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Obama speaking shortly (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
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Chicago Area
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He's behind schedule. Watching Fox.
Ah, the Baton Rouge Cops killed - got it!

I will read the transcript when it comes out. One hopes for a call for law and order, with conviction, but that is most certainly beyond this small man who so rarely judges things correctly.
I will read the transcript when it comes out. One hopes for a call for law and order, with conviction, but that is most certainly beyond this small man who so rarely judges things correctly.

No matter what he says, I'm sure you'll take issue with it.
No matter what he says, I'm sure you'll take issue with it.

I am a truth seeker and a truth teller, so your meter is malfunctioning.

I have never noticed you so I don't know you.

Does it ever work correctly?
Interesting. I didn't see the beginning but it seems that he didn't talk about guns, he didn't talk about "peaceful protest" and he didn't talk about disparities in the way the police treat the black community.
Interesting. I didn't see the beginning but it seems that he didn't talk about guns, he didn't talk about "peaceful protest" and he didn't talk about disparities in the way the police treat the black community.

He didn't. I liked his statement a lot, actually.
We as a nation have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies violence against law enforcement," Obama said, speaking from the White House press briefing room. "Attacks on police are an attack on all of us and the rule of law that makes society possible."
Obama on Baton Rouge: 'Cowards' attacked police - CNNPolitics.com

This is right.

"These are attacks on public servants, on the rule of law, and on civilized society, and they have to stop."

Right again.

Obama is one of those guys who has to do all the wrong things before he finally arrives at the right things, but when he finally does you find yourself cheering because you were not sure that he would ever make it.
I will read the transcript when it comes out. One hopes for a call for law and order, with conviction, but that is most certainly beyond this small man who so rarely judges things correctly.

A Trump voter lecturing anyone on "judging things correctly" is a marvelous thing.
A Trump voter lecturing anyone on "judging things correctly" is a marvelous thing.

Anybody listening, evaluating and then speaking their mind is a marvelous thing.

Something that one hopes a DP Volunteer knows.

But then again, maybe not.

OMG, the gunslinger who flies drones endlessly over the nether parts of our world is going to tell us that the violence must end, cease the violence, this is the President speaking. LOL
OMG, the gunslinger who flies drones endlessly over the nether parts of our world is going to tell us that the violence must end, cease the violence, this is the President speaking. LOL

He is certainly too compromised by bad behaviour to be effective in making a call to the rule of law. I mean he has to say it if he wants to retain a shred of decency while he finishes his mostly failed sit in OUR chair, but given his obvious moral flaws the words dont travel far.
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We have our divisions, and they are not new. Around-the-clock news cycles and social media sometimes amplify these divisions, and I know we’re about to enter a couple of weeks of conventions where our political rhetoric tends to be more overheated than usual.

This ****er always thinks most of the lack of respect from the little people toward the elite in general and himself in particular is is the result of a messaging problem rather than a reality problem, and that we are stupid to boot which is why we dont know this but he does. Screw the PRICK SUPREME.

And that is why it is so important that everyone -- regardless of race or political party or profession, regardless of what organizations you are a part of -- everyone right now focus on words and actions that can unite this country rather than divide it further
Again, **** YOU. How bout we talk turkey MKay? That would be a novel approach wouldn't it..

We don’t need inflammatory rhetoric

Wrong, as is the usual case with you.

some of which I participated in -- where I saw people of good will pledge to work together to reduce violence throughout all of our communities. That’s what’s needed right now.
Violence is the symptom, how bout some work on the problems? Oh right, you sit in DC, how dare I expect good work from you and your fellow morally challenged incompetents.

My fellow Americans, only we can prove, through words and through deeds, that we will not be divided
We are divided, something that the elite have been driving towards with their divide and conquer approaches ever since Slick Willey proved how well they can work. Congrats, Assholes. Stop all the lying, all of the insinuation that we are stupid, all of the acting like we are stupid and cant tell that you are lying to us.




The Professor should have subcontracted this speech out to Shrub, obviously.
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I thought it was an appropriate speech. I feel like we're hitting rock bottom with relations between police and inner city blacks and things are going to start getting better soon. I feel like much of the police abuse that used to happen has gone away as a result of phone video and the new body cameras that we'll be seeing more of, not to mention the intense national media scrutiny. And I feel the folks in the inner city who are vehemently anti-police are probably deep down sick of being victims...not so much of police but being told by so many people that they're victims in general, that it's always someone else's fault. I feel like they're going to want to take charge of their lives and maybe consider, as the Dallas police chief suggested, joining the force themselves, or at least policing themselves and loving one another better.
I thought it was an appropriate speech. I feel like we're hitting rock bottom with relations between police and inner city blacks and things are going to start getting better soon. I feel like much of the police abuse that used to happen has gone away as a result of phone video and the new body cameras that we'll be seeing more of, not to mention the intense national media scrutiny. And I feel the folks in the inner city who are vehemently anti-police are probably deep down sick of being victims...not so much of police but being told by so many people that they're victims in general, that it's always someone else's fault. I feel like they're going to want to take charge of their lives and maybe consider, as the Dallas police chief suggested, joining the force themselves, or at least policing themselves and loving one another better.

That thought is a riot considering that the D Party owns the Black Ass completely. If they were going to get uppity they would take a look at their other options, but they never do.
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He is certainly too compromised by bad behaviour to be effective in making a call to the rule of law. I mean he has to say it if he wants to retain a shred of decency while he finishes his mostly failed sit in OUR chair, but given his obvious moral flaws the words dont travel far.

IMO, by his actions he does not possess even a shred of decency. Words are very cheap Mr. Obama.

By his actions he practices violence on nearly a daily basis.

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