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"Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
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Good grief:doh

Seriously? Do people really think that this will help their cause? I mean, it's like "God is cool but, hey, that's Barack Obama over there!"

I swear, if this is the way politics are going to go in this country then y'all had better prepare for President Bieber in 20 years or so.
You are aware that Jamie Foxx is a comedian right?

It sounded more like a joke...

What's the big deal?
You are aware that Jamie Foxx is a comedian right?

It sounded more like a joke...

What's the big deal?

I'm aware of what Jamie Foxx does for a living but it sure didn't sound like a joke and here's some more of it -

You are aware that Jamie Foxx is a comedian right?

It sounded more like a joke...

What's the big deal?

Yeah, I agree. He might not be the brightest dummy out there, but in general it seems he was kinda making a joke of it. Though the audience might not have got it.
You are aware that Jamie Foxx is a comedian right?

It sounded more like a joke...

What's the big deal?

Everybody loses their sense of humor when it goes against their opinions.
Everybody loses their sense of humor when it goes against their opinions.

In my experience people laugh at jokes. This includes the person telling the joke.

I sure as hell didn't see any laughter in either clip.
In my experience people laugh at jokes. This includes the person telling the joke.

I sure as hell didn't see any laughter in either clip.

Did you think "Barack the Magic Negro" was funny? I didn't hear much laughter there either.
Did you think "Barack the Magic Negro" was funny? I didn't hear much laughter there either.

The original use of "Barack the Magic Negro" was in an LA Times Op-Ed so it's kind of hard to determine who laughed and who didn't.
The original use of "Barack the Magic Negro" was in an LA Times Op-Ed so it's kind of hard to determine who laughed and who didn't.

When Limburger made it a song, did you laugh?
Yea ummm this was a joke.. Someone obviously didnt get that one...
When Limburger made it a song, did you laugh?


I laughed because it was dark satire and pretty funny. It was also a song about white guilt rather than about Obama.

I laughed because it was dark satire and pretty funny. It was also a song about white guilt rather than about Obama.

So the measure of it being a joke is whether or not you laughed?
Good grief:doh

Seriously? Do people really think that this will help their cause? I mean, it's like "God is cool but, hey, that's Barack Obama over there!"

I swear, if this is the way politics are going to go in this country then y'all had better prepare for President Bieber in 20 years or so.

Ha ha. Don't be silly now.

Bieber cannot run for President of the USA. He was born in Canada. Otherwise, he will win the **** out of the election in 20 years. But don't worry. There are plenty to fill his shoes over here. How about Nicky Minaj? She's black and she's a woman who acts and looks like an alien. You can't possibly get more progressive than THAT.
Ha ha. Don't be silly now.

Bieber cannot run for President of the USA. He was born in Canada. Otherwise, he will win the **** out of the election in 20 years. But don't worry. There are plenty to fill his shoes over here. How about Nicky Minaj? She's black and she's a woman who acts and looks like an alien. You can't possibly get more progressive than THAT.

Ironically, the GOP doesn't seem to have a problem with electing entertainers when it's one of theirs. Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Sonny Bono, Clint Eastwood...
Ha ha. Don't be silly now.

Bieber cannot run for President of the USA. He was born in Canada. Otherwise, he will win the **** out of the election in 20 years. But don't worry. There are plenty to fill his shoes over here. How about Nicky Minaj? She's black and she's a woman who acts and looks like an alien. You can't possibly get more progressive than THAT.

I can see it now. President Minaj, Sec State GaGa, VP Beyonce.......we're screwed.
Ironically, the GOP doesn't seem to have a problem with electing entertainers when it's one of theirs. Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Sonny Bono, Clint Eastwood...

Reagan happened to have class. More so than Obama will have have. There is nothing wrong with the workline of being an actor and playing the part of presidency well. At least Reagan had the balls to admit and step down when he betrayed the people with the watergate scandal. Obama blamed the benghazi incident on other people and all his people did the same thing. Blame it on someone who is of lower rank then they are... abstracting themselves of the responsability because they don't want to commit political suicide or look bad. Like Holder also did with the fast and furious. His deputy, his 2nd in command as it were, took the blame and Holder decided that he wasn't to blame because he didn't "personally" knew about it. That is a stupid notion.

Also, I am not with the GOP. I love Arnolds' and Eastwoods' movies. I don't know why I should care about them as politicians. I don't know who sonny bono is and I don't care.
Good grief:doh

Seriously? Do people really think that this will help their cause? I mean, it's like "God is cool but, hey, that's Barack Obama over there!"

I swear, if this is the way politics are going to go in this country then y'all had better prepare for President Bieber in 20 years or so.

good grief that was clearly a joke by a comedian, im guessing you have never seen Jamie Fox preform before, not only does his tone and randomness give it away but the look on his face LOL
You are aware that Jamie Foxx is a comedian right?

It sounded more like a joke...

What's the big deal?

clearly a joke I cant even imagine how one doesnt see it as such
Reagan happened to have class. More so than Obama will have have. There is nothing wrong with the workline of being an actor and playing the part of presidency well. At least Reagan had the balls to admit and step down when he betrayed the people with the watergate scandal. Obama blamed the benghazi incident on other people and all his people did the same thing. Blame it on someone who is of lower rank then they are... abstracting themselves of the responsability because they don't want to commit political suicide or look bad. Like Holder also did with the fast and furious. His deputy, his 2nd in command as it were, took the blame and Holder decided that he wasn't to blame because he didn't "personally" knew about it. That is a stupid notion.

Also, I am not with the GOP. I love Arnolds' and Eastwoods' movies. I don't know why I should care about them as politicians. I don't know who sonny bono is and I don't care.

I didn't say you should care about them, just that when it comes to electing entertainers, they GOP has had their share.

How do you not know who Sonny Bono is? Does the name "Sonny and Cher" mean anything to you?
I didn't say you should care about them, just that when it comes to electing entertainers, they GOP has had their share.

How do you not know who Sonny Bono is? Does the name "Sonny and Cher" mean anything to you?

Yes... but the issue is not electing "entertainers". But presidents. It doesn't matter what profession you had before. It matters the character. Obama has proven to have the character of a 5th grader. Never assuming blame, never taking responsability only when its good... and generally shifting the blame on other people. And a lot of his staff are doing the same thing.

Reagan played the part of the president as best he could, and he played it maturely. He took his faults and his failures and went away gracefully.

And no, the name Sonny and Cher mean nothing to me.
I didn't say you should care about them, just that when it comes to electing entertainers, they GOP has had their share.

How do you not know who Sonny Bono is? Does the name "Sonny and Cher" mean anything to you?

id guess until he googles it Cher isnt going to mean anything to him either, i believe he is foreign and young but i might be wrong.
Ironically, the GOP doesn't seem to have a problem with electing entertainers when it's one of theirs. Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Sonny Bono, Clint Eastwood...

Al Franken, Ben Jones (Cooter).

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