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Please don't read this (1 Viewer)


Bus Driver to Hell
DP Veteran
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Hi, I am from Chicago. I hate both major political parties. I am married. I am smarter than Galen. lol. I lean left on social issues. Fiscally I lean right. I think Jesse Ventura would make a great president ( or at least an honest one). I love Mexican food. I am a smart-ass. I love a good laugh. I hate everyone equally. I don't reserve my hate for any one group in particular, that's for bigots. To quote Colin Hay, "I love the world, except for all the people".
independent_thinker2002 said:
Hi, I am from Chicago. I hate both major political parties. I am married. I am smarter than Galen. lol. I lean left on social issues. Fiscally I lean right. I think Jesse Ventura would make a great president ( or at least an honest one). I love Mexican food. I am a smart-ass. I love a good laugh. I hate everyone equally. I don't reserve my hate for any one group in particular, that's for bigots. To quote Colin Hay, "I love the world, except for all the people".

Except for the Mexican food, I agree 100%. And there are a lot of people smarter than Galen, including myself.
Dammit. I read it, that's a pain. I knew I shouldn't have clicked the link.
independent_thinker2002 said:
I think Jesse Ventura would make a great president ( or at least an honest one).
Alright, I kept my eyes closed until I couldn't believe what I did not see, then I had to open them to see if it was true what I thought I did not see. Sorry, I read your post by no fault of my own.

Welcome to the boards Independent_Thinker2002 :2wave:

Hope to see ya on the threads :2wave:



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