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Persecuted pro-lifer becomes pro-choice (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 3, 2012
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After I read this, I wanted to share it. The immediately visible part is from the first entry, but the second entry is the testimony of a woman named Sarah Clark. Both are worth reading, but I'm posting because of the Clark entry.

After I read this, I wanted to share it. The immediately visible part is from the first entry, but the second entry is the testimony of a woman named Sarah Clark. Both are worth reading, but I'm posting because of the Clark entry.
The misinformed anti-abortion minions have a misogynistic head sickness, and they don't suffer enough introspection in their lives to recognize it.
The misinformed anti-abortion minions have a misogynistic head sickness, and they don't suffer enough introspection in their lives to recognize it.
Sorry I made two posts by mistake and couldn't remove one. Please see the other "Persecution" thread.

It's outrageous that this woman had to get falsely charged with child abuse in order not to abuse her mentally ill son because that's the only way the state would be willing to pay for treatment that she could never have afforded herself.

Pro-lifers should have fixed this, but instead, they finally made life so absurd for this person that she became pro-choice.
Sorry I made two posts by mistake and couldn't remove one. Please see the other "Persecution" thread.

It's outrageous that this woman had to get falsely charged with child abuse in order not to abuse her mentally ill son because that's the only way the state would be willing to pay for treatment that she could never have afforded herself.

Pro-lifers should have fixed this, but instead, they finally made life so absurd for this person that she became pro-choice.
Indeed. American life is filled with upside down policies and perverse incentives. I vaguely remember an interview with a young woman, some time ago, who committed an armed bank robbery, and then immediately surrendered. She had no coverage for her expensive cancer treatment, but knew the prison healthcare system would provide for it at no cost. It made more sense to commit the crime, plead guilty and be sentenced to up to 20 years in federal prison, than it did to just die.

Despite the fact that we've known about these Bizarro World policies for generations now, there are still idiots in this country who would much rather pay billion$ of taxpayer$ dollar$, maintaining the biggest prison system on the planet, than to provide free "socialist" healthcare to our own citizens. The right-wing of our political spectrum has always defaulted to blaming and criminalizing the victims.

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