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Ohio, Planned Parenthood settle lawsuit involving fetuses (1 Viewer)


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The state of Ohio will pay $45,447 in legal bills for Planned Parenthood as part of a settlement of a lawsuit involving the disposal of fetuses.

Planned Parenthood sued the state of Ohio last December after Attorney General Mike DeWine accused the Cincinnati clinic and two others of violating state law by disposing of fetal tissue in landfills. DeWine had launched the probe to determine whether certain abortion clinics were selling fetal tissue, but found no evidence of that occurring.

Planned Parenthood responded by saying it handles medical tissue “just like other health care providers do” and accused DeWine of making “defamatory and false accusations.”

State of Ohio settles with Planned Parenthood; pays legal fees | www.daytondailynews.com
The state of Ohio will pay $45,447 in legal bills for Planned Parenthood as part of a settlement of a lawsuit involving the disposal of fetuses.

Planned Parenthood sued the state of Ohio last December after Attorney General Mike DeWine accused the Cincinnati clinic and two others of violating state law by disposing of fetal tissue in landfills. DeWine had launched the probe to determine whether certain abortion clinics were selling fetal tissue, but found no evidence of that occurring.

Planned Parenthood responded by saying it handles medical tissue “just like other health care providers do” and accused DeWine of making “defamatory and false accusations.”

State of Ohio settles with Planned Parenthood; pays legal fees | www.daytondailynews.com

Yeah....specifically attacking Planned Parenthood and leaving other facilities out of it...there was never anything wrong with that (read heavy sarcasm:roll:)

Good for Planned Parenthood. They should recoop their costs.

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