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On BLM Protesters Wearing Masks? (1 Viewer)

Why Are BLM Protester Wearing Masks?

  • Because they're really just trying to hide their Identity

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • They're really conscientious about spreading the Virus

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters


Another California Refugee
DP Veteran
May 17, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I see the majority of BLM protesters wearing masks.

Do you think it's more to hide their identity or are they just trying to stop the spread of the virus?(LOL)
I think the protesters are trying to protect themselves from the virus. Now the criminals burning and looting masquerading as protesters are using the fact that everyone should be wearing a mask to hide their identity.
I see the majority of BLM protesters wearing masks.

Do you think it's more to hide their identity or are they just trying to stop the spread of the virus?(LOL)

The protests started during the Pandemic and the Pandemic is still going strong in America, the VAST MAJORITY are wearing masks and that is strictly due to the Pandemic.

Protestors are not rioters hence no need to hide their face.
Because they're stupid? I mean, they are rioters.
I see the majority of BLM protesters wearing masks.

Do you think it's more to hide their identity or are they just trying to stop the spread of the virus?(LOL)

It's the racists, and frankly for that matter, many Trump supporters, that are so ashamed that they hide their identity. No one that supports Black Lives Matter is ashamed of what they support. It's why you see so many BLM signs in people's yards and why they wear BLM shirts and so on.

They wear masks because, during this pandemic, you are supposed to wear masks any time you are indoors in a public place or in close proximity to others while outdoors. It is not to protect yourself, but rather it is to help prevent you from inadvertently spreading COVID to others.

I realize that concern for others is a concept that many Trump supporters have a difficult time comprehending, so I am not really sure how to explain it beyond that.
They are not responsible people, so they could not care less about COVID-19.

Thus, they are trying to hide their identities.

Of course, they need not worry.

Even if they are arrested for their rioting or on a warrant for a previous crime of violence, nothing is going to happen to them.

They are now in the driver's seat, especially with the January inauguration of the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Because they're stupid? I mean, they are rioters.

The question does not mention Rioters, but then I assume you are one of those that cannot tell the difference.
The question does not mention Rioters, but then I assume you are one of those that cannot tell the difference.

Yes, and there is darn near news about riots every single day?
It's the racists, and frankly for that matter, many Trump supporters, that are so ashamed that they hide their identity. No one that supports Black Lives Matter is ashamed of what they support. It's why you see so many BLM signs in people's yards and why they wear BLM shirts and so on.

They wear masks because, during this pandemic, you are supposed to wear masks any time you are indoors in a public place or in close proximity to others while outdoors. It is not to protect yourself, but rather it is to help prevent you from inadvertently spreading COVID to others.

I realize that concern for others is a concept that many Trump supporters have a difficult time comprehending, so I am not really sure how to explain it beyond that.

Nice spin ya got going on
The question does not mention Rioters, but then I assume you are one of those that cannot tell the difference.

Well, the rioters are darn near rioting every night no?
The protests started during the Pandemic and the Pandemic is still going strong in America, the VAST MAJORITY are wearing masks and that is strictly due to the Pandemic.

Protestors are not rioters hence no need to hide their face.

The protests started during the Pandemic and the Pandemic is still going strong in America, the VAST MAJORITY are wearing masks and that is strictly due to the Pandemic.

Why do I have a feeling when they're home and sitting out on their porch talking among their friends, they're NOT wearing masks?
I think the protesters are trying to protect themselves from the virus. Now the criminals burning and looting masquerading as protesters are using the fact that everyone should be wearing a mask to hide their identity.

I think the protesters are trying to protect themselves from the virus.

I don't think so
Why do I have a feeling when they're home and sitting out on their porch talking among their friends, they're NOT wearing masks?

Probably they are mainly young people and as we know many young people ignore the rules. So that is another reason to wear masks.
Nice spin ya got going on

How is that spin? The vast, vast majority of protesters are non-violent. If you think people are ashamed of supporting BLM, then are there so many BLM signs in people's yards?
Well, the rioters are darn near rioting every night no?

Are you having trouble sticking to your own topic, maybe you worded it wrong or you really don't believe in peaceful Protestors. Enough said.
Except your own question is not talking about rioters.

Other people brought it up

How about those rioters and mask wearing since others have brought it up?
How is that spin? The vast, vast majority of protesters are non-violent. If you think people are ashamed of supporting BLM, then are there so many BLM signs in people's yards?

How is that spin? The vast, vast majority of protesters are non-violent.

The vast majority of protesters are young and can care less about wearing masks unless to hide their identity
Other people brought it up

How about those rioters and mask wearing since others have brought it up?

Yet you did not reply to them, you replied to me. Think you started out with a valid question but showed your own bias in your replies. Have fun, had my say.
The vast majority of protesters are young and can care less about wearing masks unless to hide their identity

That just isn't true. I see people here of all ages wearing masks in stores and public buildings. In fact, about the only people that I see that pull their mask down below their nose and sometimes even mouth, are all middle age and older white men.

Why would young people be embarrassed about supporting a civil rights movement? That is just ridiculous.
That just isn't true. I see people here of all ages wearing masks in stores and public buildings. In fact, about the only people that I see that pull their mask down below their nose and sometimes even mouth, are all middle age and older white men.

Why would young people be embarrassed about supporting a civil rights movement? That is just ridiculous.

I see people here of all ages wearing masks in stores and public building

Only because they're FORCED to

Do ya think BLM protesters hanging out in the park or in front of Liq store give a hoot about masks?
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Only because they're FORCED to

Do ya think BLM protesters hanging out in the park or in front of Liq store give a hoot about masks?

What is your argument here? You claim they are trying to hide their identity, when it's pointed out that people put BLM signs in their yard so obviously they are not ashamed of supporting BLM, you now change your argument to they are forced to wear them. You then also make the racist insinuation that when BLM protesters are not protesting, they are hanging out in front of liquor stores.

Could it be that people see a difference between going to the park and being in close proximity to hundreds or thousands of other people?
They are not responsible people, so they could not care less about COVID-19.

Thus, they are trying to hide their identities.

Of course, they need not worry.

Even if they are arrested for their rioting or on a warrant for a previous crime of violence, nothing is going to happen to them.

They are now in the driver's seat, especially with the January inauguration of the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

There are literally millions of BLM protesters and tens of millions of BLM supporters in this country. If they were all out rioting, the country would have fallen and we would be a failed state right now. If even 1% of them were rioting, we would be seeing violence and unrest on a scale that we haven't seen in this country since the Civil War.

Yes, there are some violent people that are taking advantage of the protests, but they are a tiny percentage of the overall protesters. The entire reason why most people that support BLM, support BLM, is that they care about other people.
The question does not mention Rioters, but then I assume you are one of those that cannot tell the difference.

There is no difference anymore.

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