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Ooops, Rep Cawthorn dumps his 11th District constituents - forced to return - after GOP District Chair Woodhouse committed herself to run (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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to run for his vacant seat. Her popularity has caused her to continue forward with this 11th District race in NC, while Cawthorn kicks himself in the ass. This may very well cost him his reelection bid there.

But Cawthorn did something far worse, at least for his own political prospects, and it may cost him his seat: He left his constituents—and then was forced to return to them, hat in hand, after the courts predictably struck down the new map on Feb. 23.

After spending months campaigning in another district—and supporting Woodhouse—a state court undid the lines that prompted Cawthorn to make his big play, and the district he had moved to vanished in an instant.

If it weren’t for forsaking his district, even with all of his controversies and embarrassments, Cawthorn could likely have coasted through election season just fine. But if the congressman’s opponents can effectively capitalize on his district-switching screw-up, it could provide the missing ingredient for defeating him in a GOP primary.
to run for his vacant seat. Her popularity has caused her to continue forward with this 11th District race in NC, while Cawthorn kicks himself in the ass. This may very well cost him his reelection bid there.

But Cawthorn did something far worse, at least for his own political prospects, and it may cost him his seat: He left his constituents—and then was forced to return to them, hat in hand, after the courts predictably struck down the new map on Feb. 23.

After spending months campaigning in another district—and supporting Woodhouse—a state court undid the lines that prompted Cawthorn to make his big play, and the district he had moved to vanished in an instant.

If it weren’t for forsaking his district, even with all of his controversies and embarrassments, Cawthorn could likely have coasted through election season just fine. But if the congressman’s opponents can effectively capitalize on his district-switching screw-up, it could provide the missing ingredient for defeating him in a GOP primary.

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