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Our president's lawyers (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
First there was cohen. For many years cohen was trump's personal lawyer, now it's rudy. In your opinion are these guys helping or hurting our president?
Cohen does not have any responsibility to help or hurt the President in the sense of an attorney. Rudy is actually playing an attorney on TV though he is in fact an actual Attorney. I do not think it is helpful to the President's cause to have Rudy continually walking back Trump's position on key issues like Trump's involvement in the Trump Tower Moscow dealings and the period of time for which there was a Trump Tower Moscow deal.

The simple truth of it is that Trump was clearly lying about both the deal and the term and that initial lie has been supplemented by further lies and obfuscations walking them back all the way to the 2016 Election now. This stuff is no longer even hard to follow. Although, are any of Trump's lies that hard to follow?
First there was cohen. For many years cohen was trump's personal lawyer, now it's rudy. In your opinion are these guys helping or hurting our president?

Cohen is definitely hurting Trump. If he testifies before Congress that he committed perjury on the orders of the president and there are corroborating witnesses or documentation (a recording perhaps) that is undoubtedly grounds for impeachment.

Giuliani is simply a court jester. His antics are nothing more than an amusing sideshow. Although, the president will undoubtedly have to disavow much of what Giuliani has said in public regarding collusion, witness tampering, etc.
Rudy is the gift that keeps on giving.

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