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Our diseased democracy (1 Viewer)

you cant change the errors you made, you can only try to smooth talk over it....

there were no errors.

See post 106 and 108 for a thorough and complete exposure of your dishonesty in claiming this.
go back and read again and this time open your mind and close your mouth.

Here it is from my source:

The source does not say that we copied roman government.
The source does not say a word about mixed government. That is your obsession. That is your fixation. That is your jones that you cannot kick.

The source does say there are three basic ingredients in a republican government and the usa has all three.

Here is a clue for you: Anytime you have to go on ranting about mixed government - you already stepped in it and the muck is all over your post.

The constitution mandates a republican form of government and that is what we have in our representative democracy.

why do you try to deceive in post #121

below is from your first posting concerning Rome # 101, and you left a part out this time which is in Red

lesson 3: What is a republican government? Print e-mail
we the people: The citizen & the constitution
upper elementary

student book

purpose of lesson
this lesson will help you understand why the founders thought a republican form of government was best. You will also learn about civic virtue and the common welfare.

the founders studied history
the founders studied the history of governments. They were very interested in what they read about the government of the roman republic. It was located in what is now the country of italy. The roman republic existed more than 2,000 years before our nation began.

The founders liked what they read about the roman republic. They learned some important ideas from their study of the government of ancient rome. they used some of these ideas when they created our government.

what is a republican government?
The government of rome was called a republican government. The founders read that republican government was one in which:
The power of government is held by the people.
The people give power to leaders they elect to represent them and serve their interests.
The representatives are responsible for helping all the people in the country, not just a few people.
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why do you try to deceive

below is you first posting on rome,

My posting was NOT ABOUT ROME. The posting was about our Founding Fathers and American government. The mention of Rome was secondary to the information about the ingredients of a democratic republic and some of the Founders used some of things in Rome as inspiration.

Get it straight and stop this .

Again, see my posts 106 and 108 which thoroughly exposed your dishonest tactics and how you pull this crap over and over again focusing on the 5% and ignoring the 95%.
My posting was NOT ABOUT ROME. The mention of Rome was incidental and secondary to the information about the ingredients of a democratic republic.

Again, see my posts 106 and 108 which thoroughly exposed your dishonest tactics and how you pull this crap over and over again focusing on the 5% and ignoring the 95%.


The Founders’ political ideas were largely informed by Roman republican and imperial ideas. They sought to create a mixed constitution that balanced monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy.
American Founding (10): Roman Influence

John Adams wrote to Benjamin Rush -No nation under Heaven ever was, now is, nor ever will be qualified for a Republican Government, unless you mean ... resulting from a Balance of three powers, the Monarchical, Aristocratical, and Democratical ... Americans are particularly unfit for any Republic but the Aristo-Democratical Monarchy.

John Adams wrote in 1806: "I once thought our Constitution was quasi or mixed government, but they (Republicans) have now made it, to all intents and purposes, in virtue, in spirit, and in effect, a democracy. We are left without resources but in our prayers and tears, and have nothing that we can do or say, but the Lord have mercy on us."

James Madison from the federalist paper #40 --THE second point to be examined is, whether the [ constitutional ]convention were authorized to frame and propose this mixed Constitution.

Patrick Henry, Virginia Ratifying Convention--4--12 June 1788 --But, Sir, we have the consolation that it is a mixed Government: That is, it may work sorely on your neck; but you will have some comfort by saying, that it was a Federal Government in its origin.
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you will never be able to smooth over your error here in this thread

There was no error. There simply was you pulling the same crap you always do.

You have this talent ... and I am being overly generous and kind in using that descriptor ..... of ignoring 95% of what it written, honing in on 5% of what is there, misinterpreting that same 5 % and then using it as a springboard to introduce more mud into the waters to obscure the truth. Your recent posts perfectly illustrate that springboard in which you pontificate about things other than what the Constitution itself says but you present it as if its holy writ from the hand of God himself.

And then you intentionally and purposely use the dishonest tactic of printing both the source evidence and your interpretation of it in the same format without benefit of quotations so one can see where the source leaves off and where you in your views begins.

Why do you do something so shifty... so fundamentally dishonest as to intentionally decieve?

That is what you just did......... yet again for a time beyond calculation or count.

The government of Rome was called a republican government. The Founders read that republican government was one in which:
The power of government is held by the people.
The people give power to leaders they elect to represent them and serve their interests.
The representatives are responsible for helping all the people in the country, not just a few people.

All three of these ingredients are part of the government of the USA today - a representative democracy that meets the mandate in the constitution for a republican form of government.

All of your so called tons of evidence are pretty much your opinion bastardized and stolen from Madison - someone whom you idolize and adore to the point of an obvious disturbance.

The Constitution does NOT mandate what you keep referring to as MIXED GOVERNMENT. The phrase is not found in the Constitution and is merely you trying to string together dot A on page one connected with dot B on page two and then dot C on a different page from a different book altogether and then you connect that with dot F in a different book in a different library in a different city. You then tell us that dot F proves you right in your beliefs.

In case you are lost - Dot A is the Constitution.... dot B is your phrase of Mixed Government ... dot C is Madison waxing on the same .... and dot D is your conclusions about the musings of Madison.

In the end Dot D - your rantings - are entirely irrelevant and mean nothing in a constitutional discussion.

If you reply to me please at least do so honestly next time.
There was no error. There simply was you pulling the same crap you always do.

You have this talent ... and I am being overly generous and kind in using that descriptor ..... of ignoring 95% of what it written, honing in on 5% of what is there, misinterpreting that same 5 % and then using it as a springboard to introduce more mud into the waters to obscure the truth. Your recent posts perfectly illustrate that springboard in which you pontificate about things other than what the Constitution itself says but you present it as if its holy writ from the hand of God himself.

And then you intentionally and purposely use the dishonest tactic of printing both the source evidence and your interpretation of it in the same format without benefit of quotations so one can see where the source leaves off and where you in your views begins.

Why do you do something so shifty... so fundamentally dishonest as to intentionally decieve?

That is what you just did......... yet again for a time beyond calculation or count.

All three of these ingredients are part of the government of the USA today - a representative democracy that meets the mandate in the constitution for a republican form of government.

If you reply to me please at least do so honestly next time.

the evidence i posted speaks for itself, while you haymarket deceive and continue to evade
your errors and your deceit follow you as you continue on the path you are on

you are making no sense on any level or in any way as I made no error and that has been pointed out to you in posts 106 & 108.
The founders are not the sole guiding influence on how our country should be governed.

the founders were very clear that the government was to be a Mixed Government of divided power and that the government would be republican in its form, with that mixed government only having 1 single element of democracy in it while the other 2 elements would not be democratic.
until your put away you partisanship political ideology and listen to the founders you shall remain wrong.

While the calendar on your wall begins with the two digits ONE and SEVEN, mine most definitely reads 2016.
does not matter what year it is ,what the founders says and did is history and fact.

and in other late breaking news ---- the sun set in the west tonight!!!!!! :shock:

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