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Pentagon Analyst Convicted of Spying (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
With all the news about indictments being returned against various GOP bigwigs, this news item is under the radar, but promises to be the next major scandal in an administration ridden with scandals.

AIPAC, the pro Israel lobby tied closely to Bush and the Neocons, is about to do down in a big way after Pentagon analyst Lawrence Franklin pleaded guilty of conspiracy in the AIPAC probe and agreed to testify against Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, one of whom is the head of AIPAC, and the other also a high ranking official in that lobbying organization.

Well, I can understand what the motive was. If you can sell out America to corporate interests, its not that big a step to sell out your country to foreign interests too.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
With all the news about indictments being returned against various GOP bigwigs, this news item is under the radar, but promises to be the next major scandal in an administration ridden with scandals.

AIPAC, the pro Israel lobby tied closely to Bush and the Neocons, is about to do down in a big way after Pentagon analyst Lawrence Franklin pleaded guilty of conspiracy in the AIPAC probe and agreed to testify against Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, one of whom is the head of AIPAC, and the other also a high ranking official in that lobbying organization.

Well, I can understand what the motive was. If you can sell out America to corporate interests, its not that big a step to sell out your country to foreign interests too.

Article is here.

The last sentence from your article...

But Franklin said he assumed that the Israeli government already had the information. "I knew in my heart his government had this information," he said. "He gave me far more information that I gave him."

It doesn't seem that he was as malicious as you make it sound...

Even if it was, you still seem intent on trashing a whole party for the actions of a few...

I am in no way defending any individual found guilty of any wrongdoing...I am defending the party as a whole from accusations that seem very similiar to Hillary's "vast right-wing conspiracy" comments.
cnredd said:
The last sentence from your article...

But Franklin said he assumed that the Israeli government already had the information. "I knew in my heart his government had this information," he said. "He gave me far more information that I gave him."

It doesn't seem that he was as malicious as you make it sound...

Even if it was, you still seem intent on trashing a whole party for the actions of a few...

I am in no way defending any individual found guilty of any wrongdoing...I am defending the party as a whole from accusations that seem very similiar to Hillary's "vast right-wing conspiracy" comments.

First of all, Hillary's comments have nothing to do with this. I dont think much of her either. Secondly, with all due respect, it isnt just the actions of a few, but a pattern of abuse of power and privilege by members of the Republican party. Granted, the vast majority of Republicans are honorable people, but they dont seem to be the ones holding the reigns of power. I would like nothing more than to see honorable Republicans running the party so I could once again support it, as I did support it most of my life. But at this juncture Neocon seeds of corruption are now bearing their inevitable fruit. I am happy to see the indictments, not because of how the party is being hurt by them, but because I can now see the light at the end of tunnel, and the days of the Bushnevik parasites numbered.

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