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Obama's Team Responds to "2016 Obama's America" (1 Viewer)

Hey, listen, 12-Posts, I've been in/out/in/out of these threads for quite some time. I've posted my proof time and again. I'm sorry you haven't been around long enough to read it -- and, unfortunately, I'm not going to post it all yet again. You didn't hand me my ass, my friend. I just don't buy the crap you're selling.

True enough. Veterans from all sides recognize an "oh great, another election-season n00b who thinks he's the Ninja Master of debate" waste-of-time dismissal.
Have you ever thought that the reason he didn't show his actual return is because he's taken the time to amend it? That he originally took the full deduction he was entitled to and that's why he didn't want to show his actual return? Things aren't always as they seem. In fact, in politics they rarely are.

In my opinion, the whole discussion about Romney's tax rate is absurd. It's sure worked for Obama, as it's kept Romney on the defensive...about paying every last dime Congress told him he was required to pay by law. Shame on all of those who somehow blame Romney -- castigate him -- because he's successful and because he follows the tax laws as Congress as seen fit to write them.

Romney has donated millions and millions of dollars to charity . . . he's done good deeds for his friends and neighbors . . . much beyond what most of us will ever do -- or what this entire board will do -- forget the money. Just the good works. He's been maligned because he owned a successful venture capital firm. Put down because he donates to his church. Because he makes tons of money. And yet we need another couple million just like him. Yay, Romney. And us? We've just proven to every viable candidate out there that whatever you've done in your life can be spun to make you look like an asshole.

Oh give us a break. The man was born rich, he's not self made by any means. I doubt he's ever personally saved anyone's life or done much of any great "good" that required more effort than writing a check. Even his Mormon mission was to the south of France, a place most people go for vacations. You make him sound like he should be fitted for a superhero's cape.
Oh give us a break...You make him sound like he should be fitted for a superhero's cape.

Give us a break and do some homework. It's just fine not to like the guy. It's your right to throw rocks at him every chance you get. But don't think you know the man. Because you absolutely positively do not. You and the other Noob in this thread are classic examples of our schools' failure to teach critical thinking. You pick up what the media puts down and think you know the truth. I don't know why I bother to re-re-repost this. Ya'll will punch holes in -- make it seem less than it is -- when, all the while, you can't hold a candle to what this guy has done for others:

"The memories are still painful, but we wanted to share them with you, because David's story is part of Mitt's story, and America deserves to hear it. ...the true measure of a man is revealed in the ...quiet hospital room of a dying boy, with no cameras and no reporters. This is the time to make that assessment."
Romney arranged a fireworks party on the beach to bring David a time of joy; he gave him solace and respect by helping David write a will, to leave his prized possessions to his best friend and brother. "How many men do you know who take time out of their busy life to visit a terminally ill fourteen-year-old?" asked Pat, the boy's mother. "We will ever be grateful to Mitt for his love and concern."

Next, we hear from another congregant who became a personal friend of the Romneys, Pam Finlayson. She started with a simple but telling anecdote. Mitt Romney, captain of industry, folding laundry in a spontaneous act of helpfulness. If only people would hear Pam talk, Democrat caricatures of Romney as a cold-hearted man, out of touch with ordinary people, would be seen as the shameful lies they are.

Pam and her husband had a very ill premature baby. As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother's worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me....I will never forget that when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out gently and stroked her tiny back. I could tell immediately that he didn't just see a tangle of plastic and tubes; he saw our beautiful little girl...
When Thanksgiving rolled around, Kate was still struggling for life. Brain surgery was scheduled, and the holiday was the furthest thing from our minds. I opened my door to find Mitt and his boys, arms loaded with a Thanksgiving feast. Of course we were overcome. When I called to thank Ann, she sweetly confessed it had been Mitt's idea, that most of the cooking and chopping had been done by him. She and the boys had just happily pitched in.

One Saturday, Grant Bennett got up on a ladder outside his two-story [house] intent on dislodging a hornets' nest. . . .The hornets went right at him, and he fell off the ladder, breaking his foot. . . .About nine thirty that Sunday night, Romney reappeared. Only this time, it was dark out. Romney was in jeans and a polo shirt instead of his suit, and he was carrying a bucket, a piece of hose, and a couple of screwdrivers. "He said, 'I noticed you hadn't gotten rid of the hornets," Bennett recalled. "I said, 'Mitt you don't need to do that.' He said, I'm here, and I'm going to do it. . .You demonstrated that doing it on a ladder is not a good idea.'" Romney went at it from inside the house, opening a window enough to dislodge it. Soon the hornets were gone.

