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Peddling Fear (1 Viewer)

Chapter and verse?

God wrote the bible thru Paul right?

well maybe the boiler plate Rapture verses we Pre Trib rapture people use should work for you?

(probably not, but we can always learn the Dispensational View of christianity. then when millions missing, uh oh. see what i mean? )

Edit, and don't forget Crystal or is that toooo 'Creepy' LOL. https://www.youtube.com/@CrystalLove4Jesus

meh, here is the first 5000 words on the Rapture....

Key Bible Passages on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
February 1, 2022
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org
It is often said that the word “rapture” does not appear in the Bible, but that’s not true. It does appear in the Latin Bibles that were widely used for nearly 2,000 years. Rapturo is the Latin translation for “caught up” in 1 Th. 4:17. The Greek is harpázo, which means “to snatch away” and is translated “pluck them out” (Joh. 10:28, 29). It is used in Acts 8:39 of the Spirit of God snatching away Philip after the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch and in 2 Co. 12:2, 4 of Paul being caught up to the third heaven.

Following is an exegesis of three major passages that describe the Rapture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; and John 14:1-3.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Paul was answering the Thessalonian believers’ question about those who had died in Christ (1 Th. 4:13). They had been taught to expect the Lord’s imminent return and were looking for that (1 Th. 1:9-10). But some of the brethren had died, and the church didn’t know what was going on with them. Where are they? What will happen to them when Christ comes? Will the living saints be caught up with Christ, while the dead saints will have to wait for a later resurrection? We must understand that most of the New Testament was not yet written. Many think that 1 Thessalonians was Paul’s first epistle. The epistle of James might have existed, but it has no teaching about the Rapture. Christ spoke of His coming for His own in John 14:1-3, but the Gospel of John was not yet written when Paul wrote his epistle to Thessalonica.

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Pre Trib rapture continued...

Consider some important lessons from this key passage:

1. The Rapture is a doctrine for the church, and this is the key to understanding it.

The only way to understand the Rapture properly is to understand the clear distinction between Israel and the church, which is plainly taught in Scripture if prophecy is interpreted literally.

The doctrine of the Rapture was written to a church for the churches. It is a mystery revealed to the churches (1 Co. 15:51-52). It is not about Israel. It was not revealed to Israel and has nothing to do with Israel and her program with God and her covenants.

The Rapture is when Christ will collect His bride (Eph. 5:27) and bring her to the mansions He has prepared for her (Joh. 14:1-3) and she will see Him in His glory (Joh. 17:24). The church has nothing to do with the day of the Lord, which is a day pertaining to the unsaved world and to Israel (“the day of Jacob’s trouble,” Jer. 30:7). The church has nothing to do with Daniel’s 70 Week prophecy, which pertains to “thy people” (Daniel’s people, Israel) and “thy holy city” (Jerusalem) (Da. 9:24). The churches are not seen on earth in Revelation after chapter three. The events of Revelation 5-18 pertain to the world and to Israel. The church of God is a separate entity with her own program with God (“the Jews ... the Gentiles ... the church of God,” 1 Co. 10:32).

Chapter and verse?

meh, continued....

Daisy, i can go on for pages. there is way to many Boat Loads on the Pre Trib Rapture and this forum doesn't care.

when we GONE, then you care. ooops.

for those who do care we have PLENTY of Left Behind movies, binge watch them and get back to me. i have watched them more than my share, but this all may be new to the many churches that don't preach Bible Prophecy.

here you go....

IMHO the first original one is best, then do the Tribulation series that i have not finished....

336,313 views Apr 2, 2024 The Biblical prophecy of Armegeddon begins when the Rapture instantly takes all believers in Christ from the Earth. A reporter left behind learns that the Anti-Christ will soon take power.Director: Vic SarinWriters: Alan B. McElroy, Paul Lalonde, Joe GoodmanStars: Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson, Janaya Stephens►Left Behind II: Tribulation Force: • Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (20... ►Left Behind III: World at War • Left Behind III: World at War (2005) ... ►Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist: • Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist (...
Paul was speaking of the resurrection hope, as well as the 144,000...He reminded them that Jesus was resurrected after his death...at the coming of the Lord, those faithful Christians among them of the 144,000 who had died would be raised to be with Christ...

1 Corinthians 15:51-58
Again, Paul is speaking of the 144,000...specifically the remaining remnant still living on the earth at the time of Jesus' return...

John 14:1-3
Again, Jesus was speaking specifically of the 144,000, who began to be gathered in 33 CE with the New Covenant that he made directly with them...at that time Jesus made it clearly known that the co-rulers who would assist the King of God’s Kingdom/Jesus Christ would be taken from the earth and raised to life as spirit creatures in heaven...unlike those the great crowd, who will be living on the earth...those ones who are taken to heaven will not be flesh and blood...

“Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 15:50

“They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and they shall reign with him a thousand years.” Revelation 20:6
Paul was speaking of the resurrection hope, as well as the 144,000...He reminded them that Jesus was resurrected after his death...at the coming of the Lord, those faithful Christians among them of the 144,000 who had died would be raised to be with Christ...

