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Obamacare Is Boosting Economic Health (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2013
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Cambridge, MA
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
This week the Affordable Care Act turns 12 and Bloomberg has a piece reflecting on how the economies of states that leaned into its implementation have fared relative to those that preferred to try and obstruct it. Provocative, given the hysterical predictions made by opponents back during the early Obama years.

Obamacare Is Boosting Economic Health
A decade’s worth of data has now rendered a partial verdict: States that have fully embraced the Affordable Care Act are enjoying healthier labor markets and stronger income growth than those that haven’t.
Standard measures of jobs and personal income growth show that even Texas — the biggest of the states still rejecting the Medicaid expansion — trails the states that joined it after turning it down when it became available on Jan. 1, 2014, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The Medicaid expansion, enabling more than 4 million of the most vulnerable people to work, turned out to be a catalyst for growth. That may explain why 38 states and the District of Columbia have embraced the insurance extension, up from 25 when it first became available on Jan. 1, 2014.
By 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic ended the longest period of U.S. growth in modern times, the job market in states initially refusing and subsequently implementing the Medicaid expansion outperformed states opposed to it, according to labor participation data compiled by Bloomberg. Labor participation measures the proportion of people in the working-age population who have jobs or are seeking work. Excluding recent transplants during the pandemic, the trend continues unabated because the Covid-19 pandemic weighed heavily on mothers without child care, especially low-wage women, whose recent employment significantly lags behind men.

Granted, the 12 states still holding out on Medicaid expansion (largely the remnants of the Old Confederacy) tend to be the ones that lag on metrics of pretty much anything one might wish to measure about a state, so there's that. Of course that also means they'd disproportionately benefit from dropping their pointless, vestigial anti-Obamacare gestures and working to improve their health care systems.
This week the Affordable Care Act turns 12 and Bloomberg has a piece reflecting on how the economies of states that leaned into its implementation have fared relative to those that preferred to try and obstruct it. Provocative, given the hysterical predictions made by opponents back during the early Obama years.

Obamacare Is Boosting Economic Health

Granted, the 12 states still holding out on Medicaid expansion (largely the remnants of the Old Confederacy) tend to be the ones that lag on metrics of pretty much anything one might wish to measure about a state, so there's that. Of course that also means they'd disproportionately benefit from dropping their pointless, vestigial anti-Obamacare gestures and working to improve their health care systems.

I surely am not complaining! Heading out to the dermatologist tomorrow, then Wed I have to see the cardiologist for an INR.
Then next week its back to therapy for me heh heh heh heh.

And the best part of it all: my Uncle Sugar is taking care of all of the bills.

Should be this way for every American, but hey most people here are pretty ignorant and demand Corporate Run Healthcare...so I just worry about myself. And by god and President Joe Biden its working out GREAT since I got on my BidenCare™! Dont let 'em tell you Socialist healthcare isnt any good...its the best you can get!!

This week the Affordable Care Act turns 12 and Bloomberg has a piece reflecting on how the economies of states that leaned into its implementation have fared relative to those that preferred to try and obstruct it. Provocative, given the hysterical predictions made by opponents back during the early Obama years.

Obamacare Is Boosting Economic Health

Granted, the 12 states still holding out on Medicaid expansion (largely the remnants of the Old Confederacy) tend to be the ones that lag on metrics of pretty much anything one might wish to measure about a state, so there's that. Of course that also means they'd disproportionately benefit from dropping their pointless, vestigial anti-Obamacare gestures and working to improve their health care systems.

Remember when right wing nuts polluted forums with page after page of warning that Obamacare would lead to the downfall of our healthcare system and America as we know it? Good times.
I surely am not complaining! Heading out to the dermatologist tomorrow, then Wed I have to see the cardiologist for an INR.
Then next week its back to therapy for me heh heh heh heh.

And the best part of it all: my Uncle Sugar is taking care of all of the bills.

Should be this way for every American, but hey most people here are pretty ignorant and demand Corporate Run Healthcare...so I just worry about myself. And by god and President Joe Biden its working out GREAT since I got on my BidenCare™! Dont let 'em tell you Socialist healthcare isnt any good...its the best you can get!!

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You do realize the piece is an OPINION, right? And working for Bloomberg we pretty much know which way the writer leans.
You do realize the piece is an OPINION, right? And working for Bloomberg we pretty much know which way the writer leans.

Well, here's what's funny: it turns out even the most hardcore Trump supporters are afraid to lose their Obamacare now.

You see, it's socialism only if they think it's going to help someone else. But if it's going to help them, why then it's as American as apple pie. Who knew even people as smart, hardworking, and good lookin' as them could hit hard times sometimes?
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Well, here's what's funny: it turns out even the most hardcore Trump supporters are afraid to lose their Obamacare now.

