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Our President Plans to 'Rate' Colleges: This bright idea needs to be strangled in the (1 Viewer)


May 11, 2013
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Political Leaning
By Jim Yardley

When I glanced at the first story I read about President Obama's plans to "rate" colleges, my first thought was "Hey, what's he doing? It isn't March. The NCAA Tournament is months away!"

As it turns out, the whole thing was just Obama being Obama. As usual, he spoke in vague generalities. As always, the metrics to be used in evaluating these institutions of higher learning were obviously subjective, and subject to "nudging" as needed to produce a desired (read: politically favorable) result.

Couching the idea in inevitably unclear terms, the president uses the "carrot and stick" approach to addressing the rising costs of college educations. Lindsey M. Burke, writing in National Review Online, notes:
A big part of the president's plan includes creating a college-rating system - a federal scorecard - to evaluate colleges on measures such as graduation rates, the number of low-income students served (i.e., the percentage of Pell Grant recipients), graduate earnings, and affordability.
So Obama's big idea is to create a rating system. And what exactly is this rating system supposed to rate? Graduation rates? There are more than a few studies that indicate that admissions tinged with affirmative action goals set up many minority students for failure when they are admitted to universities with high-pressure, high-performance expectations. There are also factors for failing to complete a college course of study that have little or nothing to do with the quality of university, or its instructors. Doubt that? Bill Gates never finished college. How would Obama's rating system classify him?


Read more:
Articles: Our President Plans to 'Rate' Colleges

Gee, here I thought we already had a rating system for Colleges and Universities. Nothing like directly transforming them into government entities.
Re: Our President Plans to 'Rate' Colleges: This bright idea needs to be strangled in

US News does the same thing and colleges will cook their books for the federalis just like they do for US News.
Re: Our President Plans to 'Rate' Colleges: This bright idea needs to be strangled in

By Jim Yardley

When I glanced at the first story I read about President Obama's plans to "rate" colleges, my first thought was "Hey, what's he doing? It isn't March. The NCAA Tournament is months away!"

As it turns out, the whole thing was just Obama being Obama. As usual, he spoke in vague generalities. As always, the metrics to be used in evaluating these institutions of higher learning were obviously subjective, and subject to "nudging" as needed to produce a desired (read: politically favorable) result.

Couching the idea in inevitably unclear terms, the president uses the "carrot and stick" approach to addressing the rising costs of college educations. Lindsey M. Burke, writing in National Review Online, notes:
A big part of the president's plan includes creating a college-rating system - a federal scorecard - to evaluate colleges on measures such as graduation rates, the number of low-income students served (i.e., the percentage of Pell Grant recipients), graduate earnings, and affordability.
So Obama's big idea is to create a rating system. And what exactly is this rating system supposed to rate? Graduation rates? There are more than a few studies that indicate that admissions tinged with affirmative action goals set up many minority students for failure when they are admitted to universities with high-pressure, high-performance expectations. There are also factors for failing to complete a college course of study that have little or nothing to do with the quality of university, or its instructors. Doubt that? Bill Gates never finished college. How would Obama's rating system classify him?


Read more:
Articles: Our President Plans to 'Rate' Colleges

Gee, here I thought we already had a rating system for Colleges and Universities. Nothing like directly transforming them into government entities.

Well, since there is nothing else in america that needs attention this makes perfect sense. /sarcasm
More big government intrusion. I'm sure he'll appoint a "college rating czar" who will have to hire a staff of hundreds of (unionized) government workers to "assess" and "implement" his agenda....
Re: Our President Plans to 'Rate' Colleges: This bright idea needs to be strangled in

It won't be long before the government starts defining when and how I should brush my teeth. Please, leave us alone.

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