Again, Paul is speaking of the 144,000...specifically the remaining remnant still living on the earth at the time of Jesus' return...

Again, Jesus was speaking specifically of the 144,000, who began to be gathered in 33 CE with the New Covenant that he made directly with them...at that time Jesus made it clearly known that the co-rulers who would assist the King of God’s Kingdom/Jesus Christ would be taken from the earth and raised to life as spirit creatures in heaven...unlike those the great crowd, who will be living on the earth...those ones who are taken to heaven will not be flesh and blood...

“Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 15:50

“They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and they shall reign with him a thousand years.” Revelation 20:6

thanks Daisy.

so wow, this 144,000 is a Real major doctrine with You all !!!

ok, got that. i may raise the issue with the JW booth at the fair this summer......if that don't work, may even attend a Kingdom Hall if i can find one in the State.

well yeah, don't laugh, i get into various Denoms to see what's cooking. this Sunday we have a big anniversary at the Reform church with GOOOOOOD dinner. don't forget the Dinner people, LOL always good for fellowship, and you know how 'Calvinists' luv arminians right? back in the day, they burned us at the stake as the RC did or just use the Stretcher to make us 'bigger'.

now we enlightened and have christian luv. :rolleyes:

but i forgive them, most christians know Zip about church history........eh, or the bible. don't talk theology either thank you. just 'go along to get along'.

what i understand about the 144,000 is that it is in one chapter in Revelation and concerns the Jewish evangelists that preach after God raptures the church out. very effective, many here on the forum will be Left Behind; when the Rapture hits, they will be terrified.

the people Left Behind will understand what is going on if they went to a Pre Trib kind of church or grandma gave them the talk on it.

blessings Daisy from me and Crystal....https://www.youtube.com/@CrystalLove4Jesus
Revelation 8:9
A third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

Could this be the beginning of it?

Why sea creatures are washing up dead around the world

Dead fish in Florida. Beached whales in New Jersey. Sea urchins, starfish and crayfish washing ashore in New Zealand.
Millions of rotting fish clogging up a river in the Australian outback. A mass fish die-off in Poland.
Around the world, freshwater and marine creatures are dying in large numbers, leaving experts to puzzle over the cause.

In some cases, scientists say climate change may be leading to more algal blooms and other events that starve fish of oxygen.
Warming oceans and marine heat waves are driving sea creatures from their normal habitats. Human activities including coastal shipping are suspected in a spate of recent marine mammal deaths in the United States.

Thousands of dead fish have washed up on a Thai beach. Experts say climate change may be to blame

Earth’s fish are disappearing because of climate change, study says

Scientists may have discovered what has caused hundreds of fish off the coast of the Florida Keys to spin in circles until they die.

Reports of the bizarre behavior first surfaced in October 2023, leading to nearly 500 reports of dead fish washing ashore as of May 8.

Why thousands of fish washed up on these Texas beaches

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Revelation 8:9
A third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

Could this be the beginning of it?

Why sea creatures are washing up dead around the world

Dead fish in Florida. Beached whales in New Jersey. Sea urchins, starfish and crayfish washing ashore in New Zealand.
Millions of rotting fish clogging up a river in the Australian outback. A mass fish die-off in Poland.
Around the world, freshwater and marine creatures are dying in large numbers, leaving experts to puzzle over the cause.

In some cases, scientists say climate change may be leading to more algal blooms and other events that starve fish of oxygen.
Warming oceans and marine heat waves are driving sea creatures from their normal habitats. Human activities including coastal shipping are suspected in a spate of recent marine mammal deaths in the United States.

Thousands of dead fish have washed up on a Thai beach. Experts say climate change may be to blame

Earth’s fish are disappearing because of climate change, study says

Scientists may have discovered what has caused hundreds of fish off the coast of the Florida Keys to spin in circles until they die.

Reports of the bizarre behavior first surfaced in October 2023, leading to nearly 500 reports of dead fish washing ashore as of May 8.

Why thousands of fish washed up on these Texas beaches

The planet has survived mass extinctions, and a few thousand fish is not one third of sea creatures. So, no.
Just found out about this. Thanks to @Gatsby.

Another fear-peddling report:

We'll have to wait and see how Putin will react.
If I remember correctly, it was in response to Macron's previous statement, that Putin had made a veiled threat on using nuclear weapons.
WHO, has become the biggest peddler of fear, by the looks of it. 😁

Prepare for next pandemic, future pathogens with "even deadlier potential" than COVID, WHO chief warns

Oh boy.......so many things happenning.
We surely live in such an interesting time.
WHO, has become the biggest peddler of fear, by the looks of it. 😁

Prepare for next pandemic, future pathogens with "even deadlier potential" than COVID, WHO chief warns

Oh boy.......so many things happenning.
We surely live in such an interesting time.