Two sons of Mark and Sheryl Nixon broke their necks in a car accident on their way home from a Mormon youth activity .... Both Rob and Reed Nixon were quadriplegics. After hospitalization and rehabilitation, the boys were home with their parents on the morning before Christmas when Mitt and Ann Romney showed up with their sons. The Romneys did not know them personally but had heard about the accident and the need to remodel their home to make it more accessible for the two sons. The Romneys brought a stereo for Rob and a check for Reed. Mitt told Mark Nixon he would pay for his sons' college educations if necessary, and he continued to give the family support financially. ... "What is more important to me than the dollar amount is that Mitt could have sent the checks in the mail instead of taking time out and coming over to see us," Mark Nixon says. "I'm much more impressed with the family values he demonstrated and what it says about who Mitt is."

The highlights of the last day of the convention, for me, were the ordinary people who spoke of the impact of Mitt Romney in their lives. I wish these speeches had been prime-time, and that every wavering voter could see them. This is what kindness looks like. This is the supposedly uncaring, greedy, rich bastard in action.

Grant Bennett, a fellow volunteer pastor at the Romney's Massachusetts church, explained that while building his business and earning his millions and raising five boys, Romney volunteered two evenings a week and every weekend -- ten, fifteen, twenty hours a week -- in acts of personal service and pastoral counseling. He met with those seeking help with the burdens of real life...unemployment, sickness, financial distress, loneliness...single mothers raising children, couples with marital problems, youths with addictions, immigrants...individuals whose heat had been shut off.

It seems to me when it comes to loving our neighbor, we can talk about it, or we can live it. The Romney's live it every single day.

...When a neighbor's 12-year-old son died, Romney organized the effort to build a playground in his name and then led the cleanup crew to maintain it. When a neighbor's house caught on fire, he organized neighbors to run in and save his belongings.

...Two sons of Mark and Sheryl Nixon broke their necks in a car accident on their way home from a Mormon youth activity .... Both Rob and Reed Nixon were quadriplegics. After hospitalization and rehabilitation, the boys were home with their parents on the morning before Christmas when Mitt and Ann Romney showed up with their sons. The Romneys did not know them personally but had heard about the accident and the need to remodel their home to make it more accessible for the two sons. The Romneys brought a stereo for Rob and a check for Reed. Mitt told Mark Nixon he would pay for his sons' college educations if necessary, and he continued to give the family support financially. ... "What is more important to me than the dollar amount is that Mitt could have sent the checks in the mail instead of taking time out and coming over to see us," Mark Nixon says. "I'm much more impressed with the family values he demonstrated and what it says about who Mitt is."

And then there is this extraordinary story. When a partner at work told Romney his 14-year-old daughter had snuck off to a rave party in New York, taken ecstasy, and disappeared, Romney shut down Bain and organized 200 employees to fly down to New York to find her...Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott. He hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with New York City police. ...Romney and others from Bain Capital trudged through Manhattan, even scouring Central Park, and talked with everyone they could - prostitutes, drug addicts - to try to develop leads....The man who helped save my daughter was Mitt Romney.

Giving to their church heads the Romney list. The Democrats want to make tithing sound like a bad thing, something required and therefore meaningless. The Mormon church should be honored and famous for its charitable efforts. From 1985 to 2009, for example, Mormons donated over a billion dollars to humanitarian aid in 178 countries.

In addition to giving to and through the Mormon Church, the Romneys' main donations are to cure cancer, multiple sclerosis, and cystic fibrosis; to help the blind; and to help disadvantaged inner-city youths and disabled youths. They have given to libraries, to AIDS victims, to Harvard. In addition, Romney in 1997 created and led the Bain Capital Children's Charity Ltd., which spends more than $1 million annually on youths. Romney served for years on Boston's City Year, a group that works to help at-risk kids stay in school and graduate.

The Romney family commitment to help underprivileged children dates back to when Ann and her five boys saw a vehicle carrying a group of boys to a Massachusetts Department of Youth Services detention center. Ann became a remarkable volunteer. She was a director of the inner-city group Best Friends, for teenage girls.

Read more: Articles: In a Kindness Competition, Romney Wins over Obama by a Landslide

This doesn't scratch the surface. Now. You list yours. You know, all the good deeds you've done that didn't require a single dime. I'm probably going to be dinged for unfair use here . . . I think I'm borderline. But this stuff needs to be posted yet again to counter those who have nothing but disdain for Romney. It just does.
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Oh give us a break. The man was born rich, he's not self made by any means. I doubt he's ever personally saved anyone's life or done much of any great "good" that required more effort than writing a check. Even his Mormon mission was to the south of France, a place most people go for vacations. You make him sound like he should be fitted for a superhero's cape.

