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Obama: Critics 'talk about me like a dog' (1 Viewer)


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Oct 1, 2005
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Well, he DID mess up his rug.

Obama: Critics 'talk about me like a dog' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

President Obama strayed from his prepared remarks at a Labor Day rally Monday to accused his opponents of talking about him "like a dog."

Obama was in Milwaukee to speak at the Milwaukee Laborfest, attended by Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. He used the speech to promote his $50 billion infrastructure plan and to criticize Republicans ahead of crucial midterm elections.

"Some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time and they're not always happy with me. They talk about me like a dog. That's not in my prepared remarks, but it's true," he told the union crowd.

The president isn't known to stray off prepared remarks, and also took a more aggressive tone in the speech.

"They’re betting that between now and November, you’ll come down with a case of amnesia," Obama said. "They think you’ll forget what their agenda did to this country. They think you’ll just believe that they’ve changed. These are the folks whose policies helped devastate our middle class and drive our economy into a ditch. And now they’re asking you for the keys back."

So, the most powerful man in the world is just another victim. So he says.

Interesting strategy leading up to an election where the prospects for his party don't look so good: whine and try to remind people of Bush.
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Sad state of affairs when the only thing Obama can think of to try to muster support for the Dems is "Bush sucks". last time I checked, Bush hasn't been POTUS for nearly 2 years.
Sad state of affairs when the only thing Obama can think of to try to muster support for the Dems is "Bush sucks". last time I checked, Bush hasn't been POTUS for nearly 2 years.

i think it's pretty funny that people think the ****ing mess bush left behind could be fixed in 2 years. oh well.
:lol: Awww, poor wittle Obama is gettin' picked on, whether what they're saying is fair or not, he should be able to handle it without complaint.
i think it's pretty funny that people think the ****ing mess bush left behind could be fixed in 2 years. oh well.

It's not his critics who kept saying the recovery was well underway, that we're moving in the "right direction," and that THIS would be "Recovery Summer."
"Some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time and they're not always happy with me. They talk about me like a dog. That's not in my prepared remarks, but it's true," he told the union crowd.

yeah that's what I like to see in a president. whining. :lol:
It's not his critics who kept saying the recovery was well underway, that we're moving in the "right direction," and that THIS would be "Recovery Summer."

so he was wrong. so? it's taking longer than expected. so?
so he was wrong. so? it's taking longer than expected. so?

I get it, liblady. Nothing Obama has done or ever will do can be fairly criticized. :roll: It is and always will be Bush's fault.
"Some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time and they're not always happy with me. They talk about me like a dog. That's not in my prepared remarks, but it's true," he told the union crowd.
yeah that's what I like to see in a president. whining. :lol:

All around the country, millions of dogs are saying "what the ****...did he just compare us???? thats BULL****!"

Yeah...daily this guy shows the class and maturity you would expect from a talentless whiny bitch. Cry racism because people are upset you have spent 4 trillion OVER your budget in less than 2 years. If people treat you like a dog maybe its because you are still acting like a 'present' voting state representative smoking crack in the back seat of a state owned limo.
so he was wrong. so? it's taking longer than expected. so?

Democrats have controlled every piece of legislation that has been signed by Bush OR Obama for 4 years. In 18 months Obama and co have spent 4 TRILLION dollars MORE than their budget...and have...what to show for it? Unemployment has steadily INCREASED. And none of those costs figure in the cost of healthcare...legislation which most democrats voted for without even reading and NOW are coming out saying its flawed. How many more years do you want to give them?
i think it's pretty funny that people think the ****ing mess bush left behind could be fixed in 2 years. oh well.

maybe not fixed, but you would at least expect things to get better...not worse. That is if Obama was better than Bush. what is funny is that the Obamanites still believe in him. He promised so very much and has delivered so very little.
maybe not fixed, but you would at least expect things to get better...not worse. That is if Obama was better than Bush. what is funny is that the Obamanites still believe in him. He promised so very much and has delivered so very little.

Oh but we can hope, oh yes we can...we can hope. :roll:
love the sig line. I was a HS teacher in Huntsville AL for 9 years until I just couldn't take it any longer. most of my students came from the Lincoln Park project. Hide yo kids, hide you wife!!!!
Maybe he meant Dogg?
Maybe he meant Dogg?

Could be...the normally very 'articulate clean black man' tends to put on a little bit of the backwoods accent when speaking to the common folk...
Could be...the normally very 'articulate clean black man' tends to put on a little bit of the backwoods accent when speaking to the common folk...

That's so he can appear to cling to his guns and religion just like them...trying to make a connection and all that.
i think it's pretty funny that people think the ****ing mess bush left behind could be fixed in 2 years. oh well.

Not all that funny, really. Sad, maybe, that so many conservatives are so ignorant. Nearly all my friends are conservatives, and some of them are stupid and/or racist. They know I am a moderate, but still they keep trying to drag me over to the dark side. I keep telling them how stupid it is to tell lies about Obama, as it doesn't help their cause. It just makes them look bad instead.
If they would stick to facts, there is plenty of blame to lay on the DEMS. OTOH, there is plenty of blame to lay on the GOP, and THAT is not what they want to hear.
None of my conservative friends are racist.... perhaps you should seek out new friends. ;) :2razz:
None of my conservative friends are racist.... perhaps you should seek out new friends. ;) :2razz:

agreed. I find it funny that if you are a conservative it is assumed that you must be a racist. I live in the south and some of the most ignorant, racist, bigoted, pieces of scum I have ever met are liberals.
None of my conservative friends are racist.... perhaps you should seek out new friends. ;) :2razz:
Perhaps you are mistaken about your friends....
When a guy uses the N word, especially about the POTUS, he is a racist.
I told one of them that we don't use that word in my house, so he stopped using it, at my house. I have heard him say it in his house, and at church. Conservatives like him we don't need....
That's so he can appear to cling to his guns and religion just like them...trying to make a connection and all that.

Its not working too well...other than the blind O-Bots that swallow anything he (or lets face it...ANY of their ideological leaders) feeds them, I think MOSt people see through the act and frankly...if you believe the polls...its wearing thin even to democrats.
When a guy uses the N word, especially about the POTUS, he is a racist.

So all these black guys running around calling each other "N" are racists? and why is it particularly racist to use the "N" word about the POTUS?
Perhaps you are mistaken about your friends....

OR I simply choose not to associate with racists. :shrug:

When a guy uses the N word, especially about the POTUS, he is a racist.
I told one of them that we don't use that word in my house, so he stopped using it, at my house. I have heard him say it in his house, and at church. Conservatives like him we don't need....

Why "especially about the POTUS" are other black folk not as black or something. this logic escapes me....

I think using the word about any black person regardless of stature is racist. :shrug:

And you are right, conservatives don't need friends like this one of yours. ;)
Not all that funny, really. Sad, maybe, that so many conservatives are so ignorant.

As I said, the White House itself has been leading the charge that we're well on the way to recovery, that this is the Recovery Summer, etc.

Does that make THEM "so ignorant" as well?

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