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Obama turns into stuttering mess -- again... (1 Viewer)

Trump speaks to the people. Obama speaks to the issues because he's the President. Meanwhile, you have Hillary Nodham Clinton bobbing.

I just have to ask, in your 100% honest opinion Mickey.

When you see a video of Trump speaking at a rally and you see a video of Obama speaking at a rally, do you really think that Obama is the one that sounds utterly incompetent? I just find this absolutely amazing if that's the way you feel.
Obviously Mickey's posts reflect his opinion, POV, and partisanship.

But just after seeing that speech yesterday on CNN, it did occur to me the President's ability to deliver excellent rousing speeches has seemed to slip lately.

I was strongly taken by the utterly bland plasticity of the optics and audio provided at the event!

It just seems anything to do with the former Madame Secy comes-off as contrived & set-up.
I take it you're not planning to vote for Obama in November?

Must have been a slow news day at Gateway Pundit if they're worried about the guy who's leaving office in 6 months.

I hope that he'll take HRC with him.

Obama is our best hope right now. :)
your content should at least have a vague relationship to your headline.
Obviously Mickey's posts reflect his opinion, POV, and partisanship.

But just after seeing that speech yesterday on CNN, it did occur to me the President's ability to deliver excellent rousing speeches has seemed to slip lately.

I was strongly taken by the utterly bland plasticity of the optics and audio provided at the event!

It just seems anything to do with the former Madame Secy comes-off as contrived & set-up.

I didn't watch the entire speech, just the clip provided, but I highly doubt his ability has dropped has declined much. It didn't look like the type of event that suited a rhetorical masterpiece of a speech. It was a stump speech. Like most. To me, Obama's speeches on a bad day trump any speech making ability of any of the people that have run in 2016, including primaries. Hillary and Trump can't hold a candle to him. It's just reality.
I didn't watch the entire speech, just the clip provided, but I highly doubt his ability has dropped has declined much. It didn't look like the type of event that suited a rhetorical masterpiece of a speech. It was a stump speech. Like most. To me, Obama's speeches on a bad day trump any speech making ability of any of the people that have run in 2016, including primaries. Hillary and Trump can't hold a candle to him. It's just reality.
I think you are definitely right in his abilities vis a vis other politicos.

I've noticed his speech-making being more bland & blase for awhile, though.

Not that he's bad - not at all, but his usual standard is so amazingly high!

Maybe as you say it's the stumping, maybe it's 8 years of conditioning. We do get worn-out with sitting Presidents. It is somewhat unusual to see a President with positive approval ratings at the end of his Presidency (though Clinton did well at the end, also).
I think you are definitely right in his abilities vis a vis other politicos.

I've noticed his speech-making being more bland & blase for awhile, though.

Not that he's bad - not at all, but his usual standard is so amazingly high!

You could be right. He ate everyone's lunch in 2008. His speech on race in america was one of the best I've ever heard from anyone in my lifetime. A normal stump speech might very well seem bland compared to his more grandios speeches. But I'm not sure how well one of those would have gone over. And as president I'm sure he's wary of upstaging the current candidate, which he could do in a heartbeat imo.
You could be right. He ate everyone's lunch in 2008. His speech on race in america was one of the best I've ever heard from anyone in my lifetime. A normal stump speech might very well seem bland compared to his more grandios speeches. But I'm not sure how well one of those would have gone over. And as president I'm sure he's wary of upstaging the current candidate, which he could do in a heartbeat imo.
To the bolded: :lamo

But you know, you may be on to something here.
I take it you're not planning to vote for Obama in November?

Must have been a slow news day at Gateway Pundit if they're worried about the guy who's leaving office in 6 months.

They aren't worried, they are just highlighting what a putz he really is!

I hope that he'll take HRC with him.

Obama is our best hope right now. :)

Hope for what? Ineptitude?
Hope for what? Ineptitude?

In one of the few instances when I actually feel sorry for you, Mickey, I regret to inform you that the Clintons are above the law. Hillary has proven that establishment politics are enough to keep her out of trouble, for now. The only progress that will be be made will come from inside her campaign. Barack is not non-partisan and it makes strategic sense to endorse the strongest candidate. It is my hope that he is loyal to Michelle first, America second, the Democratic Party third, and Hillary Clinton somewhere thereafter.
To the bolded: :lamo

But you know, you may be on to something here.

Well it's just the thruth. Maybe Obama raised the bar, but I've yet to see a decent speech from Hillary. Maybe going in to the convention or after she'll turn it up. The convention speech is where the rubber should meet the road.
Obviously Mickey's posts reflect his opinion, POV, and partisanship.

But just after seeing that speech yesterday on CNN, it did occur to me the President's ability to deliver excellent rousing speeches has seemed to slip lately.

I was strongly taken by the utterly bland plasticity of the optics and audio provided at the event!

It just seems anything to do with the former Madame Secy comes-off as contrived & set-up.

"contrived & set-up", "bland plasticity" I agree. She's not very genuine in her speeches. Comes off as a complete fake, telling people what they want to hear and then turning around and changing her position a few days later. (i.e. Put coal out of business, and then begging for their votes later :roll:).

Obama is going have to do better on the campaign trail shoving Hillary down the nation's throats.
"contrived & set-up", "bland plasticity" I agree. She's not very genuine in her speeches. Comes off as a complete fake, telling people what they want to hear and then turning around and changing her position a few days later. (i.e. Put coal out of business, and then begging for their votes later :roll:).

Obama is going have to do better on the campaign trail shoving Hillary down the nation's throats.
Yes, agreed.

In terms of some of the basic performance mechanics, Hillary is a poor candidate.

She can be reasonably decent in debate on occasion, but if not fired-up and challenged even here she's prone to slip into boring mendacity!
I just have to ask, in your 100% honest opinion Mickey.

When you see a video of Trump speaking at a rally and you see a video of Obama speaking at a rally, do you really think that Obama is the one that sounds utterly incompetent? I just find this absolutely amazing if that's the way you feel.

I know you aren't asking me but I think that many people haven't really listened to most of Trumps speeches. In the beginning, he did seem a little shallow and to not have much content. My honest opinion is that he was new to politics and hadn't polished his speech giving techniques. The more I listen to him now the more I like what he says and how he says it. No matter what others say, the evidence supports that many people like him and his message.

As for Obama - I've always felt he is/was an amazing speech giver. However, over the course of time and by witnessing his actions, I've determined it isn't what he says and how he says it but what he does that matters most to me.
I know you aren't asking me but I think that many people haven't really listened to most of Trumps speeches.

I've listened to a number of them. The only person I know of in american politics that I've seen do worse is Sarah Palin.
Yes, agreed.

In terms of some of the basic performance mechanics, Hillary is a poor candidate.

She can be reasonably decent in debate on occasion, but if not fired-up and challenged even here she's prone to slip into boring mendacity!

And also if she's not caught in her own web of deceit, treachery and lies.

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