And Obama camp accused him of a felony, meaning he should be fitted for a prison jumpsuit.
And Obama camp accused him of a felony, meaning he should be fitted for a prison jumpsuit.

As I understand it, lying on SEC documents is only a misdemeanor, and if he really was at Bain longer than he said, but consistent with SEC files then he is a liar, but not a criminal.

One person from the Obama camp claimed it was a felony, as I understand the law they were mistaken.
As I understand it, lying on SEC documents is only a misdemeanor, and if he really was at Bain longer than he said, but consistent with SEC files then he is a liar, but not a criminal.

One person from the Obama camp claimed it was a felony, as I understand the law they were mistaken.

Oh, well, THAT makes it better. :lamo

What's most amusing about this is the earnestness with which you appear to think it makes a difference.
I watched this entirely true documentary called "Loose Change" a few years ago. Since it was called a documentary, it must be true!
In my opinion, the whole discussion about Romney's tax rate is absurd. It's sure worked for Obama, as it's kept Romney on the defensive...about paying every last dime Congress told him he was required to pay by law. Shame on all of those who somehow blame Romney -- castigate him -- because he's successful and because he follows the tax laws as Congress as seen fit to write them.

How successful is Romney, really? He started out wealthy and with very good connections. He is no more or less successful than Paris Hilton. He just chose to continue accumulating wealth in the family name through venture capitalism rather than through popular culture.

You know who was REALLY successful? Barak Obama. He won the presidency. Stop trying to Punish Obama's successful winning of the presidency!
How successful is Romney, really? He started out wealthy and with very good connections. He is no more or less successful than Paris Hilton. He just chose to continue accumulating wealth in the family name through venture capitalism rather than through popular culture.

You know who was REALLY successful? Barak Obama. He won the presidency. Stop trying to Punish Obama's successful winning of the presidency!

What an idiotic post.
How successful is Romney, really? He started out wealthy and with very good connections. He is no more or less successful than Paris Hilton. He just chose to continue accumulating wealth in the family name through venture capitalism rather than through popular culture.

You know who was REALLY successful? Barak Obama. He won the presidency. Stop trying to Punish Obama's successful winning of the presidency!

If I decided to create a "Progressive" POE, I probably would have posted something similar to this.
Funny. I didn't walk away from that movie thinking about any of the things they countered. There's no doubt in my mind that he isn't American born and bred. He loved his absent father, adopted his views -- and those views are not those of most Americans--left or right.

Yeah, because we should believe the right-wing spin on the movie that Obama WANTS to weaken America. That makes much more sense. :roll:
What an idiotic post.

Funny, I thought the same about your post!

Too bad it's true. Or do you disagree that Romney inherited a large amount of wealth that enabled him to attend whichever university he wanted, and allowed him to meet well-connected people? Just wondering how far in the bubble you live.

....or do you think that Paris Hilton is not successful...and therefore her wealth can be taxed because it's not wealth accumulated through "success".

I guess if money = success to you, even certain porn stars are successful.
Yeah, because we should believe the right-wing spin on the movie that Obama WANTS to weaken America. That makes much more sense. :roll:

You could have a point. Perhaps it is just his supporters who take that path.
Funny, I thought the same about your post!

Too bad it's true. Or do you disagree that Romney inherited a large amount of wealth that enabled him to attend whichever university he wanted, and allowed him to meet well-connected people? Just wondering how far in the bubble you live.

No, I don't disagree. He inherited money. Let's string him up and hang him from the highest tree. You are so jealous of those who have money you can't see straight! Really! What is the matter with you? What advantage did he have over President Obama, JRog? He attended the finest schools money can buy . . . met well-connected people . . . and became President of the United States. I'd have to say it's pretty much even up. You?
President Obama was not raised in typical American fashion. That's quite clear from the movie. It's also clear that he fully embraced his father's philosophy. Why do you assume that I think he is trying to dismantle the "American Empire?"

What is the typical American fashion? I was raised in Texas, my husband in Luisiana. We where both raised in a different fashion from one another. Which one of us has the typical American up-brining?
Also, I don't get where you think Obama embraced his father's philosophy. He seems to be a man of his own philosophy.
Perhaps it is just his supporters who take that path.

Of course, because any talking point from the right not accepted, means that person WANTS to weaken America. :roll:

do you also beleive only those on the right are patriots?
What is the typical American fashion? I was raised in Texas, my husband in Luisiana. We where both raised in a different fashion from one another. Which one of us has the typical American up-brining?
Also, I don't get where you think Obama embraced his father's philosophy. He seems to be a man of his own philosophy.

