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Outrage as trans middle school athlete wins girls’ shot put event by more than 3 feet (1 Viewer)

^^^^^ Projection ^^^^^^

No, your thread shows that you really hate children.
Based upon your history, you only like white men, and you hate everyone else.
No, your thread shows that you really hate children.
Based upon your history, you only like white men, and you hate everyone else.
^^^^^^ Why lie? Oh, its a day ending in 'Y' ^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^ Why lie? Oh, its a day ending in 'Y' ^^^^^^^^^
My history here shows that I don’t lie.
Your history shows your posts to reflect hateful racism.
My history here shows that I don’t lie.
Your history shows your posts to reflect hateful racism.
Boo hoo someone has a sad. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Says more about you than me. 🤣
Boo hoo someone has a sad. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Says more about you than me. 🤣
Sure does - I’m honest and you constantly post racist bullshit.
IMHO, if a transgender male seriously professes to be a female, he should have his nuts removed and wait a year or two to compete to allow his body to adjust to a significant loss of testosterone.
IMHO, if a transgender male seriously professes to be a female, he should have his nuts removed and wait a year or two to compete to allow his body to adjust to a significant loss of testosterone.
Just thought of this. When they get their cods lopped off do they hang them from their rear-view car mirror like dice? LMAO........:eek:

There are proven trusted practices.

It's also a weird assumption to make that nobody that he inaccurately describes as being "on the right" has any biological daughters who are or could be impacted by this.

If the premise of someone's position is, "I know that everyone who disagrees with me isn't impacted by the topic and is just trolling," then they've already lost the debate 🤷🏾‍♂️
Impacted by a middles school athletic event?

Life's too ****ing hard for some people.
IMHO, if a transgender male seriously professes to be a female, he should have his nuts removed and wait a year or two to compete to allow his body to adjust to a significant loss of testosterone.
Because bottom surgery is limited to 18 and over except in extreme circumstances your idea is not possible in K-12 athletics.

the use of blockers is medically supported and then a combined therapy of estrogen and anti-androgens will do the very same thing. The orchi' just makes it permanent and allows them Drs to discontinue the anti-androgens.

Did someone tell you that trans females are competing as female just for the athletic advantage and would later go back to being cisgender male? If so why did you believe them?
No article I’ve read has said anything about reverting back. I’m all for leveling the playing field. Right now it is anything but and it’s pretty obvious.
No article I’ve read has said anything about reverting back. I’m all for leveling the playing field. Right now it is anything but and it’s pretty obvious.
The playing field is as level as medically possible.

If the teen begins their transition during puberty with blockers then the body didn't mature is the wrong gender and there is little to no strength advantage. Conservatives also scream and moan when teens use blockers, so their done transition in the wrong sex for their gender.

This is a non issue but conservatives wont be happy until there are no transgender athletes who are even competitive. Its not able being fair but able finding a way to effectively discriminate against trans kids in sports as well. They are not human to conservatives. They see their existence as just a battle of a social war to be won, so trans people once again are forced into second class status.
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In WV girls turned out to protest a boy who competed in the girls competition.

And imagine this.

He dominated

This isn’t right. Straight up sick and stupid.


We are still doing this?

Ain't got nothing better to do than get animated about fing middle school
Impacted by a middles school athletic event?

Life's too ****ing hard for some people.

You don't think a middle school girl could be impacted by this?

Sure thing... :ROFLMAO: 👌👌👌
You don't think a middle school girl could be impacted by this?

Sure thing... :ROFLMAO: 👌👌👌
If you've ever had a middle schooler in your home you would know they are impacted by everything. For a day or two.
If you've ever had a middle schooler in your home you would know they are impacted by everything. For a day or two.

Oh, good. In that case the transgender kids will be okay after only a day or two once they're required to participate in sports that match their biological sex.

Thanks for solving the problem once and for all @mrjurrs! Well done! 💯
Oh, good. In that case the transgender kids will be okay after only a day or two once they're required to participate in sports that match their biological sex.

Thanks for solving the problem once and for all @mrjurrs! Well done! 💯
Only a fool would compare losing an athletic event (hint, 9 of the 10 cisgender kids still lose even if the transgender kid is not allowed to compete) to what transgender children go through every day at school.
Only a fool would compare losing an athletic event (hint, 9 of the 10 cisgender kids still lose even if the transgender kid is not allowed to compete) to what transgender children go through every day at school.
Decisions have consequences.
You're mad a middle school kids now?
The middle school kids are protesting this. It is they and their parents who should know what is best for them.
Having said that, perhaps they can come to an agreement.
Let the trans girl compete but give her a second first place?
Only a fool would compare losing an athletic event (hint, 9 of the 10 cisgender kids still lose even if the transgender kid is not allowed to compete) to what transgender children go through every day at school.

A. You're the one who suggested that nothing is a big deal to middle school girls and that they'll get over it in "a day or two," not me....

B. If invalidation affects trans kids so much, then why are you assuming invalidation and being cast aside doesn't also affect cisgender girls just as significantly?

C. What exactly are you asserting that "transgender children go through every day at school?" Be specific and cite data supporting that negative things are happening "every day at school" to trans kids.
A. You're the one who suggested that nothing is a big deal to middle school girls and that they'll get over it in "a day or two," not me....

B. If invalidation affects trans kids so much, then why are you assuming invalidation and being cast aside doesn't also affect cisgender girls just as significantly?

C. What exactly are you asserting that "transgender children go through every day at school?" Be specific and cite data supporting that negative things are happening "every day at school" to trans kids.
Why do I have to explain everything to you twice?
A) I said "If you've ever had a middle schooler in your home you would know they are impacted by everything. For a day or two."
Read more carefully.
B) "Youth explained that their wellbeing was mostly conditioned through experiences of validation of their gender identity."
C) I'm speaking from direct personal experience, and I would say that one thing that happens to them everyday is having to deal with bigots that espouse your point-of-view.
Oh, good. In that case the transgender kids will be okay after only a day or two once they're required to participate in sports that match their biological sex.

Thanks for solving the problem once and for al @mrjurrs! Well done! 💯
Mack Beggs says hello.
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Pepper-Jackson's score is within range of the other middle school females in WVA so far in 2024. The current longest put is 40' 1.5". Last year a middle schooler in WVA reached 41'8". Those scores disprove Pepper-Jackson has a physical advantage over other girls against whom she competes. Click on the women's top athletes link to see year by year.

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 11.05.20 AM.png


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