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Painting a pretty picture over the Shia in Iraq (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Has anyone ever considered the fact that the Shi'ites could be as bad if not worse then the Sunnis? after all, of the two factions, the shi'ites are the ones that have the 6th Pillar, which is the Jihad pillar. So I don't understand why we support the Shi'ites? They are gonna kiss up to us for awhile and then as soon as we leave, and if they win the impending civil war once we do leave, they could end up being just as bad if not WORSE then Saddam Hussein. Remember what happened when we supported the Taliban. . .
Yes, actually quite a number of people have thought about this. Especially folks who live near Iraq. It's a source of tension.

The Iranian thought about it. That's why they used Chalabi to sell Team Bush on the invasion of Iraq.

Stepven Vincent also thought about it.
And yet again we are going to be told by certain neo-conservatives on this site, that we are going to create this great democracy in Iraq. Hah they live in fairy land.

Obviously the neoconservatives, don't understand that the middle east never had the same secular, intellectual, and prodestant (in context to Christianity) reformations, that came out of Europe. Ultimately paving the way for the secular democracies in Europe, and in America. Therefore, you get rid of Saddam, and all you are going to do is replace a secular dictator, with a theocracy based on the dictatorship of the Shia. So the Sunni's, Kurds, Christians, and secular Muslims could all lose out.

Saddam was a bastard. But was he any worse than the other despotic leaders of the middle east that we don't seem to be taking action against?
Australianlibertarian said:
And yet again we are going to be told by certain neo-conservatives on this site, that we are going to create this great democracy in Iraq. Hah they live in fairy land.

Obviously the neoconservatives, don't understand that the middle east never had the same secular, intellectual, and prodestant (in context to Christianity) reformations, that came out of Europe. Ultimately paving the way for the secular democracies in Europe, and in America. Therefore, you get rid of Saddam, and all you are going to do is replace a secular dictator, with a theocracy based on the dictatorship of the Shia. So the Sunni's, Kurds, Christians, and secular Muslims could all lose out.

Saddam was a bastard. But was he any worse than the other despotic leaders of the middle east that we don't seem to be taking action against?

BUSH SR.reagan slept with Sadam fed him wepons and brought him gifts
at the height of his crimes against his people
the islamics know the truth about bush they knew it along time ago
they know it now
It is only the Americans that have a hard time to believe it
Americans are brought up believing
GOD is on their side,and that they are the righteous people.
anyother account of their country is an attempt to slander them
The real truth of their history would stagger them
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