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Obama to join Clinton on the campaign trail next week in North Carolina (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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Obama to join Clinton on the campaign trail next week in North Carolina

“President Obama will join Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail next week in the battleground state of North Carolina, the campaign of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee announced Wednesday.
Obama is scheduled to appear alongside Clinton, his former secretary of state, at a rally on Tuesday in Charlotte, the largest city in the Tar Heel State…………

However and most importantly Obama’s endorsement also comes with other benefits……..

The vaunted data-driven machine that twice got President Barack Obama elected is revving up to help elect Hillary Clinton, as Democrats look to recreate the tactical advantage they used against Republicans in 2008 and 2012.

With Obama's popularity rebounding, Democrats have been eagerly awaiting the president's return to campaigning, and he'll hold his debut event for her Tuesday in North Carolina. ….

The crown jewel of Obama's machine, an email list of supporters that included 20 million addresses in 2012, is now fully available to Clinton……………..

Obama Campaign Machine Revving Up To Elect Clinton

The benefit Obama brings to HRC is beyond measure……..and may be the difference between a win or a landslide……
Obama to join Clinton on the campaign trail next week in North Carolina

“President Obama will join Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail next week in the battleground state of North Carolina, the campaign of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee announced Wednesday.
Obama is scheduled to appear alongside Clinton, his former secretary of state, at a rally on Tuesday in Charlotte, the largest city in the Tar Heel State…………

However and most importantly Obama’s endorsement also comes with other benefits……..

The vaunted data-driven machine that twice got President Barack Obama elected is revving up to help elect Hillary Clinton, as Democrats look to recreate the tactical advantage they used against Republicans in 2008 and 2012.

With Obama's popularity rebounding, Democrats have been eagerly awaiting the president's return to campaigning, and he'll hold his debut event for her Tuesday in North Carolina. ….

The crown jewel of Obama's machine, an email list of supporters that included 20 million addresses in 2012, is now fully available to Clinton……………..

Obama Campaign Machine Revving Up To Elect Clinton

The benefit Obama brings to HRC is beyond measure……..and may be the difference between a win or a landslide……

I'm sure Obama will help sway people's minds, especially the young people that voted for him and were extremely dissapointed at how he turned out. Oh wait.
Obama to join Clinton on the campaign trail next week in North Carolina

“President Obama will join Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail next week in the battleground state of North Carolina, the campaign of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee announced Wednesday.
Obama is scheduled to appear alongside Clinton, his former secretary of state, at a rally on Tuesday in Charlotte, the largest city in the Tar Heel State…………

However and most importantly Obama’s endorsement also comes with other benefits……..

The vaunted data-driven machine that twice got President Barack Obama elected is revving up to help elect Hillary Clinton, as Democrats look to recreate the tactical advantage they used against Republicans in 2008 and 2012.

With Obama's popularity rebounding, Democrats have been eagerly awaiting the president's return to campaigning, and he'll hold his debut event for her Tuesday in North Carolina. ….

The crown jewel of Obama's machine, an email list of supporters that included 20 million addresses in 2012, is now fully available to Clinton……………..

Obama Campaign Machine Revving Up To Elect Clinton

The benefit Obama brings to HRC is beyond measure……..and may be the difference between a win or a landslide……

Nothing like 8 years of failed policies, race baiting, and apologies to the world for the United States and its evil ways to win an election for someone who promises more of the same.
I'm sure Obama will help sway people's minds, especially the young people that voted for him and were extremely dissapointed at how he turned out. Oh wait.

You listen to the wrong folks who say so.........
Nothing like 8 years of failed policies, race baiting, and apologies to the world for the United States and its evil ways to win an election for someone who promises more of the same.

All talk based upon 8 years of BS from the RW...........

And the olny folks who believe what yall say is yall
All talk based upon 8 years of BS from the RW...........

And the olny folks who believe what yall say is yall

Why is the Left so free with the stereotypes they say they abhor?

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