Apparently you neither saw the movie nor read Obama's book.
Apparently you neither saw the movie nor read Obama's book.

My question wan't about Obama's book or the movie. I wanted to know what you is a typical American up-brining. America is very diverse. I don't think there is a typical way to raise children in America.
No, I don't disagree. He inherited money. Let's string him up and hang him from the highest tree. You are so jealous of those who have money you can't see straight! Really! What is the matter with you? What advantage did he have over President Obama, JRog? He attended the finest schools money can buy . . . met well-connected people . . . and became President of the United States. I'd have to say it's pretty much even up. You?

I don't believe I said to string him up. If I did, it was a typo. Also, I'm not jealous. I don't need (or want) his level of wealth. Too much baggage comes with that much money (eg. you get disconnected from "the real America" Sarah Palin spoke of, and you have to marry other rich people like Anne Romney).

I'm also not in the boat saying "Look how successful Romney is, let's give him presents like proportionally reduced taxes and assumed macro economics expertise because he inherited a ton of money!"

I think he did have a decent advantage over Obama, but I'm not comparing the two. The second part was intended as satire.
Of course, because any talking point from the right not accepted, means that person WANTS to weaken America. :roll:

do you also beleive only those on the right are patriots?

It is the left that continually harps on Romney's success via that lil' thing called capitalism. It's the left that continually harps that the rich aren't paying their fair share (whatever in the hell that means)...who somehow ridiculously believes rich people ought to pay more even though their very own Congress sets the rules. It's the left that denigrates Romney for his wealth. It's not the right. The right doesn't believe everybody has to be equal. That would be the leftists among us.
My question wan't about Obama's book or the movie. I wanted to know what you is a typical American up-brining. America is very diverse. I don't think there is a typical way to raise children in America.

Yeah, seems like the movie (from what I've read about it and clips I've seen) is continuing trying to paint obama as an outsider who can't be trusted...meanwhile ignoring that Romney comes from a family with polygamous roots which was briefly at odds with the US government, and shortly thereafter partially lived on US government refugee welfare programs.

I think that Obama's upbringing is no more unusual than Romney's. How many "typical Americans" are born with vast wealth?
It is the left that continually harps on Romney's success via that lil' thing called capitalism. It's the left that continually harps that the rich aren't paying their fair share (whatever in the hell that means)...who somehow ridiculously believes rich people ought to pay more even though their very own Congress sets the rules. It's the left that denigrates Romney for his wealth. It's not the right. The right doesn't believe everybody has to be equal. That would be the leftists among us.

No the right believes we should outsource our jobs, the right believes we should reward companies that do so with corporate welfare, the right believes that we should owe our souls to the corporations without a voice, the right believes that the poor should just die off, the right believes that we should put millions on the street so we can line the pockets of the rich.

See, I can do over the top hyperbole as well babe like the right does with Obama and his "supporters" wanting to weaken America.
Yeah, seems like the movie (from what I've read about it and clips I've seen) is continuing trying to paint obama as an outsider who can't be trusted...meanwhile ignoring that Romney comes from a family with polygamous roots which was briefly at odds with the US government, and shortly thereafter partially lived on US government refugee welfare programs.

I think that Obama's upbringing is no more unusual than Romney's. How many "typical Americans" are born with vast wealth?

Very good point. I was also thinking about all the children being raised on military bases around the world. I was an Army brat for the first 7 years of my life. It was a whole different world from the life I lived in a small Texas town from the rest of my childhood. I tend to think nothing in the US is typical, which is what makes us awesome.
My question wan't about Obama's book or the movie. I wanted to know what you is a typical American up-brining. America is very diverse. I don't think there is a typical way to raise children in America.

1961 Barack Hussein Obama II is born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4 at the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Woman and Children.

1963 Ann Dunham and Obama Sr. separate, and divorce in 1964. Ann met Barack as a student at the University of Hawaii.

1967-1971 Obama moves to Jakarta, Indonesia with his mother Ann Dunham and his step-father Lolo Soetoro. [Obama describes Lolo's faith as "a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths.]

1971 Obama moves back to Hawaii and lives with maternal grandparents. Ann returns to Hawaii from 1972-1977.

1971-1979 Obama attends Punahou School in Honolulu from the fifth grade to his High School graduation in 1979. [He was introduced to Frank Marshall Davis in 1970 by his grandfather. Obama, in his book, calls him his mentor ... Davis was an active Communist, writing for various publications in both Chicago and Hawaii.]

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