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Official broadcast news leftist propagandist narrative: If you support Trump you are a racist (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 3, 2018
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north carolina
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Very Conservative
The bitter hateful bigoted narrative of southern KKK democrats once was that if you are black you are not fully human. The modern bitter bigoted hateful democrat narrative, broadcast over all mainstream leftist news outlets, is that if you even think about voting for Trump you are a hateful, despicable, black-hating, stupid, wicked racist. Get the message democrats want Americans to absorb before the election? Don't vote for Trump or you will be ostracized, blackballed, shunned, disrespected, shamed, humiliated, trashed, despised and cast out of all acceptable society as a misfit not worthy of holding office, not worthy of friendship, not worthy of holding government jobs, etc.

MSNBC Claims Americans Who Support President Donald Trump are “Racists” | LifeNews.com

DEUTSCH: How do one in three Americans still believe this man about corona or anything, the answer is only one thing: One in three Americans are racists, one in three Americans are terrified that by 2040, is not going to be majority white.
Hillary called 33 million Americans "deplorable" and Donnie Doosh said, "Hold my beer".
Not familiar with the O/P source but it did link to a couple of the usual MSDNC nitwits Leftists and their tears....

…. " DEUTSCH: How do one in three Americans still believe this man about corona or anything, the answer is only one thing: One in three Americans are racists, one in three Americans are terrified that by 2040, is not going to be majority white. That the black man or brown man or the yellow man or woman are going to come and take their jobs and take away their suburbs and scare them and its no coincidence yesterday Trump brought up Kamala Harris and the whole birtherism thing. That’s the only explanation. Because you can’t bring up the economy anymore. One in three Americans are racist in this country.

BRZEZINSKI: It’s pathetic! "

The bitter hateful bigoted narrative of southern KKK democrats once was that if you are black you are not fully human. The modern bitter bigoted hateful democrat narrative, broadcast over all mainstream leftist news outlets, is that if you even think about voting for Trump you are a hateful, despicable, black-hating, stupid, wicked racist. Get the message democrats want Americans to absorb before the election? Don't vote for Trump or you will be ostracized, blackballed, shunned, disrespected, shamed, humiliated, trashed, despised and cast out of all acceptable society as a misfit not worthy of holding office, not worthy of friendship, not worthy of holding government jobs, etc.

MSNBC Claims Americans Who Support President Donald Trump are “Racists” | LifeNews.com

DEUTSCH: How do one in three Americans still believe this man about corona or anything, the answer is only one thing: One in three Americans are racists, one in three Americans are terrified that by 2040, is not going to be majority white.

All that super large font and in bold is really making me want to listen.
The bitter hateful bigoted narrative of southern KKK democrats once was that if you are black you are not fully human. The modern bitter bigoted hateful democrat narrative, broadcast over all mainstream leftist news outlets, is that if you even think about voting for Trump you are a hateful, despicable, black-hating, stupid, wicked racist. Get the message democrats want Americans to absorb before the election? Don't vote for Trump or you will be ostracized, blackballed, shunned, disrespected, shamed, humiliated, trashed, despised and cast out of all acceptable society as a misfit not worthy of holding office, not worthy of friendship, not worthy of holding government jobs, etc.

MSNBC Claims Americans Who Support President Donald Trump are “Racists” | LifeNews.com

DEUTSCH: How do one in three Americans still believe this man about corona or anything, the answer is only one thing: One in three Americans are racists, one in three Americans are terrified that by 2040, is not going to be majority white.

I suggest font use and yelling, wild speculation, and add in a heavy dose of political projection mixed with Republican Party denial.

We know where White Nationalism is welcome, we know who has a message that resonates with the KKK and the like, and we know the party that grants platform to racism... Trump’s Republican Party.

Your party.
I suggest font use and yelling, wild speculation, and add in a heavy dose of political projection mixed with Republican Party denial.

We know where White Nationalism is welcome, we know who has a message that resonates with the KKK and the like, and we know the party that grants platform to racism... Trump’s Republican Party.

Your party.

Democrats falsely accuse white Americans of hating blacks but that is a damnable lie and the democrats know it if they have any sense at all. The racist lies the democrats promote are tearing the country apart but they don't care about that because the lies do give them a boost at the ballot box.
Democrats falsely accuse white Americans of hating blacks but that is a damnable lie and the democrats know it if they have any sense at all. The racist lies the democrats promote are tearing the country apart but they don't care about that because the lies do give them a boost at the ballot box.

I know that as a White Male in the Southern United States I have been in the Social Circle of probably HUNDREDS of White Republicans that have felt comfortable to make racists remarks in my presence. Witnessed with my own ears. I grew up in a Conservative area. My own Grandfather was not afraid to use the N word regularly. He was a proud Trump voter. I hear racist comments to this day, regularly by the White Conservatives in my Community. Its not some myth. Its reality.
Democrats falsely accuse white Americans of hating blacks but that is a damnable lie and the democrats know it if they have any sense at all. The racist lies the democrats promote are tearing the country apart but they don't care about that because the lies do give them a boost at the ballot box.

Looks like we are from the same part of the World and I'd say its a damn lie if you want to pretend the white conservatives around these parts don't regularly make racist or prejudicial comments or judgements.
Democrats falsely accuse white Americans of hating blacks but that is a damnable lie and the democrats know it if they have any sense at all. The racist lies the democrats promote are tearing the country apart but they don't care about that because the lies do give them a boost at the ballot box.

