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Oops: Azerbaijan released election results before voting had even started (1 Viewer)

Oops: Azerbaijan released election results before voting had even started

You've got to at least pretend to have a fair election....

In the congressional district I live in, they might as well release the results today for the election to be held in November of 2014. Mark my word, it will be Scott 80% plus of the vote. No need to even have a congressional election, it is nothing but a waste of time, money and energy in my district. It is that way with approximately 370 out of the 435 CD's. If Georgia didn't have a senator's race next year, I wouldn't even bother to vote. Why add to legitimacy when and where there is none.
In the congressional district I live in, they might as well release the results today for the election to be held in November of 2014. Mark my word, it will be Scott 80% plus of the vote. No need to even have a congressional election, it is nothing but a waste of time, money and energy in my district. It is that way with approximately 370 out of the 435 CD's. If Georgia didn't have a senator's race next year, I wouldn't even bother to vote. Why add to legitimacy when and where there is none.

Which Scott are you referring to, Pero?
Which Scott are you referring to, Pero?

David Scott, some how the portion of northern Henry Country where I live were drawn into a majority minority district. He is as good as any other congressman. He is real good on veterans issue which I like.

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