You see, it's socialism only if they think it's going to help someone else. But if it's going to help them, why then it's as American as apple pie. Who knew even people as smart, hardworking, and good lookin' as them could hit hard times sometimes?

What other medical insurance is available? seems like forcing people to by medical insurance with coverage they don't need would be more fascist that socialist. :ROFLMAO:
Remember when right wing nuts polluted forums with page after page of warning that Obamacare would lead to the downfall of our healthcare system and America as we know it? Good times.

It's really something to look back at some of those hysterics now.

100 million plan cancellations coming! A third of employers to drop coverage! Employers to push everyone into the exchanges! Obamacare to tax your employer health insurance!

Medicaid expansion will wreck the budgets of the states that pursue it!

Medicare Advantage to be destroyed!

Medicare savings won't materialize! (Or they will and in so doing destroy the program for seniors!)

Death spiral!

Death panels!

Healthcare.gov will never work! No one will sign up for coverage!

All bunk.

Plus a million dumb outrage-of-the-day stories circa 2011 that no one cared about then and no one remembers now. (Temporary waivers for mini-med plans until the marketplaces opened up. Waiting lists for the temporary high-risk pools set up as a stopgap until the marketplace opened. Delaying the employer mandate a year. And on and on.)
You do realize the piece is an OPINION, right? And working for Bloomberg we pretty much know which way the writer leans.

OK. I didnt read it. I was just sharing MY "opinion", and I think Socialism R A W K S ! ! ! MORE PLEASE and thank you......

einstein evil capitalism.jpeg
It's really something to look back at some of those hysterics now.

100 million plan cancellations coming! A third of employers to drop coverage! Employers to push everyone into the exchanges! Obamacare to tax your employer health insurance!

Medicaid expansion will wreck the budgets of the states that pursue it!

Medicare Advantage to be destroyed!

Medicare savings won't materialize! (Or they will and in so doing destroy the program for seniors!)

Death spiral!

Death panels!

Healthcare.gov will never work! No one will sign up for coverage!

All bunk.

Plus a million dumb outrage-of-the-day stories circa 2011 that no one cared about then and no one remembers now. (Temporary waivers for mini-med plans until the marketplaces opened up. Waiting lists for the temporary high-risk pools set up as a stopgap until the marketplace opened. Delaying the employer mandate a year. And on and on.)

"Oh great, now all the doctors will quit because they dont want to work for free!!"

What other medical insurance is available? seems like forcing people to by medical insurance with coverage they don't need would be more fascist that socialist. :ROFLMAO:

If you think that, then maybe we can start by stopping forcing people to pay into Medicare? I am sure Trump supporters should be thrilled by that, right? I mean what American would support such fascism, right? Especially not the patriotic, freedom loving Republicans, right?

Oh, maybe not....

If you think that, then maybe we can start by stopping forcing people to pay into Medicare? I am sure Trump supporters should be thrilled by that, right? I mean what American would support such fascism, right? Especially not the patriotic, freedom loving Republicans, right?

Oh, maybe not....

Yet another "but, Trump . . " post, eh? Not to mention an four year old poll. :rolleyes:
Let the games begin.

You asked for it.
When the children decide to stop wallowing in the kiddy pool let me know.
Yet another "but, Trump . . " post, eh? Not to mention an four year old poll. :rolleyes:

I was talking about Trump voters- same thing as Republicans nowadays, aren’t they?
We were all here at one point in our lives. Remember. I love you all, don’t give a damn about a damn thing. We are in this together, remember…….

Give it up already about the Mango Mauler
If you think that, then maybe we can start by stopping forcing people to pay into Medicare? I am sure Trump supporters should be thrilled by that, right? I mean what American would support such fascism, right? Especially not the patriotic, freedom loving Republicans, right?

Oh, maybe not....

Medicare aside (of course they love that!), it’s been striking to see voters in ruby red Trump states voting to overrule their wingnut legislatures and expand Medicaid under Obamacare.
Who’s next?

This week the Affordable Care Act turns 12 and Bloomberg has a piece reflecting on how the economies of states that leaned into its implementation have fared relative to those that preferred to try and obstruct it. Provocative, given the hysterical predictions made by opponents back during the early Obama years.

Obamacare Is Boosting Economic Health

Granted, the 12 states still holding out on Medicaid expansion (largely the remnants of the Old Confederacy) tend to be the ones that lag on metrics of pretty much anything one might wish to measure about a state, so there's that. Of course that also means they'd disproportionately benefit from dropping their pointless, vestigial anti-Obamacare gestures and working to improve their health care systems.
Medicare aside (of course they love that!), it’s been striking to see voters in ruby red Trump states voting to overrule their wingnut legislatures and expand Medicaid under Obamacare.

Shhh… keep it quiet. Don’t tell anyone now they’re afraid to lose their Obamacare!


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