Double down and keep spewing nonsense, figures from you.
The bitter hateful bigoted narrative of southern KKK democrats once was that if you are black you are not fully human. The modern bitter bigoted hateful democrat narrative, broadcast over all mainstream leftist news outlets, is that if you even think about voting for Trump you are a hateful, despicable, black-hating, stupid, wicked racist. Get the message democrats want Americans to absorb before the election? Don't vote for Trump or you will be ostracized, blackballed, shunned, disrespected, shamed, humiliated, trashed, despised and cast out of all acceptable society as a misfit not worthy of holding office, not worthy of friendship, not worthy of holding government jobs, etc.

MSNBC Claims Americans Who Support President Donald Trump are “Racists” | LifeNews.com

DEUTSCH: How do one in three Americans still believe this man about corona or anything, the answer is only one thing: One in three Americans are racists, one in three Americans are terrified that by 2040, is not going to be majority white.

I'm willing to believe that a Trump voter might just be your garden variety plutocrat.
Democrats falsely accuse white Americans of hating blacks but that is a damnable lie and the democrats know it if they have any sense at all. The racist lies the democrats promote are tearing the country apart but they don't care about that because the lies do give them a boost at the ballot box.

Trump is pretty determined to keep them out of the suburbs and away from those lily-white housewives.
I know that as a White Male in the Southern United States I have been in the Social Circle of probably HUNDREDS of White Republicans that have felt comfortable to make racists remarks in my presence. Witnessed with my own ears. I grew up in a Conservative area. My own Grandfather was not afraid to use the N word regularly. He was a proud Trump voter. I hear racist comments to this day, regularly by the White Conservatives in my Community. Its not some myth. Its reality.

I think you misunderstand me. I am fully aware that blacks say disrespectful and hateful things about whites and whites do the same about blacks, but the problem in America is not that whites hate blacks. The real problem is that unsaved whites and blacks hate innocent people of all kinds for all sorts of reasons because they are estranged from the love of God. If they do not know Jesus as Savior they have no idea how to really love people.
Looks like we are from the same part of the World and I'd say its a damn lie if you want to pretend the white conservatives around these parts don't regularly make racist or prejudicial comments or judgements.

I have heard whites say hateful things about blacks and have heard blacks say hateful things about whites and cops, and the reason they do is because they are not under the influence of God's love and Holy Spirit when they say those things.
Trump is pretty determined to keep them out of the suburbs and away from those lily-white housewives.

People need to be aware that evil hearts devise wicked imaginations.

Proverbs 6:18.
I think you misunderstand me. I am fully aware that blacks say disrespectful and hateful things about whites and whites do the same about blacks, but the problem in America is not that whites hate blacks. The real problem is that unsaved whites and blacks hate innocent people of all kinds for all sorts of reasons because they are estranged from the love of God. If they do not know Jesus as Savior they have no idea how to really love people.

And YET most of these same people consider themselves "Conservative Christians" and would quote scripture to you in a heartbeat. They're fake Christians, just like Trump. It amazes me that anyone that considers themselves a Christian would vote for Trump.
And YET most of these same people consider themselves "Conservative Christians" and would quote scripture to you in a heartbeat. They're fake Christians, just like Trump. It amazes me that anyone that considers themselves a Christian would vote for Trump.

Trump supports the rights of the unborn to life. The Biden/ Harris team is the most pro-abortion ticket in US history, except for maybe the Biden/Obama ticket.
Trump supports the rights of the unborn to life. The Biden/ Harris team is the most pro-abortion ticket in US history, except for maybe the Biden/Obama ticket.

Trump and Pence have been in charge for 4 years and Abortion is still legal in the United States.

Abortion is NEVER going away. Its been decided by the US Supreme Court. Its a closed deal. Its legal in every First World Country and that ain't being rolled back. Why on earth are we even discussing abortion at this point?
Trump and Pence have been in charge for 4 years and Abortion is still legal in the United States.

Abortion is NEVER going away. Its been decided by the US Supreme Court. Its a closed deal. Its legal in every First World Country and that ain't being rolled back. Why on earth are we even discussing abortion at this point?

Abortion has been around for years, no thanks to Trump, but thanks may be given to Biden and Harris for the cruel practice.
Abortion has been around for years, no thanks to Trump, but thanks may be given to Biden and Harris for the cruel practice.

But you act as if a Politicians stance on the issue is going to change the issue. Many Republicans have come and gone as Leaders of the Nation since Rowe vs Wade and Abortion remains, so I don't even understand why its a talking point anymore. Its not going away. "Thank God we elected Trump. He is anti abortion. He hasn't stopped any abortions or anything but at least he doesn't support it..."
I wish I had a nickel for every time I'd been called a racist by someone with whom I have a political disagreement.
And YET most of these same people consider themselves "Conservative Christians" and would quote scripture to you in a heartbeat. They're fake Christians, just like Trump. It amazes me that anyone that considers themselves a Christian would vote for Trump.

Marke is a fake Christian. He always says people are not Christians unless they believe the blatant lies about science, sexual orientation, abortion, etc. He even says every scientist is an atheist. That is acting 100% unChristian no matter what his church is teaching him.
Marke is a fake Christian. He always says people are not Christians unless they believe the blatant lies about science, sexual orientation, abortion, etc. He even says every scientist is an atheist. That is acting 100% unChristian no matter what his church is teaching him.

Liars do not make good witnesses.

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