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Objective Truth? (1 Viewer)

You are equating my writing all those words = "he make any assertions about what is possible or not possible". Even if I were to write words that amount to my making "assertions about what is possible or not possible", it doesn't mean anything
You can certainly hold the position that "it doesn't mean anything", then the discussion is over. Skepticism is reduced to silence in a debate (hopefully).

So there's nothing contradictory here, except some very illogical jumps made by you and those statements you posted.
Skepticism was your evidence that it's not contradictory? That's incorrect.

This is a forum. I'm here to argue with people on points I find interesting. I assumed that's why you are here too. Dismissing me by saying I'm free to think whatever I want (I already know that) is kind of pointless.
So, by dismissing my argument by claiming I'm dismissing yours, is how you argue, and find wisdom? Whatever floats your boat.
You can certainly hold the position that "it doesn't mean anything", then the discussion is over. Skepticism is reduced to silence in a debate (hopefully).

So if I don't accept them as you say them, I'm a skeptic? Well, I am, but that makes me a good skeptic. It's lousy arguements that make a jump from one sentence to another when there's no logical connection between them. And then when questioned, replied with "They don't require your recognition, or even knowledge of them." Again: Duh. :roll:

Skepticism was your evidence that it's not contradictory? That's incorrect.

No, Logic was my guild that there's nothing contradictory in what I was doing.

So, by dismissing my argument by claiming I'm dismissing yours, is how you argue, and find wisdom? Whatever floats your boat.

I was telling you that you were dismissing my arguement. If I was dismissing it, I wouldn't have replied to it in the way I did. There was nothing there to dismiss, since you made a blanket statement that you are right even if I "reject" the arguement and that I won't be "making any sense". If you were not dismissing may arguement, explain to me how you were addressing it by this:

"You are certainly free to both reject them and use them, but it doesn't mean you are making any sense. They don't require your recognition, or even knowledge of them."
I really hate that subjectivist tripe. Much can be known, I know that I exist for example. I must exist to be posting this in this thread, its axiomatic.

I love axioms because they defeat their opponents by the fact that they have to accept them and use them in the process denying them. Like when one resorts to reason or scientific thinking in order to defeat reason or science.

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