of a two party system. It will neutralise the polarization a bit and will let all those Nader voters get a say in government - their voices are not being represented in government.
I think the political party system should have registration for and be used only by the individuals in the core group of those who want to support a particular partisan side and those that want support when they seek office out of those groups. We'll call these people Republicans, Democrats, Independents or whatever. The average voter doesn't have to belong to a political party for political parties to prosper and survive.

Allowing the electorate to register Non-Partisan as well as Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green or what political persuasion they want, gives the individual the power of a party within themselves. If the majority of Americans were registered Non-Partisan they could silently support any party or candidates they chose. With the majority registered Non-Partisan the major parties would have to consider at least pandering to other than their own base which could cause them to think outside a liberal or conservative box.

It is my belief that my single vote should be more powerful than any political party but that isn't the way it is. I don't want to stop Democrats and Republicans from enacting laws for the nation or states. That is what our legislatures and governors and President do as they should. It is when they make election laws that provide that we have to belong to them to exercise our rights to vote that I want to line em up and water them naturally and well. My vote in itself should be more important than a house full of Democrats or Republicans. I believe that otherwise it is a loss of a freedom and a right.

Let me register Non-Partisan so the politicians have to wonder about me instead of me wondering about them.
:duel :cool:

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