Everyone has always lived in interesting times.
WHO, has become the biggest peddler of fear, by the looks of it. 😁

Prepare for next pandemic, future pathogens with "even deadlier potential" than COVID, WHO chief warns

Oh boy.......so many things happenning.
We surely live in such an interesting time.

thanks Tosca.

Covid, WHO, Bill Gates, Dr Falsi are just part of the 'culling crew' to eliminate as many sheeple out there as we enter into the April 8 End Times events.

get your 'vax' they say and then suffer from the crap they put in them. especially the kids who were in almost no danger from covid, but don't let any facts get in your way. cnn said it was 'good for you' groan.

they are Cooking up some better viruses for next time with a higher kill ratio; gotta kill for their over population and warming et al. we just doing 'gain of function' experiments that conveniently jump out of the lab and at times may even get spread airborne over cities.

so sorry.

and don't mention ivermectin or nicotine therapy either. ok, i wont, go get your vent and see what happens with a side of Remdesivir.

Everyone has always lived in interesting times.

yep, and today we in them.

hope you are Rapture ready today; i don't wanna see you be the next 'gain of function' gerbil they get a hold of.

or is it all in the 'name of Science'. well your science god is proud of you.

carry on.
Covid, WHO, Bill Gates, Dr Falsi are just part of the 'culling crew' to eliminate as many sheeple out there as we enter into the April 8 End Times events.

get your 'vax' they say and then suffer from the crap they put in them. especially the kids who were in almost no danger from covid, but don't let any facts get in your way. cnn said it was 'good for you' groan.

they are Cooking up some better viruses for next time with a higher kill ratio; gotta kill for their over population and warming et al. we just doing 'gain of function' experiments that conveniently jump out of the lab and at times may even get spread airborne over cities.

Wrong forum.
Everyone has always lived in interesting times.
It doesn’t look (to me) like @tosca1 was saying other generations didn’t live in “interesting times.” To her (and others) these are the only times she’s familiar with. Did you have a past life where the times were interesting?
It doesn’t look (to me) like @tosca1 was saying other generations didn’t live in “interesting times.” To her (and others) these are the only times she’s familiar with. Did you have a past life where the times were interesting?
I believe the point is that there is nothing different now than at any other point in time that could be seen as signaling an apocalypse. We got through the Cold War. We will get through the Ukraine war.
I believe the point is that there is nothing different now than at any other point in time that could be seen as signaling an apocalypse. We got through the Cold War. We will get through the Ukraine war.
IDK, for I don’t pay attention to “end times prophesy”. In my opinion Revelation is addressed only to those left behind after Jesus Christ’s return for the Church of his body. Thus the end times have not began to take place because I’m still here instead of in Heaven with God.
IDK, for I don’t pay attention to “end times prophesy”. In my opinion Revelation is addressed only to those left behind after Jesus Christ’s return for the Church of his body. Thus the end times have not began to take place because I’m still here instead of in Heaven with God.
I was just speaking to the comment. It was a general comment as I read it.
It doesn’t look (to me) like @tosca1 was saying other generations didn’t live in “interesting times.” To her (and others) these are the only times she’s familiar with. Did you have a past life where the times were interesting?

They have both been told before that every single generation for the past 2000 years have claimed that Jesus was coming back “soon”. It’s delusional. There is no reason in the world why this particular generation is the one. They both take it to ridiculous extremes and the truly rational people find the whole thing somewhere between humorous and sad.
They have both been told before that every single generation for the past 2000 years have claimed that Jesus was coming back “soon”. It’s delusional.

no, very 'lusional'

dreams and visions again, see Crystal or Acts 2

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

There is no reason in the world why this particular generation is the one.

somebody let Putin and nato loose, they threaten world and End Times and do bad bad things.

Revelation say this will happen, but we go home and you take care of it.

They both take it to ridiculous extremes and the truly rational people find the whole thing somewhere between humorous and sad.

when we go home, not many 'rational people' hanging out down here. see Left Behind movies, binge watch for Rough idea.

or see this Rapture dream, gooooood stuff.

no, very 'lusional'

dreams and visions again, see Crystal or Acts 2

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

somebody let Putin and nato loose, they threaten world and End Times and do bad bad things.

Revelation say this will happen, but we go home and you take care of it.

when we go home, not many 'rational people' hanging out down here. see Left Behind movies, binge watch for Rough idea.

or see this Rapture dream, gooooood stuff.

Myths. Superstitions.
Myths. Superstitions.

well fine.

but not north korea, they at it again. Japan this time....

"We are no longer at a stage where single or double (short-range ballistic missile) launches indicate tests or stepping stones — they have an operational capability and they're practicing using it," he said.

Thursday's barrage comes after North Korea leader Kim Jong Un pledged to continue building spy satellites following the nuclear-armed country's failure to put one into orbit on Monday.

It also comes after South Korea said Wednesday that it had detected around 260 balloons carrying trash and feces presumed to have been sent across the border by the North. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/05/30/asia-pacific/north-korea-10-missiles-may-30/

Kim Jong needs to watch some Crystal videos and change his ways. ❣️

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