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Obama: Globalism will defeat terrorism... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Globalist elite cooperation can defeat the “chronic violence” that is caused by real jihadism in France and supposed racism in police forces, President Barack Obama told a roomful of foreign ambassadors July 15.

Globalist Obama: Terrorists, Racist Cops Are 'Chronic Impulses' to Be Defeated by Global Elites - Breitbart

Not only are terrorists the enemy to obama, so are many Americans.

"Allegedly" racist cops, civilian gun owners, the NRA. Anyone that he can scapegoat and misdirect from his multiple failed policies!

What a schuckster!
Globalist elite cooperation can defeat the “chronic violence” that is caused by real jihadism in France and supposed racism in police forces, President Barack Obama told a roomful of foreign ambassadors July 15.

Globalist Obama: Terrorists, Racist Cops Are 'Chronic Impulses' to Be Defeated by Global Elites - Breitbart

Not only are terrorists the enemy to obama, so are many Americans.

"Allegedly" racist cops, civilian gun owners, the NRA. Anyone that he can scapegoat and misdirect from his multiple failed policies!

What a schuckster!

just more right wing breitbart hate. nothing to see here as usual.

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