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Over 450 Companies Have Withdrawn from Russia—But Some Remain (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning

Originally conceptualized as a simple "withdraw" vs. "remain" list, our new list of companies now consists of five categories:

1) WITHDRAWAL - Clean Break: companies completely halting Russian engagements/exiting Russia;

2) SUSPENSION - Keeping Options Open for Return: companies temporarily curtailing operations while keeping return options open;

3) SCALING BACK - Reducing Activities: companies scaling back some business operations while continuing others;

4) BUYING TIME - Holding Off New Investments/Developments: companies postponing future planned investment/development/marketing while continuing substantive business;

5) DIGGING IN - Defying Demands for Exit: companies defying demands for exit/reduction of activities

It appears that the Jeffrey Sonnenfeld/Yale List is updated almost every day.

Everyone go to that list and tweet an email and call the companies that have not left yet. Do it now.

It appears that the Jeffrey Sonnenfeld/Yale List is updated almost every day.

I see a lot of heavy lifters keeping Russia afloat (JPMorgan, HSBC, Goldman Sachs), I was surprised to see Bank of China under “suspend,” and nobody will be surprised by the likes of McDonalds, Nike and Levi go back to business as usual the instant the war leaves the front pages.

It appears that the Jeffrey Sonnenfeld/Yale List is updated almost every day.

Koch industries remains.
I want to point out that our real enemy is China, not Russia. How many US companies support that regime? One of the things Trump got right was the trade war with China. I expect that we will start sanctions/ economic embargo with China after Taiwan is attacked....Until then let's keep propping up their Govt. because we can never have enough Apple products. Their usage of North Korea as a proxy is no secret, yet let's continue to be trade pals? ;

"Chinese financial and trade support effectively facilitated North Korea’s nuclear program by keeping its economy afloat and thus fractured the chances of a reunified peninsula."
I want to point out that our real enemy is China, not Russia.

Russia is an existential enemy of the US with thousands of nuclear missiles aimed at us.
A Finnish company is resuming freight services to Russia (from Helsinki to St. Petersburg)



Jeffrey Sonnenfeld:
"It's disgusting that any of these companies (that stay in Russia) try for some humanitarian or paternalistic employer arguments. It's just because of their own greed. They should be called out and shamed for it." Companies staying "undermines the whole purpose of the economic sanctions and these voluntary business blockades. Which is not to bring comfort to the Russian population and allow them to continue to be complacent. It is to make them uncomfortable; it is to increase the sense of stress in Russian society so that they question their leadership.

"There are some people who sympathetically say 'the Russian general population has filtered information.' Well, every Russian knows that too... They should be questioning the truth of what they're being told, and if they don't, they are willingly ignorant. "When ceasefires are openly violated by the Russians or when you have children's hospitals being bombed, there's no middle ground here. "We hear every day from companies that are furious (about being on the list). They'll send us examples of threats that they're getting from international hacker groups like Anonymous. Well, that's not our problem. This is a choice they've made. And if there's backlash from the community, they should change their position."


Boycott LG products. The company is cooperating with Russian censors.....

I want to point out that our real enemy is China, not Russia. How many US companies support that regime? One of the things Trump got right was the trade war with China. I expect that we will start sanctions/ economic embargo with China after Taiwan is attacked....Until then let's keep propping up their Govt. because we can never have enough Apple products. Their usage of North Korea as a proxy is no secret, yet let's continue to be trade pals? ;

"Chinese financial and trade support effectively facilitated North Korea’s nuclear program by keeping its economy afloat and thus fractured the chances of a reunified peninsula."

I think the actual enemy is corporate greed. They are the ones that sent all the manufacturing to China so we are reliant on them, just so they can make more profits. And destroyed small town America where the manufacturing jobs used to be and which propped up those places with good paying jobs. Now we are so heavily retail sector making barely livable wages if even that, and China has all the power over us. Plus the greed that has robbed the treasury with tax cuts to the greedy wealthy, the war mongering spending trillions going to defense contractors and others supplying the military, and worse, the politicians being bought and paid for by the wealthy so this country is now about For the corporation, of the corporation, by the corporation.

As of now, Russia is slaughtering innocent people, slowing the supply chain issues, and if it keeps up, will disrupt the food chain as a lot of wheat is grown in Ukraine

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