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Oh Tony Tony Tony... (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
Why are you such an arrogant prick? You could have negotiated.
Prime Minister Tony Blair suffered his first defeat in parliament last night when 49 rebels from his own party voted against him.

Blair wanted to detain terror suspects without charge for 3 months. Instead he got a month. Fair enough time in my book, but he could have got 2 months if he didn't make it a party issue.
The main reason why the politicans voted against 90 days was when they asked if their had been a case where 90 days was needed to charge a person, Blair couldn't answer. Bam! lol Finally the UK has its debating healthy parliament back after 10 years.

There is pressure for Blair to resign.


Also every politican from Northern Ireland voted against 90 days as the same thing was passed while the IRA was bombing. They said the detainment without trail made the conflict worse.

But he's not eating humble pie, is he?

We could perhaps hope that such a defeat might make Phoney stop and take a good look at himslef. But I think not. Shame on him.
Naughty Nurse said:
But he's not eating humble pie, is he?

We could perhaps hope that such a defeat might make Phoney stop and take a good look at himslef. But I think not. Shame on him.

LOL he's becoming impossible, he won't compromise at all. He's so obessed with his legacy he's going to try and ram is reforms down parliaments throat lol. The sooner Blair goes, the better for the Labour Party. But then again if the Labour party is in disarray, maybe Lib Dems will mop up some seats next election.

Blair: I'm right, the other elected representatives in the UK are wrong. LOL nice stance PM.
Naughty Nurse said:
But he's not eating humble pie, is he?

We could perhaps hope that such a defeat might make Phoney stop and take a good look at himslef. But I think not. Shame on him.

Humble? Blair? Two words rarely seen in the same sentence!

Well, this should've made him realise now his majority is back into the double figures that he needs to take a little more notice of his backbenchers...like you say though, methinks not.

Incidentally...the MP's voted against but the people apparently like....and yet I have yet to find more then one person who supports this bill, yet alone 73%.
GarzaUK said:
LOL he's becoming impossible, he won't compromise at all. He's so obessed with his legacy he's going to try and ram is reforms down parliaments throat lol. The sooner Blair goes, the better for the Labour Party. But then again if the Labour party is in disarray, maybe Lib Dems will mop up some seats next election.

Blair: I'm right, the other elected representatives in the UK are wrong. LOL nice stance PM.

He and Bush seem to be becoming more similar everyday.
I'm Irish!

Good going Blair, you're almost doing as poorly as Bush.

Keep it up guys.
If I had things my way, the Brits would be able to hold all terror suspects for as long as they so please without charge... Unlike the U.S., Britain could, if they wanted to, make a law like "No non-whites aloud on buses or in the tube." If Blair could convince Parliament that it was right, it could become a law. Then, the threat of terrorism is greatly depleted.
Joseph said:
If I had things my way, the Brits would be able to hold all terror suspects for as long as they so please without charge... Unlike the U.S., Britain could, if they wanted to, make a law like "No non-whites aloud on buses or in the tube." If Blair could convince Parliament that it was right, it could become a law. Then, the threat of terrorism is greatly depleted.

Yup, the only defence we have against encroachments upon our civil liberties is the wisdom of our politicians...and as this weeks events amply show, this occasionally works.
To me Tony Blair is a true patriot and a great friend and ally..........I have all the respect in the world for this man...........

You Blair haters don't realize how lucky you are to have him as your PM.
Originally posted by Naughty Nurse:
But he's not eating humble pie, is he?
Where's Steve Marriot when you need him?
Navy Pride said:
To me Tony Blair is a true patriot and a great friend and ally..........I have all the respect in the world for this man...........

You Blair haters don't realize how lucky you are to have him as your PM.

I used to agree, but now I've become more dissolusioned with the man. Completely reversing his manifesto promises was one thing, and this 90-days issue has clinched it for me, as has his style of leadership. Now this backbench rebellion has hopefully showed him he has to listen to his party.

I think it's high time he shifted over and let someone else in, someone the voters trust, and hopefully someone who will rule in a less dictatorial way.
Plain old me said:
I used to agree, but now I've become more dissolusioned with the man. Completely reversing his manifesto promises was one thing, and this 90-days issue has clinched it for me, as has his style of leadership. Now this backbench rebellion has hopefully showed him he has to listen to his party.

I think it's high time he shifted over and let someone else in, someone the voters trust, and hopefully someone who will rule in a less dictatorial way.

The thing is that if he had swallowed his pride and comprimised he would have got more than the 28 day detainment bill lol. He underestimated the majority we gave him in May. Blair can no longer do what he feels like. We have our Parliament back at last! :2razz:
GarzaUK said:
The thing is that if he had swallowed his pride and comprimised he would have got more than the 28 day detainment bill lol. He underestimated the majority we gave him in May. Blair can no longer do what he feels like. We have our Parliament back at last! :2razz:

I dunno, the rate he seems to spouting off over education and health reform it doesn't seem as if he's learnt his lesson.
Until now I din't really hold with all this lame-duck stuff the opposition has banded around, but I guess the events of last week just confirm it. Me-thinks the sooner he lets Brown take the mantle, the better - for the party, and the country.
Billo_Really i love what u say,but we BRITS have 2 support u guys thru thick
and thin,what else can we do.WE can say no,but my good friend what
would the USA think about us if we did that,not a lot.2 help the USA is a must

that is y tony came round to say yes to bush,sorry m8 thats the way it is.

my kind regards to U

mikeey said:
Billo_Really i love what u say,but we BRITS have 2 support u guys thru thick
and thin,what else can we do.WE can say no,but my good friend what
would the USA think about us if we did that,not a lot.2 help the USA is a must

that is y tony came round to say yes to bush,sorry m8 thats the way it is.

my kind regards to U


Why does the UK have to support the US through thick and thin? Just curious? We sure as hell didn't support them during Vietnam. They didn't support us in Borneo or the Fauklands.
They didn't support us in Borneo or the Fauklands

Its been a while and I can't document it, but I believe there was quite a bit of support for the Falklands operations in the form of intelligence (especially sat-based stuff) and weather assistance. IIRC, our subs provided some security along the route to the Falklands as well. No clue about Borneo.

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